The webpack project is part of the OpenJS Foundation. The project operates transparently, openly, collaboratively, and ethically. Project proposals, timelines, and status must not merely be open, but also easily visible to outsiders.
The webpack project is a highly flexible and efficient module bundler for modern JavaScript applications. Its primary purpose is to transform and bundle various modules (JavaScript, CSS, images, etc.) into a format suitable for web applications. Webpack focuses on enhancing the developer experience, providing optimizations for production environments, and enabling configurations to support a wide range of use cases and edge cases for specific projects.
With this, webpack not only simplifies the process of managing application dependencies, but it also offers tools to optimize performance, maintainability, and scalability. The webpack community contributes solutions to common challenges in modern web development, helping developers streamline their workflows and build robust applications.
- Bundling JavaScript files and their dependencies into a single output (or multiple outputs) for browser environments
- Handling of asset files such as CSS, images, fonts, and other static resources
- Optimization of assets for production, including minification, compression, and tree shaking (removal of unused code)
- Enabling hot module replacement (HMR) for faster development feedback loops
- Configuration and extensibility through plugins and loaders
- Support for code splitting and lazy loading to enhance performance
- Integrating with modern JavaScript frameworks (e.g., React, Vue, Angular)
- Providing detailed build reports and debugging tools for development and production
- Supporting multiple output formats (e.g., AMD, CommonJS, ES Modules) for compatibility with various environments
- Community-driven tools and best practices provided through plugins and guides
- Technical help and discussions via community platforms such as GitHub Discussions
In addition to the main repository, webpack
(bundler), the organization maintains and manages several other core
projects that are integral to the ecosystem such as webpack-dev-server
, webpack-cli
, and webpack-contrib
These repositories, along with others housed within the
are owned by the webpack project.
- Testing frameworks (e.g., unit, integration, or end-to-end testing tools).
- APIs and tools that uses webpack in any way and are not in the webpack organization.
- Server-side rendering directly (although it can integrate with SSR frameworks).
-related frameworks and libraries that operate in their own capacity.
Most large, complex open source communities have both a business and a technical governance model. Technical leadership for the projects within the OpenJS Foundation is delegated to the projects through their project charters by the OpenJS Cross Project Council (CPC). In the case of the webpack project, it is delegated to the webpack Technical Steering Committee ("TSC"). OpenJS Foundation's business leadership is the Board of Directors (the "Board").
This charter can only be amended with the approval of the CPC.
TSC members can be either regular members or voting members. Regular members can attend meetings and participate in TSC discussions, but do not vote. Voting members can do everything regular members can do, and also have the ability to cast votes when consensus is not reached on an issue.
TSC memberships are not time-limited. There is no maximum size of the TSC. The TSC must have at least four voting members.
The TSC may add additional voting members to the TSC through meeting consensus. The consensus requires at least five TSC members to be present to approve a new voting member. A TSC member can be removed from the TSC by voluntary resignation or by consensus with at least five voting members to be present. A vote in a TSC meeting can be used to change a regular TSC member to a voting TSC member, or to change a voting TSC member to a regular TSC member.
No more than one-fourth of the TSC voting members may be affiliated with the same employer. If a change in TSC voting membership or a change of employment by a TSC voting member creates a situation where more than one-fourth of the TSC voting membership shares an employer, then the situation must be immediately remedied by the removal of voting member status from one or more TSC voting members affiliated with the over-represented employer(s).
The TSC shall meet regularly using tools that enable participation by the community (e.g. weekly on a Google Hangout On Air, or through any other appropriate means selected by the TSC). The meeting shall be directed by the TSC Chairperson. Responsibility for directing individual meetings may be delegated by the TSC Chairperson to any other TSC voting member. Minutes or an appropriate recording shall be taken and made available to the community through accessible public postings.
TSC voting members are expected to regularly participate in TSC meetings and issue triaging.
A TSC voting member is automatically converted to a TSC regular member if they do not participate in three consecutive TSC votes.
Subject to such policies as may be set by the CPC, the TSC voting members are responsible for all technical development within the webpack project, including:
- Setting release dates.
- Release quality standards.
- Technical direction.
- Project governance and process.
- GitHub repository management.
- Conduct and maintain guidelines defined by the OpenJS Foundation Cross Project Council.
- Maintaining the list of additional collaborators.
- Development process and any coding standards.
- Mediating technical conflicts between collaborators or
The TSC voting members will define webpack project's release vehicles.
The TSC voting members will establish and maintain a development process for the webpack project. The development process will establish guidelines for how the developers and community will operate. It will, for example, establish appropriate timelines for TSC review (e.g. agenda items must be published at least a certain number of hours in advance of a TSC meeting).
Note that project operations remain subject to any relevant policy or process specified by the OpenJS Foundation board or Cross Project Council.
These processes are described in webpack's GOVERNANCE document.
For webpack projects' decisions, Collaborators and TSC voting members shall operate under Lazy Consensus (consensus seeking). When an agenda item has appeared to reach a consensus, the moderator will ask "Does anyone object?" as a final call for dissent from the consensus. For all votes, a simple majority of all TSC voting members for, or against, the issue wins. A TSC voting member may choose to participate in any vote through abstention. Votes are needed to add new members, remove members from the TSC or deciding in project critical issues, such as roadmapping major versions of webpack core.
- Project: a technical collaboration effort, e.g. a subsystem, that is organized through the webpack organization creation.
This work is a derivative of the Node.js Project TSC Charter.