- #155: DateTime, DateTimeOffset, and Guid values in Examples
- #423: Link against xUnit.net 2.4
- #428: upgrade from SourceLink 2.5.0 to 2.8.0
- #186: Introduce a BeforeAfterScenarioAttribute
- #196: [BREAKING] Async teardowns
- #263: [BREAKING] Step context for teardowns
- #298: Source stepping
- #300: Support .NET Standard 1.1 (including .NET Core 1.0 onwards)
- #371: Consistent package id's and titles
- #375: [BREAKING] Link against xUnit.net 2.3.x
- #388: Use improved argument formatter from xUnit.net 2.3
- #397: Support example skipping
- #51: [BREAKING] Switch to xUnit.net 2.0
- #146: IStepContext metadata
- #238: 'x' method
- #245: Steps which follow a failed a step are skipped
- #247: OnFailure
- #254: StepDefinition filter attributes