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File metadata and controls

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The below tutorial walks you through how to run Kwil with Streamr.

The tutorial uses an example schema to sync data from the Dimo Weather Stream (stream ID: streams.dimo.eth/firehose/weather), which at the time of writing, is the highest throughput public stream on Streamr hub.

This tutorial also uses an example private key 0xc015ba9b9fd1e31abc49770d76b457360756892479b717b8c7a29014c6f2286d with address 0x32A156b55a4ff264ac52b8AdEeA21Fddf56e2Cfc. Do not use this private key in a production application.


To run the tutorial, you will need:

  1. A kwild binary built with the Streamr extensions. This can be built from source, or downloaded from the releases page in this repo.

  2. The kwil-cli binary installed.

  3. The Streamr toolchain installed. The easiest way to do this is by running:

npm i -g @streamr/node

Step 1: Run The Streamr Node

To run Streamr, simply run streamr-broker with the example config file. If you see errors, try changing the configured RPC provider to an Infura/Alchemy RPC. Streamr often gets rate-limited on public RPCs.

streamr-broker ./config/streamr.json

Step 2: Run The Kwil Node

Next, we need to run the Kwil node, and configure it to listen to the Streamr node. We will first run Postgres, and then run kwild with flags to talk to the Streamr node:

docker run -d -p 5432:5432 --name kwil-postgres -e "POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust" \

The flags used here are primarily to configure the Streamr extensions within Kwil. For documentation on how to customize this for your own streams, see the extension documentation.

kwild --autogen -- --extension.streamr.node ws://localhost:7170 \
    --extension.streamr.api_key OWZjODdlN2VjNmNiNGMzYTgzNjRmZmExNzYwNmUxN2Y \ streams.dimo.eth/firehose/weather \
    --extension.streamr.target_db 0x1A58f48A0369656015D6BE305a3716F84F979A86:dimo_weather \
    --extension.streamr.target_procedure write_temp \
    --extension.streamr.input_mappings temp:data.ambientTemp,latitude:data.latitude,longitude:data.longitude,time:time

Step 3: Deploy The Schema

Now that our Kwil node is running, we can deploy the Dimo weather schema:

kwil-cli database deploy --path ./examples/dimo_weather.kf --provider http://localhost:8484 --private-key c015ba9b9fd1e31abc49770d76b457360756892479b717b8c7a29014c6f2286d

Step 4: Query Data

We can now query data as our Kwil network comes to consensus what it hears from Streamr:

$ kwil-cli database query --name dimo_weather 'SELECT ambient_temp, latitude, longitude, time FROM records LIMIT 10' \
--private-key c015ba9b9fd1e31abc49770d76b457360756892479b717b8c7a29014c6f2286d
| ambient_temp | latitude | longitude  |           time           |
|     30.00000 | 44.88000 |  -93.35000 | 2024-06-11T22:54:54.844Z |
|     20.50000 | 49.99000 |  -97.14000 | 2024-06-11T22:56:30.189Z |
|     34.00000 | 35.19000 | -106.61000 | 2024-06-11T22:57:55.272Z |
|     18.50000 | 45.49000 |  -75.68000 | 2024-06-11T22:58:05.043Z |
|     24.50000 | 28.65000 |  -81.28000 | 2024-06-11T22:56:04.754Z |
|     25.00000 | 40.83000 |  -74.21000 | 2024-06-11T22:55:09.622Z |
|     25.50000 | 32.92000 |  -96.96000 | 2024-06-11T22:53:59.964Z |
|     28.50000 | 33.80000 |  -78.98000 | 2024-06-11T22:54:33.077Z |
|     14.50000 | 46.17000 |    7.18000 | 2024-06-11T22:56:39.374Z |
|     23.00000 | 37.65000 |  126.93000 | 2024-06-11T22:55:02.697Z |

And you're done! We have successfully synced data from Streamr into our local Kwil network.