Transforms Sass to CSS, uses PostCSS (autoprefixer and clean-css) to transform the output
$ npm install --save-dev @unic/estatico-sass
const gulp = require('gulp');
const env = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
* CSS task
* Transforms Sass to CSS, uses PostCSS (autoprefixer and clean-css) to transform the output
* Using `--dev` (or manually setting `env` to `{ dev: true }`) skips minification
* Using `--watch` (or manually setting `env` to `{ watch: true }`) starts file watcher
* When combined with `--skipBuild`, the task will not run immediately but only after changes
* Using `-LLLL` will display debug info like detailed autoprefixer configs
gulp.task('css', () => {
const task = require('@unic/estatico-sass');
const estaticoWatch = require('@unic/estatico-watch');
const nodeSassJsonImporter = require('node-sass-json-importer');
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
const instance = task({
src: [
srcBase: './src/',
dest: './dist',
watch: {
src: [
name: 'css',
dependencyGraph: {
srcBase: './',
resolver: {
scss: {
match: /@import[\s-]*["|']?([^"\s(]+).*?/g,
resolve: (match, filePath) => {
if (!match[1]) {
return null;
// Find possible path candidates
const candidates = [
].map((dir) => {
const partialPath = match[1].replace(path.basename(match[1]), `_${path.basename(match[1])}`);
const candidatePath = path.resolve(dir, match[1]);
const candidatePartialPath = path.resolve(dir, partialPath);
const candidatePaths = [
// .scss extension
path.extname(candidatePath) ? candidatePath : `${candidatePath}.scss`,
path.extname(candidatePartialPath) ? candidatePartialPath : `${candidatePartialPath}.scss`,
// .css extension
path.extname(candidatePath) ? candidatePath : `${candidatePath}.css`,
// Remove duplicates
return [ Set(candidatePaths)];
}).reduce((arr, curr) => arr.concat(curr), []); // Flatten
return candidates.find(fs.existsSync) || null;
watcher: estaticoWatch,
plugins: {
sass: {
includePaths: [
importer: [
// Add importer being able to deal with json files like colors, e.g.
postcss: [
// Either add .browserslistrc to project or specify config in here
}, env);
// Don't immediately run task when skipping build
if ( && env.skipBuild) {
return instance;
return instance();
Run task (assuming the project's package.json
specifies "scripts": { "gulp": "gulp" }
$ npm run gulp css
See possible flags specified above.
plugin(options, env)
=> taskFn
Type: Array
or String
Default: null
Passed to gulp.src
Type: String
Default: null
Passed as base
option to gulp.src
Type: String
Default: null
Passed to gulp.dest
Type: Object
Default: null
Passed to file watcher when --watch
is used.
Type: String
Default: .min
Added to the name of minified files.
Type: Object
Type: Object
includePaths: null,
Passed to node-sass
via gulp-sass
. includePaths
is resolved first since we cannot pass a function there.
Type: Array
// Run autoprefixer
browsers: ['last 1 version'],
].concat( ? [] :
// Minifiy files with .min in their name, has to correspond to `config.minifiedSuffix`
filterStream(['**/*', '!**/*.min*'], clean()
Passed to gulp-postcss
. Setting to null
will disable this step.
Type: Boolean
If true, every input file will be duplicated (with config.minifiedSuffix
added to their name). This allows us to create both minified and unminified versions in one single go.
Type: { info: Function, debug: Function, error: Function }
Default: Instance of estatico-utils
's Logger
Set of logger utility functions used within the task.
Type: Object
Default: {}
Result from parsing CLI arguments via minimist
, e.g. { dev: true, watch: true }
. Some defaults are affected by this, see above.
Apache 2.0.