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Telos DEX - API

This is an exhaustive list of all actions in the contract and a minor description of the parameters.



The contracts cannot manipulate your tokens directly(*). Therefore, you need to transfer your tokens to the core contract and then use our money in the contract. In this case you need to deposit funds before creating any order.

The singning account (owner) withdraws own tokens from the Telos DEX contract.

ACTION withdraw(name owner, const asset & quantity, uint64_t client)
param description
owner account name of the owner of this tokens
quantity amount of tokens to withdraw from the contract (use the real token's precision)
client user interface id used by the owner

Once any registered token has been deposited into the DEX contract, it can be transferred to other users just like the real tokens. The only two differences are: the action name is not transfer but swapdeposit, and the second one is that the contract receiving the action (and performing the transfer) is not the tokens' contract but the Telos DEX contract. That means that all deposit swaps are made inside Telos DEX contract and must be withdrawn at some point.

ACTION swapdeposit(name from, name to, const asset & quantity, string memo)
param description
from who's sending the tokens
to who must receive it
quantity how much of what tokens should be sent
memo optional text that will bo no stored in ram

This is a private action which means only the contract itself can push. It transfers, from the Telos DEX contract to the UI receiver account, the number of tokes that quantity says.

ACTION deps2earn(const uint64_t client, const asset & quantity)
param description
client id of client that will earn the tokens
quantity how much of what tokens will be earn by the ui

This is a private action which means only the contract itself can push. It rewards the a user with points and experience.

ACTION reward(name user, const asset & points, const asset & exp)
param description
user user who is earning the rewards
points amount of points to give this user temporarily
exp amount of experience to give this user permanently


In order to exchange tokens with other user, you must have some deposits in the contract. Then you can create and cancel buy and sell orders. If another user likes your offer, a deals is made and you trade your tokens at the exchange ratio you defined (known as price).

This action is meant to be pushed by the users from a registered client. Anybody can buy or sell a total of any commodity token at a given price in any currency token.

ACTION order(name owner, name type, const asset & total, const asset & price, uint64_t client)
param description
owner user creating an order
type word 'buy' or 'sell' indicating the intention of the order
total the total amount of commodity tokens offered or required
price price of each commodity token expressed in any currency token
client id of the user client by the owner

This actions is ment to be pushed by the users from a registered UI. Anybody can cancel any previously created order. If all the orders belong to the same market, they can be all included in the same orders' list to cancel.

ACTION cancel(name owner, name type, const symbol_code & commodity, const symbol_code & currency, const std::vector<uint64_t> & orders)
param description
owner user canceling some orders
type word 'buy' or 'sell' indicating what kind of order was
commodity what was the commodity token involved
currency what was the currency token involved
orders list of ids of all the orders to be cancel


Any standard token deployed on Telos blockchain can be registered in Telos DEX by its creator or issuer, becoming the token's admin inside Telos DEX. All tokens registered can have their own info-page and can be traded in Telos DEX unless they are blacklisted.

By default the TLOS token is settted as currency en the main token group (with id zero). More currencies can be added to the main token group but only by DAO functionalities (unig Telos Decide). All aother token groups ar private and can be managed by their admins/creators.

All the token activity can trigger events to be andeled aouside th DEX by another contract. This can be configured by the admins.

This action allows anyone token creator or issuer to register the token in Telos DEX.

ACTION addtoken (name contract, const symbol_code & symbol, uint8_t precision, name admin, string title, string website, string brief, string banner, string icon, string iconlg, string pcontact, string gcontact, bool tradeable)
param description
contract name of the contract in which the token is deployed
symbol symbol code of the contract (the name in caps next to the amount)
precision how many digits must be used for fractions
admin name of the admin of the token inside Telos DEX
title the name of the token or the project behind the token
website website url
brief brief description of the token. Some markdown and basic HTML can be used for rich-text
banner very wide header banner image url
icon small square image url (from 16px to 32px)
iconlg big square image url (from 64px 1o 512px)
pcontact free text to indicate a wey of contact the person responsible for this token. A telegram Link is strongly recommended (
gcontact free text to indicate a wey of contact the community gruop where everybody participates in public way. A telegram group link is strongly recommended (
tradeable indicates if the token is allowed to be traded or it must be only listed just to be shown

All the token data of any registered token can be updated by the admin. This time the admin can change the default list of token groups this token is allowed to participate. The default is that all tokens can participate in market zero (0).

ACTION updatetoken (const symbol_code & sym_code, string title, string website, string brief, string banner, string icon, string iconlg, string pcontact, string gcontact, vector<uint64_t> groups, bool tradeable)
param description
sym_code symbol code that identifies the token inside the Telos DEX
title the name of the token or the project behind the token
website website url
brief brief description of the token. Some markdown and basic HTML can be used for rich-text
banner very wide header banner image url
icon small square image url (from 16px to 32px)
iconlg big square image url (from 64px 1o 512px)
pcontact free text to indicate a wey of contact the person responsible for this token. A telegram Link is strongly recommended (
gcontact free text to indicate a wey of contact the community gruop where everybody participates in public way. A telegram group link is strongly recommended (
groups list of token groups in which this token is allowed to participate. Default is [0]
tradeable indicates if the token is allowed to be traded or it must be only listed just to be shown

This action change the token admin.

ACTION tokenadmin (const symbol_code & sym_code, name admin)
param description
sym_code symbol code that identifies the token
admin new admin account name

This is a private action which means only the contract itself can push. It sets a token as a currency for the token group zero. The token group zero is the only one that needs DAO approval, currencies in other token groups are managed by the token group admin alone.

