A minimal Vespa Cloud application for deployment into a Production zone - with basic Java-tests.
An application using Java test code must be deployed using the procedure for production deployment with components - steps:
vespa config set target cloud
vespa config set application mytenant.myapp.myinstance
vespa auth login
mvn clean
vespa auth cert -f
mvn vespa:compileVersion -Dtenant=mytenant -Dapplication=myapp
mvn -U package -Dvespa.compile.version="$(cat target/vespa.compile.version)"
vespa prod deploy
Develop tests using an instance in the Dev zone.
Use the Console and upload target/application.zip
built in the steps above - use "default" instance name.
mvn test -D test.categories=system \
-D vespa.test.config=ext/test-config.json \
-D dataPlaneCertificateFile=data-plane-public-cert.pem \
-D dataPlaneKeyFile=data-plane-private-key.pem
mvn test -D test.categories=staging-setup \
-D vespa.test.config=ext/test-config.json \
-D dataPlaneCertificateFile=data-plane-public-cert.pem \
-D dataPlaneKeyFile=data-plane-private-key.pem
mvn test -D test.categories=staging \
-D vespa.test.config=ext/test-config.json \
-D dataPlaneCertificateFile=data-plane-public-cert.pem \
-D dataPlaneKeyFile=data-plane-private-key.pem
One can also use a local instance:
mvn test -D test.categories=system -D vespa.test.config=ext/test-config-local.json
mvn test -D test.categories=staging-setup -D vespa.test.config=ext/test-config-local.json
mvn test -D test.categories=staging -D vespa.test.config=ext/test-config-local.json
See Vespa Cloud Automated Deployments for an overview of production deployments.