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Spring Cloud Lab - Slot Machine Service

A simple Spring Cloud "Slot Machine" 🍒 🍒 🍒 application, demonstrating Spring Boot development and common cloud / microservice patterns.

The lab consists of a number of interconntected components including:

  • A Slot Machine Service
  • A Random Number Service
  • A Service Registry (using Eureka)
  • A Configuration Setting Server
  • A Circuit Breaker implementation (using Hystrix)
  • A Hystrix Dashboard for monitoring applications

Demo Requirements

Access to Maven Repositories

If your computer has firewall restrictions, this may require updates to the following file:


Consult your boss / lead if needed ..

Maven installed and available on commandline

You can check by running mvn from the commandline.

In-lieu of installing the Maven tool, you can run the Maven Wrapper .. though note that it requires non-firewalled access to pull down it's dependencies,

$ ./mvnw spring-boot:run

Your Java IDE of choice ..

I recommend Intellij .. The Community addition is free.

Demo Troubleshooting

Timeout or connection issues during the build process

This is most likley caused by firewall issues on your computer (espeically likley with corporate provided laptops). Your company has likely provided you with work arounds, probably involing firewall configuration in the ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml .. Consult your boss.

Port already in use

Something else is already using the specified port in the file. You can either terminate it, or change the port to something else in the properties file. Via a browser, you can check what is currently using the port.

Project is not opening correctly in your IDE (including jav files are not accessible)

Ensure that your are importing the project via Maven Pom.xml , instead of just opening files in your IDE. Importing will ensure that the IDE correctly configured the project for Java Development. Using Eclipse , you will need to open up the Maven subcategory when importing the project.

0 - Initial setup

Create the root project directory

$ mkdir spring-cloud-lab

Subsequent projects / services will be places within this folder as they are generated using the Spring Initlizer quickstart generator.

A number of seperate Java projects will be created.

To faciliate testing, it is a good idea to keep a seperate console and IDE window open for each Java project.

1 - Create the Random Number Service

1.1 - Generate a Spring Boot Template from

Stick to the default settings, however update:

  • artifact name to random-number-service
  • for dependencies add Web, Actuator

1.2 - Download the project folder into our spring-cloud-lab directory

1.3 - Open the project by importing the generated pom.xml with your IDE of choice

1.4 - Update the code base

Implement a /randomNumber endpoint that returns a random integer.

This can be done by creating a RandomNumberController Java class file with:

public class RandomNumberController {

    public int getRandomNumber(){
        return new Random().nextInt();

1.5 - Run the application (from /spring-cloud-lab/random-number-service)

$ mvn spring-boot:run

1.6 - Test the /randomNumber endpoint at localhost:8080/randomNumber

You should see a randomly generated number response.

2 - Create the Slot Machine Service

2.1 - Generate a Spring Boot Template from

Stick to the default settings, however update:

  • artifact name to slot-machine-service
  • for dependencies add Web, Actuator

2.2 - Download the project folder into our spring-cloud-lab directory

2.3 - Open the project by importing the generated pom.xml with your IDE of choice

2.4 - Update the code base

Update the file to not have a conflicting port with our Random Number Service.


Implement a /spin endpoint that returns 3 random slot machine symbols. i.e. Cherry, Bar, Orange, Plum, etc

For example:

  • Cherry Cherry Cherry
  • Bar Orange Plum
  • Orange Orange Cherry

This can be done by creating a SlotMachineController class file with:

public class SlotMachineController {

    private RestTemplate restTemplate;
    private static final String[] slotMachineSymbols = {"Cherry", "Bar", "Orange", "Plum"};

    public SlotMachineController(RestTemplate restTemplate){
        this.restTemplate = restTemplate;

    public String spin(){
        return "? ? ? "; //TODO implement me !
        //Example Rest Call:
        //restTemplate.getForObject("http://localhost:8080/randomNumber", Integer.class);


Also add a RestTemplate Bean to our SlotMachineServiceApplication class:

public class SlotMachineServiceApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
    RestTemplate restTemplate() {
        return new RestTemplate();


Implement your own solution to generate the random slot spin result at the TODO mark (in SlotMachineController) .. or scroll down for one such solution.

public String spin(){
    return String.format("%s %s %s", getSingleSpinResult(), getSingleSpinResult(), getSingleSpinResult());

private String getSingleSpinResult(){
    int randomNumber = restTemplate.getForObject("http://localhost:8080/randomNumber", Integer.class);
    return slotMachineSymbols[Math.abs(randomNumber % slotMachineSymbols.length)];

BONUS - Add additional code to append winning status - for example "Cherry Cherry Cherry - You're a winner!!"

2.5 - Run the application (from /spring-cloud-lab/slot-machine-service)

$ mvn spring-boot:run

2.6 - Test the spin endpoint at localhost:8081/spin

You should get a randomly generated slot machine response.

