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58 lines (47 loc) · 1.36 KB


File metadata and controls

58 lines (47 loc) · 1.36 KB

API Requirement

Work-in progress for the defined API routes. How might I implement a minimal swagger yaml file?


  • GET - trigger a dummy request to keep the AWS Lambda function warmed up


  • GET - show a list of all the declared API routes


  • GET - get the structure.json file - DEPRECATED
  • /rebuild
    • GET - rebuild the structure.json file - DEPRECATED
  • /addSource
    • POST - not implemented


  • /posts
    • GET - get a list of all the Posts
    • /rebuild
      • POST - rebuild the list of all the Posts
  • /pages
  • GET - get a list of all the Pages
    • /
    • POST - not implemented
    • /{srcKey}
    • GET - not implemented
    • /rebuild
    • POST - rebuild the list of all the Pages
  • /templates
    • GET - get a list of all the Templates
    • /rebuild
      • POST - rebuild the list of all the Templates


  • /
    • POST - save the Post file
  • /{srcKey}
    • GET - load the specified Post
    • DELETE - delete the Post file
  • /preview/{srcKey}
    • GET - not implemented


  • /post/{srcKey}
  • PUT - regenerate the HTML for the given post
  • /page/{srcKey}
  • PUT - regenerate the HTML for the given Page
  • /template/{srcKey}
  • PUT - regenerate the HTML for all Pages with the given template

Possible others

  • /cache - DELETE fragments and temp files for posts, pages, etc