This model is created to analyze the effects of certain parameters (pedestrian density, stampede location, evacuation strategy,...) on the efficiency of an evacuation and the resulting victim count.
- Entities:
- Agents: Pedestrians
- Local environment: A room enclosed by walls with one exit in the center of the left wall.
- Global environment: None?
- Pedestrian state variables:
- Location
- Preferred strategy
- S1: Stay away from stampede location
- S2: Follow movement of neighbours
- S3: Follow a chosen direction until reaching a wall and evacuate following the wall
- Movement state
- U_e: Unaffected by stampede and can perceive exit
- U_n: Unaffected by stampede and can't perceive exit
- A_E: Affected by stampede and can perceive exit
- A_n: Affected by stampede and can't perceive exit
- C: Fallen down
- Scales:
- Temporal scale: Each time step represents the time it takes for a pedestrian to go to another cell, and the model is evaluated for 100 time steps. It is assumed to be 0.3 s, implying a walking speed of 1.33 m/s
- Spatial scale: Every cell is 0.4 x 0.4 m2, and the room is 12 x 12 m2, resulting in a 30 x 30 cell grid
(Description of all processes executed by the entities (pedestrians) + the order in which they're executed in pseudo-code)