3 - Create the Service Registry

3.1 - Generate a Spring Boot Template from

Stick to the default settings, however update:

  • artifact name to service-registry
  • for dependencies add EurekaServer, Actuator

3.2 - Download the project folder into our spring-cloud-lab directory

3.3 - Open the project by importing the generated pom.xml with your IDE of choice

3.4 - Update the code base

We need to add the @EnableEurekaServer annoation to the ServiceRegistryApplication class file

public class ServiceRegistryApplication {

Update the file to turn-off self-registry and configure Euruka to use the standard Euraka port of 8761 instead of the Spring Boot default of 8080


3.5 - Run the application (from /spring-cloud-lab/service-registry)

$ mvn spring-boot:run

3.6 - Open the Service Registry Eureka Dashboard at localhost:8761

You should see the Eureka main page.

4 - Update the Random Number and Slot Machine Services to use the Service Registry

4.1 - Update both service's pom.xml build scripts with required Eureka dependencies.

Add the Eureka dependency:

    <!-- exisitng dependencies are here -->

Ensure the Spring-Cloud dependency block is present:



Addd the spring-cloud-version definition if needed:


4.2 - Update the code base

Add the @EnableDiscoveryClient annoation to both service's Application class files i.e. :

public class SlotMachineServiceApplication {

Explicity set the property in the files for each service:

Random Number Service 

Slot Machine Service 

Update the Slot Machine Service RestTemplate code to enable Service Discovery:

Add the @LoadBalanced annoation to the RestTemplate Bean.

RestTemplate restTemplate() {
    return new RestTemplate();

Update the RestTemplate call to use the service name (random-number-service) instead of address and port (localhost:8080).


4.3 - Restart both services (Slot Machine Service and Random Number Service)

For both service directories .. kill the existing processes (Ctrl-C) and restart:

$ mvn spring-boot:run

4.4 - Confirm registration of both Services in the Eureka portal at localhost:8761

You should see both the Random-Number-Service and Slot-Machine-Service listed under Instances currently registered with Eureka.

4.5 - Test the spin endpoint at localhost:8081/spin

You should see a randomly generated slot machine response.

5 - Enable a Circuit Breaker implementation for the Slot Machine Service

5.1 - Add the Hystrix dependency to the Slot Machine Service dependecy block in the pom.xml

    <!-- exisitng dependencies are here -->

5.2 - Update the code base

Add the @EnableCircuitBreaker annotation to the SlotMachineServiceApplication class

public class SlotMachineServiceApplication {

Add the @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "defaultResult") annotation the the spin method

@HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "defaultSpinResult")
    public String spin(){

Implement a default result method in the Slot Machine Controller

private String defaultSpinResult() {
    return "? ? ?";

5.3 - Restart the Slot Machine Serivce

$ mvn spring-boot:run

5.4 - Confirm Circuit Breaker functionality

Terminate the Random Number Service via the command line (Ctrl-C).

Attempt to call the localhost:8081/spin endpoint on the Slot Machine Service.

You should see the default fail back response of "? ? ?" in-lieu of a complete failure.

Restart the Random Number Service.

Try the /spin endpoint again .. eventually it will re-enable communication with the now healthly Random Number Service -- the default wait time is 5 seconds.

6 - Create the Config Server

6.1 - Generate a Spring Boot Template from

Stick to the default settings, however update:

  • artifact name to config-server
  • for dependencies add Config Server, Actuator

6.2 - Download the project folder into our spring-cloud-lab directory

6.3 - Open the project by importing the generated pom.xml with your IDE of choice

6.4 - Update the code base

We need to add the @EnableConfigServer annoation to the ConfigServerApplication class file

public class ConfigServerApplication {

Update the file to use the conventioal config port of 8888 instead of the Spring Boot default of 8888. Enable the native profile to load configuration from local files / class path instead of the the GIT default. Add an config server search location for /configs/application path.


Add some random test settings to a Slot Machine Service file.

In the /src/main/resources folder of the Config Server .. create a configs and a slot-machine-service directory and add an file. i.e. /src/main/resources/configs/slot-machine-service/

Add some settings:


6.5 - Run the application (from /spring-cloud-lab/config-server)

$ mvn spring-boot:run

6.6 - Attempt to load default configuration settings for the Slot Machine Service via localhost:8888/slot-machine-service/default

You should see our created slot-machine-service test settings.

7 - Update the Slot Machine Services to use the Config Server

7.1 - Update the services's pom.xml build script with requireed Config dependency.

    <!-- exisitng dependencies are here -->

7.2 - Override a Slot Machine Service setting using the Config Server

In the configs/slot-machine-service/ of the Config Server , add an existing Slot Machine Setting with a differnt value:

7.3 - Restart the Slot Machine Serivce

$ mvn spring-boot:run

7.4 - Confirm loading of the updated setting

At the beginiing of the Slot Machine Service console initlization, you should see that the congifuration was loaded: Fetching config from server at: http://localhost:8888

In the case of the update, this should be reflected both the the Eureka service listings, and in the initial console initailzaition for Slot Machine Service.

