Authentication happens through the GraphqlController
, right now this
uses the same authentication as the Rails application. So the session
can be shared.
It is also possible to add a private_token
to the querystring, or
Fields can be authorized using the same abilities used in the Rails
app. This can be done using the authorize
module Types
class QueryType < BaseObject
graphql_name 'Query'
field :project, Types::ProjectType, null: true, resolver: Resolvers::ProjectResolver do
authorize :read_project
The object found by the resolve call is used for authorization.
This works for authorizing a single record, for authorizing collections, we should only load what the currently authenticated user is allowed to view. Preferably we use our existing finders for that.
When exposing a model through the GraphQL API, we do so by creating a
new type in app/graphql/types
When exposing properties in a type, make sure to keep the logic inside the definition as minimal as possible. Instead, consider moving any logic into a presenter:
class Types::MergeRequestType < BaseObject
present_using MergeRequestPresenter
name 'MergeRequest'
An existing presenter could be used, but it is also possible to create a new presenter specifically for GraphQL.
The presenter is initialized using the object resolved by a field, and the context.
To find objects to display in a field, we can add resolvers to
Arguments can be defined within the resolver, those arguments will be made available to the fields using the resolver.
We already have a FullPathLoader
that can be included in other
resolvers to quickly find Projects and Namespaces which will have a
lot of dependant objects.
To limit the amount of queries performed, we can use BatchLoader
full stack tests for a graphql query or mutation live in
When adding a query, the a working graphql query
shared example can
be used to test if the query renders valid results.
Using the GraphqlHelpers#all_graphql_fields_for
-helper, a query
including all available fields can be constructed. This makes it easy
to add a test rendering all possible fields for a query.