diff --git a/lib/formatters/to_xml.ts b/lib/formatters/to_xml.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bcebc152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/formatters/to_xml.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
+// @ts-nocheck
+// This file was taken from https://github.com/kawanet/to-xml and modified to have a specific output for arrays.
+ * The toXML() method converts a JavaScript value to an XML string.
+ *
+ * @function toXML
+ * @param value {Object} The value to convert to an XML string.
+ * @param [replacer] {Function} A function that alters the behavior
+ * of the stringification process.
+ * @param [space] {Number|String} A String or Number object that's
+ * used to insert white space into the output XML string for
+ * readability purposes. If this is a Number, it indicates the number
+ * of space characters to use as white space.
+ * If this is a String, the string is used as white space.
+ * @returns {String}
+ */
+const TYPES = {
+ "boolean": fromString,
+ "number": fromString,
+ "object": fromObject,
+ "string": fromString
+const ESCAPE = {
+ "\t": " ",
+ "\n": "
+ "\r": "
+ " ": " ",
+ "&": "&",
+ "<": "<",
+ ">": ">",
+ '"': """
+const ATTRIBUTE_KEY = "@";
+const CHILD_NODE_KEY = "#";
+const LF = "\n";
+const isArray = Array.isArray || _isArray;
+const REPLACE = String.prototype.replace;
+function _toXML(value, replacer, space) {
+ const job = createJob(replacer, space);
+ fromAny(job, "", value);
+ return job.r;
+function createJob(replacer, space) {
+ const job = {
+ f: replacer, // replacer function
+ // s: "", // indent string
+ // i: 0, // indent string length
+ l: "", // current indent string
+ r: "" // result string
+ };
+ if (space) {
+ let str = "";
+ if (space > 0) {
+ for (let i = space; i; i--) {
+ str += " ";
+ }
+ } else {
+ str += space; // stringify
+ }
+ job.s = str;
+ // indent string length
+ job.i = str.length;
+ }
+ return job;
+function fromAny(job, key, value) {
+ // child node synonym
+ if (key === CHILD_NODE_KEY) key = "";
+ if (_isArray(value)) return fromArray(job, key, value);
+ const replacer = job.f;
+ if (replacer) value = replacer(key, value);
+ const f = TYPES[typeof value];
+ if (f) f(job, key, value);
+function fromString(job, key, value) {
+ if (key === "?") {
+ // XML declaration
+ value = "" + value + "?>";
+ } else if (key === "!") {
+ // comment, CDATA section
+ value = "";
+ } else {
+ value = escapeTextNode(value);
+ if (key) {
+ // text element without attributes
+ value = "<" + key + ">" + value + "" + key + ">";
+ }
+ }
+ if (key && job.i && job.r) {
+ job.r += LF + job.l; // indent
+ }
+ job.r += value;
+function fromArray(job, key, value) {
+ if (key !== "item") {
+ fromObject(job, key, { item: value });
+ } else {
+ Array.prototype.forEach.call(value, function (value) {
+ fromAny(job, key, value);
+ });
+ }
+function fromObject(job, key, value) {
+ // empty tag
+ const hasTag = !!key;
+ const closeTag = (value === null);
+ if (closeTag) {
+ if (!hasTag) return;
+ value = {};
+ }
+ const keys = Object.keys(value);
+ const keyLength = keys.length;
+ const attrs = keys.filter(isAttribute);
+ const attrLength = attrs.length;
+ const hasIndent = job.i;
+ const curIndent = job.l;
+ let willIndent = hasTag && hasIndent;
+ let didIndent;
+ // open tag
+ if (hasTag) {
+ if (hasIndent && job.r) {
+ job.r += LF + curIndent;
+ }
+ job.r += '<' + key;
+ // attributes
+ attrs.forEach(function (name) {
+ writeAttributes(job, name.substr(1), value[name]);
+ });
+ // empty element
+ const isEmpty = closeTag || (attrLength && keyLength === attrLength);
+ if (isEmpty) {
+ const firstChar = key[0];
+ if (firstChar !== "!" && firstChar !== "?") {
+ job.r += "/";
+ }
+ }
+ job.r += '>';
+ if (isEmpty) return;
+ }
+ keys.forEach(function (name) {
+ // skip attribute
+ if (isAttribute(name)) return;
+ // indent when it has child node but not fragment
+ if (willIndent && ((name && name !== CHILD_NODE_KEY) || isArray(value[name]))) {
