The purpose of the Web Archive Collection Plan is to apply the things you have learned so far in this course and begin to think about building an actual web archive collection. The assignment is designed to give you experience in developing a collection plan that relates to a web archive that you will be building in the final project for this course. This assignment will make use of an existing set of collection planning guidelines that were introduced to you by Murray and Hsieh (2006).
For this assignment you will make use of the Collection Planning Guidelines by Murray and Hsieh that was introduced in the Collection Policies Module of this course. This set of guidelines provides information about what to include in a collection plan. While you should be familiar with the entirety of the document, Section 3, Creating a Web Collection Plan (p. 18), will be the place that you will really want to read closely. We will be developing our Collection Plans and including sections 1-4.
- Section 1. Mission & Scope
- Section 2. Selection Activities
- Section 3. Web Site Acquisition
- Section 4. Descriptive Metadata Requirements
This assignment will feed into your final project for this course, which involves the creation of a small web archive collection using the Conifer tool. More information about the final project will be released in a few weeks. For now, this assignment will start you thinking about building a web archive collection and the final project will follow up with actually doing the crawling.
For this assignment, you will be creating the Collection Policy for a collection of archived web pages. The exact topic of the collection is up to you. You can choose a topic or subject-based collection, event-based collection, or organizational collection. You will want to scope your collection large enough so that it can include at least 15 seed urls but you don’t want it too broad where it becomes infeasible to create as part of this course. Some sections (such as the Mission) might require you to get creative to complete. Feel free to use your imagination on these to either create a fictional organization that this collection belongs to, or feel free to develop it as part of another institution on their behalf.
For this assignment, you will need to identify 5-10 seed URLs you will include in your web archive collection. In addition to the seed URL you will include a description of why that seed has been included in this collection.
An example collection plan using these guidelines for the CyberCemetery is available for reference here.
The assignment should start with the title “Assignment 3: Web Archive Collection Plan” centered at the top of the first page.
The following layout as described by the Collection Planning Guidelines in its Appendix A. Web Collection Plan Outline (p. 41) is a good starting place for organizing your document.
Section 1. Mission & Scope
- Mission Statement
- User Group(s)
- Collection Subject, Theme, or Event
- Curator(s)
Section 2. Selection Activities
- Seed List
(Include 5-10 seed URLs for your web archive collection and include a description of why they are included in this collection. These will be used in the final project).
- URL(s)
- Brief Description(s)
- Initial Boundary Specification
- Depth of linked web pages within the seed URL host
- Inclusion or exclusion of linked web pages from external hosts for each seed URL host
- Depth of linked web pages from external hosts (if included)
- Rights Metadata
- Rights designation
- Rights metadata
- Linked and sourced objects
Section 3. Web Site Acquisition
- Frequency of Capture
- Date
- Interval
- Capture Boundaries
- Depth of linked web pages within the seed URL host
- Inclusion or exclusion of linked web pages from external hosts for each seed URL host
- Depth of linked web pages from external hosts (if included)
- Material Types & Formats
- Excluded types
- Excluded formats
- Interactive & Dynamic Content
- Authentication (username/password)
- Email links
- Forms
- Database-generated pages (based on user queries)
- Dynamically or programmatically generated web pages
Section 4. Descriptive Metadata Requirements
- Level of Description
- Collection Level
- Web Site Level
- Information object level
- Metadata elements
- Essential
- Desirable
- Controlled vocabularies
Any references cited within the document. Use APA standards for citations. Use an online source (Purdue OWL) for specifics about APA.
4-5 pages of textual content, font-size 11 pt, double spaced with 1 inch margins throughout the document. Include page numbers in the bottom right side of the footer. Each of the four sections for this document should fill roughly a page.
The title for the assignment should be centered horizontally at the top of the first page (just like this document). Sections should be bolded and slightly larger than the 11pt font used in the rest of the document. I suggest using the Headings available in most word processing tools.
Feel free to include screenshots as needed to provide examples or highlight points.
Use APA standards for citations. Use an online source (Purdue OWL) for specifics about APA.
Put your last name in the upper right margin. Include pagination in the bottom margin.
Name the document Assignment3_lastname.docx, Assignment3_lastname.doc, or Assignment3_lastname.odf depending on which tool you use. You will submit this to the Major Assignment: Web Archive Collection Plan in Canvas.
Design (10 points)
- Does the document follow the specific instructions for the assignment?
- Does the document contain a title and section headings?
- Does the document contain the correct information in the header and footer?
- Does the document use appropriate margins, line spacing, and font size?
- Is the document’s length appropriate based on the instructions?
Content (30 points)
- Does the document introduce the mission and scope of the collection?
- Does the document identify the collection focus such as subject, theme, or event?
- Does the document have at least five seed URLs and descriptions?
- Does the document discuss the frequency of capture and capture scope?
- Does the document include information about metadata elements?
Linking and Citations (5 points)
- Does the document have at least five seed URLs and descriptions?
- Does the document include necessary citations?
- Does the document include properly formatted citations?
Delivery (5 points)
- Was the document submitted to the correct assignment module on Canvas?
- Was the document submitted on time?
- Was the document submitted in the correct file format (.doc, .docx, .odf)?
- Was the document submitted with the correct file name?