(for upgrade informations, see UPGRADE.md)
- a bug fix due to the new URL pattern
- there was a regression with RSS feed URLs. It is now fixed and there is a test assuring this bug will never come back. It is part of the new 0.1.2 version. Sorry!
- the "comment" link in admin now works as expected and shows all comments from your Disqus account;
- changed URL pattern, now without mount point (say "/" or "/blog") (fix for jipiboily#64 by jipiboily#59);
- you can now use your main_app layout with Monologue (jipiboily#54) (use config: Monologue.layout. See wiki for more information/example);
- added Open Graph tags;
- posts published with a date in the future are not displayed anymore;
- multiple bug fixes;
- Rails mountable engine (fully named spaced)
- tested
- back to basics: few features
- it has post revisions (no UI to choose published revision yet, but it keeps your modification history)
- it has few external dependencies (no Devise or Sorcery, etc…) so we don't face problem integrating with existing Rails app.(Rails mountable engines: dependency nightmare?)
- comments are handled by disqus
- enforcing Rails cache for better performance (only supports file store for now)
- runs on Heroku