💡 This example will show how to retrieve the previous value and compute trends for a specific data partition.
The source table (fake_stocks
) is backed by the faker
connector, which continuously generates fake stock quotation in memory based on Java Faker expressions.
In this recipe we're going to create a table which contains stock ticker updates for which we want to determine if the new stock price has gone up or down compared to its previous value.
First we create the table, then use a select statement including the LAG function to retrieve the previous stock value. Finally using the case
statement in the final select we compare the current stock price against the previous value to determine the trend.
CREATE TABLE fake_stocks (
stock_name STRING,
stock_value double,
log_time AS PROCTIME()
) WITH (
'connector' = 'faker',
'fields.stock_name.expression' = '#{regexify ''(Deja\ Brew|Jurassic\ Pork|Lawn\ \&\ Order|Pita\ Pan|Bread\ Pitt|Indiana\ Jeans|Thai\ Tanic){1}''}',
'fields.stock_value.expression' = '#{number.randomDouble ''2'',''10'',''20''}',
'fields.log_time.expression' = '#{date.past ''15'',''5'',''SECONDS''}',
'rows-per-second' = '10'
WITH current_and_previous as (
lag(stock_value, 1) over (partition by stock_name order by log_time) previous_value
from fake_stocks
select *,
when stock_value > previous_value then '▲'
when stock_value < previous_value then '▼'
else '='
end as trend
from current_and_previous;