8 - Create the Hystrix Dashboard Server

8.1 - Generate a Spring Boot Template from

Stick to the default settings, however update:

  • artifact name to hystrix-dashboard
  • for dependencies add Hystrix Dashboard, Actuator

8.2 - Download the project folder into our spring-cloud-lab directory

8.3 - Open the project by importing the generated pom.xml with your IDE of choice

8.4 - Update the code base

We need to add the @EnableHystrixDashboard annoation to the HystrixDashboardApplication class file

public class HystrixDashboardApplication {

Update the file to use a differnt port instead of the Spring Boot default of 8888.


8.5 - Run the application (from /spring-cloud-lab/hystrix-dashboard)

$ mvn spring-boot:run

8.6 - Configure the Hystrix Dashboard at http://localhost:8083/hystrix

Add the Slot Machine Service Hystrix stream for monitoring : http://localhost:8081/

8.7 - Make some Slot Machine Service /spin calls and monitor the usage in the Hystrix Dashboard

9 - Externalize the Slot Machine symbol values (defined in the Slot Machine controller)

What we want is to have the slot machine symbol values i.e. bell cherry plum etc defined in properties files instead of hardcored in the source file.

9.1 - Replace the inline setting of the slotMachineSymbols array in the SlotMachineController with loading from the file.

private String[] slotMachineSymbols;

9.2 - Define the new possible slot machine symbol values in the Slot Machine Controller file:


9.3 - Verify the new implemention is working ..

9.4 - Define a different set of possible slot machine symbol values in the Slot Machine Controller file in the Config Server:


9.5 - Verify the Slot Machine Controller is getting it's symbol values from the Config Server

You will need to restart both the Slot Machine Service and the Config Server

9.6 - Allow for updates of these symbol values in the Slot Machine Service without restarting the Slot Machine Service

You will need to add @RefreshScope to the SlotMachineController :

public class SlotMachineController {

Note that this code change will not automatically refresh the context. We still need to tell the application to refresh it's variables. This is accomplished via the /refresh endpoint. Make a Post call to this endpoint (via curl), to force the application to redownload it's variables. Note that a browser call won't work by default as it's a Get call (in which case you will see a Method Not Allowed error).

$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8081/refresh 

You will get a 401 unauthorized error .. the /refresh endpoint is by default locked-down .. To disable it, at the following to the Slot Machine Controller

Note that for testing purposes this is fine .. but for production you will not want to disable security for critical actuator endpoints.

9.5 - Verify the Slot Machine Controller is corretly getting updated symbol values without a restart

Update the values in the Config Server.

Restart the Config Server.

Call the /refresh endpoint on the Slot Machine Service.

Call the /spin endpoint and verify that the new values are called.

10 - Update the Config Server to use the Registry Service , and for the Slot Machine Service to identify the Config Server via Eureka

By default, Spring Boot will look for the Configuration Server at localhost:8888 .. we want to change this so that our Service Registry determines tracks the URL, and correctly provides this information to the Slot Machine Service.

10.1 - Change the Config Server port to a non-standard port address (in the file)


4.2 - Update Config Servers pom.xml build script with required Eureka dependency:

Add the Eureka dependency:

    <!-- exisitng dependencies are here -->

10.3 - Update the Config Server Code Base

Add the @EnableDiscoveryClient annoation in the Application class file i.e. :

public class ConfigServerApplication {

Explicity set the property in the file:


After a restart, you should know see the config-service show up in the Service Registry at http://localhost:8761.

10.4 - Update the Slot Machine Code Base

Configure the Service to load configuration from config-server. In the file, add the property.



10.5 - Verify the Slot Machine Controller is corretly getting updated symbol values

You will need to restart affected Services.

11 - Simplify the Development process of the Slot Machine Service .. by automatically restarting the Service when a build happens.

Currently everytime we make a code change, we require a restart of the Slot Machine Service for the changes to take effect. Using spring-boot-devtools we can automated this process.

11.1 - Add the Devtools dependency to the Slot Machine Service pom.xml

    <!-- exisitng dependencies are here -->

11.2 - Verify the Live Reloading works

Restart the Slot Machine Service.

Make some Random Slot Machine Service code changes .. Can be something as simple as a System.out.println on the spin endpoint.

Build the update code .. in Intellij this is "Build Project"

Verifiy that the Slot Machine Service was automatically restarted (in console), and verify that your random changes have taken effect.

12 - BONUS - Add Integration Tests with Mocking and actual invokation of endpoints using a random port.

13 - BONUS - Implement a distributed tracing solution using Spring Cloud Sleuth

14 - BONUS - Secure the communication between the Random Number Service and the Slot Machine Service using Spring Security.

15 - BONUS - Add a Database compoment -- save each spin state, including the date.

Demo DB Migrations .. and DB Testing (Spock can be a good candidate here)