The project should build fine in IntelliJ , since it uses Gradle , Open the project and you can run tests / regenerate api
If you expect to frequently run tests, you should set GITHUB_AUTH
environment variable to your GitHub username:password
. The
test uses the GitHub API to retrieve the latest
examples from the OAI/OpenAPI-Specification
repo (specifically,
folder examples/v3.0
in the master
branch), and rate limits are
severe for unauthenticated requests.
There's a GenOpenAPI3 Object which contains the function to run to generate the API again using the file types3.yaml
See the API Overview for a detailed description of the APIs offered by the parser, the serializer, and the model representation, including reference treatments.
You can take the parser for a spin with the following simple program, or of course explore with your own models.
The program parses each of the
example OpenAPI 3.0 models
currently available in the OAI/OpenAPI-Specification
GitHub Repo. In
each case, if validation succeeds, a summary of all the model's paths,
operations and operation parameters is printed. Otherwise, all
validation messages are printed.
At the time of this writing, validation fails on the
because that example does not include the required
and info
package test;
import com.reprezen.kaizen.oasparser.OpenApi3Parser
import com.reprezen.kaizen.oasparser.model3.OpenApi3
import com.reprezen.kaizen.oasparser.model3.Parameter
object GettingStarted {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
for (modelName: String in mutableListOf(
"api-with-examples", "callback-example", "link-example", "petstore",
"petstore-expanded", "uspto"
)) {
val modelUri: =
+ modelName + ".yaml"
private fun processModel(modelUri: {
val model: OpenApi3 = OpenApi3Parser().parse(modelUri)
java.lang.System.out.printf("== Model %s\n", modelUri)
private fun describeModel(model: OpenApi3) {
java.lang.System.out.printf("Title: %s\n", model.getInfo()?.getTitle())
for (path: com.reprezen.kaizen.oasparser.model3.Path in model.getPaths().values) {
java.lang.System.out.printf("Path %s:\n", com.reprezen.jsonoverlay.Overlay.of(path).pathInParent)
for (op: com.reprezen.kaizen.oasparser.model3.Operation in path.getOperations().values) {
" %s: [%s] %s\n", com.reprezen.jsonoverlay.Overlay.of(op).pathInParent?.uppercase(),
op.getOperationId(), op.getSummary()
for (param: com.reprezen.kaizen.oasparser.model3.Parameter in op.getParameters()) {
" %s[%s]:, %s - %s\n", param.getName(), param.getIn(), getParameterType(param),
private fun getParameterType(param: Parameter): String {
val schema = param.getSchema()
return schema?.getType() ?: "unknown"