ACTION setcurrency (const symbol_code & sym_code, bool is_currency)
param description
sym_code symbol code that identifies the token
is_currency boolean indicating if the token should be set as currency or removed from being one
token_group id of the token group in which this token should be added or removed as currency

Each token registered in Telos DEX can have its own list of extra data that can be used to enrich the token's page.

ACTION settokendata (const symbol_code & sym_code, uint64_t id, name action, name category, string text, string link)
param description
sym_code symbol code that identifies the token
id id of the entry in the table of tokendata
action the word 'add', 'remove' or 'update' can be used to specify what kind of action must be performed
text texto to show
link link to use
shownas a word describing how to use the link when shown ('youtube', 'twitter', 'link', 'image')

Each token registered in Telos DEX can trigger events for other contracts to react when some operations occur inside Telos DEX. The token admin can register a list of events (that wants to react to) and for each, an account name in which a contract should implement a handler for the event.

ACTION edittkevent (const symbol_code & sym_code, name event, name action, name contract)
param description
sym_code symbol code that identifies the token
event a word inentifying the internal event to react to (withdraw, deposit, swapdeposit, order, cancel, deal)
action the word 'add', 'remove' or 'update' can be used to specify what kind of action must be performed
contract account name of the contract that will handles the event

Anyone can create a token group but only the token admins can add or remove their tokens from a token group. This action allows anyone to create a group and set the list of currencies for this group (the currencies must be added to the group by their admins).

ACTION addtnkgroup (name admin, string title, string website, string brief, string banner, string thumbnail, vector<symbol_code> currencies)
param description
admin account name of the admin
title title for the token group
website website url
brief brief description of the token group. Some markdown and basic HTML can be used for rich-text
banner very wide header banner image url
thumbnail small rectangular thumbnail image url

Thia action allows to update the token group data.

ACTION uptnkgroup (uint64_t group_id, name admin, string title, string website, string brief, string banner, string thumbnail)
param description
group_id id of the group
admin account name of the admin
title title for the token group
website website url
brief brief description of the token group. Some markdown and basic HTML can be used for rich-text
banner very wide header banner image url
thumbnail small rectangular thumbnail image url

Thia action allows to update the token group data.

ACTION chnggroups (const symbol_code & sym_code, vector<uint64_t> groups)
param description
sym_code symbol code that identifies the token
groups list of token groups in which this token is allowed to participate. Default is [0]


Telos DEX can have multiple clients and user interfaces. Anyone that imlpements a client should register it in the DEX and start earning fees from all the its users.

Register a new client for the DEX.

ACTION addclient (name admin, name receiver, string params, string title, string website, string brief, string banner, string thumbnail)
param description
admin account name of the client's admin
receiver account name of the account to transfer all fees earned
params string to include in the memo of the transfer (for handling)
title name of the client
website website url
brief brief description of the user interface. Some markdown and basic HTML can be used for rich-text
banner very wide header banner image url
thumbnail small rectangular thumbnail image url

Update client data.

ACTION updateclient (uint64_t client, name admin, name receiver, string params, string title, string website, string brief, string banner, string thumbnail)
param description
client client id
admin account name of the client's admin
receiver account name of the account to transfer all fees earned
params string to include in the memo of the transfer (for handling)
title name of the client
website website url
brief brief description of the user interface. Some markdown and basic HTML can be used for rich-text
banner very wide header banner image url
thumbnail small rectangular thumbnail image url


Many of the configuration values of Telos DEX can be adjusted by DAO functionalities using Telos Decide. Who ever initiates a ballot to make a change on the sistem sould must pay the Telos Decide fees for creating a ballot. Those fees will be taken from the user's deposits and not from the user liquid balance.

Creates a query on Telos Decide about whether or not to perform one of the possible operations configured by the parameter list.

ACTION balloton (name operation, vector<string> params, string arguments, name feepayer)
param description
operation a word identifying on of the many operation to perform (bantoken, savetoken, makerfee, takerfee, setcurrency, historyprune, hblockprune, eventsprune, pointsprune, ballotsprune, approvalmin, regcost)
params list of strings contaigning where each of them is parseable and a specific typed value can be extracted (like assets or symbol_codes)
arguments A string agruing about the need or reason for this ballot.
feepayer account name of the Telos Decide fees for creating a ballot


Executed just once to initialize the contract state. It creates the main token group registering TLOS token and setting it as currency for this token group zero.

ACTION init ()

This action can be executed by anyone and should never fail. It performes a maintenance task to prune expired entries from history logs and clean up markets data for blacklisted tokens.

ACTION maintenance (name credits_to)
param description
credits_to name of the user to reward in recognition for the maintenance help


Telos DEX reacts to transfers and ballots on the Telos Decide system and the handlers solve part of the interaction.

This handles de transfer event to register a deposit from a user.

HANDLER htransfer(name from, name to, asset quantity, string  memo )

This handles the ending of a ballot in Telos Decide created by Telos DEX for DAO capabilities.

HANDLER hbroadcast(name ballot_name, map<name, asset> final_results, uint32_t total_voters) 


Debugging and development action tools


ACTION hotfix (int max, name scope, asset q)


ACTION testdao (name ballot_name, map<name, asset> final_results, uint32_t total_voters)


ACTION timeoffset (uint32_t offset)

(*) There's an exception to that and that occurs when the token is implemented in the same contract,