+ job.l += job.s; // increase indent level
+ willIndent = 0;
+ didIndent = 1;
+ }
+ // child node or text node
+ fromAny(job, name, value[name]);
+ });
+ if (didIndent) {
+ // decrease indent level
+ job.l = job.l.substr(job.i);
+ job.r += LF + job.l;
+ }
+ // close tag
+ if (hasTag) {
+ job.r += '' + key + '>';
+ }
+function writeAttributes(job, key, val) {
+ if (isArray(val)) {
+ val.forEach(function (child) {
+ writeAttributes(job, key, child);
+ });
+ } else if (!key && "object" === typeof val) {
+ Object.keys(val).forEach(function (name) {
+ writeAttributes(job, name, val[name]);
+ });
+ } else {
+ writeAttribute(job, key, val);
+ }
+function writeAttribute(job, key, val) {
+ const replacer = job.f;
+ if (replacer) val = replacer(ATTRIBUTE_KEY + key, val);
+ if ("undefined" === typeof val) return;
+ // empty attribute name
+ if (!key) {
+ job.r += ' ' + val;
+ return;
+ }
+ // attribute name
+ job.r += ' ' + key;
+ // property attribute
+ if (val === null) return;
+ job.r += '="' + escapeAttribute(val) + '"';
+function isAttribute(name) {
+ return name && name[0] === ATTRIBUTE_KEY;
+function escapeTextNode(str) {
+ return REPLACE.call(str, /(^\s|[&<>]|\s$)/g, escapeRef);
+function escapeAttribute(str) {
+ return REPLACE.call(str, /([&"])/g, escapeRef);
+function escapeRef(str) {
+ return ESCAPE[str] || str;
+function _isArray(array) {
+ return array instanceof Array;
+export function toXML(value: Object, replacer?: Function, space?: Number | String): String {
+ return _toXML(value, replacer, space);
diff --git a/lib/formatters/xml_formatter.ts b/lib/formatters/xml_formatter.ts
index ebbd5a35..e30c54e5 100644
--- a/lib/formatters/xml_formatter.ts
+++ b/lib/formatters/xml_formatter.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { Formatter } from "./formatter.js";
-import { toXML } from "to-xml";
+import { toXML } from "./to_xml.js";
export class XMLFormatter extends Formatter {
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 24a343a8..fc1ff4c4 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@
"dependencies": {
"commander": "^12.1.0",
- "csv-stringify": "^6.5.0",
- "to-xml": "^0.1.11"
+ "csv-stringify": "^6.5.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@eslint/js": "^9.5.0",
diff --git a/tests/formatters/xml_formatter.test.ts b/tests/formatters/xml_formatter.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c327d034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/formatters/xml_formatter.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { FormatterFactory } from "../../lib/formatters/formatter_factory";
+import { TestObject } from "./test_object";
+const formatter = FormatterFactory.getFormatter("xml");
+test('test header', () => {
+ const object = [TestObject.testObject(), TestObject.testObject()];
+ expect(formatter.header(object)).toBe("");
+test('test footer', () => {
+ expect(formatter.footer()).toBe("\n");
+test('test convert', () => {
+ const object = [TestObject.testObject()];
+ const xml = `${TestObject.asXml()}`;
+ expect(formatter.convert(object, true)).toBe(xml);
+ expect(formatter.convert(object, false)).toBe(xml);
+test('test format with fasta', () => {
+ //const fasta = [['>test', '5']];
+ //const object = [TestObject.testObject()];
+ //const json = '{"fasta_header":">test","integer":5,"string":"string","list":["a",2,false]}';
+ //expect(formatter.format(object, fasta, true)).toBe(json);
diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock
index c6c157f9..90d703b4 100644
--- a/yarn.lock
+++ b/yarn.lock
@@ -2853,11 +2853,6 @@ to-regex-range@^5.0.1:
is-number "^7.0.0"
- version "0.1.11"
- resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/to-xml/-/to-xml-0.1.11.tgz#fae4dafe89889e5013c86e4ea65933dca97d985b"
- integrity sha512-deRSQy7vONsawpyrPdhuV0Lh0yXtKQEhAnvfSv3JMahCq3PF0MZJB/BdV1jJANVbuMdnx96zhqD/X0zMMXx0Pw==
version "1.3.0"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/ts-api-utils/-/ts-api-utils-1.3.0.tgz#4b490e27129f1e8e686b45cc4ab63714dc60eea1"