All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- add FERM API integration
- add contact-us email address to the footer
- Add GoogleAnalytics tag
- new partner logos on the home page
- new quotes on the about page
- 5 page question (372d2b8)
- add additional identifiers to the sbd import (7104765)
- add basic hash (2f3eb33)
- add basic layer and new token for mapbox (a0e7f39)
- add changes from review (d845dc4)
- add ChartJS and display in MapPopup (3090d12)
- add different marker sizers and basic modal (aa43758)
- add initial modal component (e3516fa)
- add mock progress bar to form page (1416085)
- add new action and form hash to commitments (a6cc39b)
- add nvmrc (d122606)
- add padding (f160e74)
- add real data to charts for each country (04a2115)
- add temp page tabs (cac8b68)
- add test file for admin controller (e4d077d)
- add toolkit (1a4f395)
- added a newline after the associated records text (2d1118f)
- Added an admin page to allow confirming CBD commitments (27624dc)
- Added cbd_import to commitments (43f89dc)
- added error handling to controller (6faff7c)
- Added extra text and applied columns in about footer with css (df717e6)
- added form validation for title word count, lat long, and added a checkbox for sharing permission (1acbfbf)
- added mailer credentials for production (17986c5)
- added migration to remove cbd_import column from commitments (f1df76c)
- added rake task and cron job to clean up active storage files that aren't attached to anything (8fc97dd)
- Added rake task to confirm/reject cbd commitments that have been marked by CFN team (d9086cc)
- Added rake task to update country names (a06c4c8)
- added route and controller (37853d0)
- added scope for api records (f2341b4)
- added shareable: false to the cbd commitment hash (7258253)
- added sidekiq and whenever (fbd71b7)
- added sidekiq config (012443c)
- added sidekiq-import file (6ed2acc)
- added sidekiq.yml config (ab1a224)
- Added spec for admin_imported_commitments controller (ff01566)
- added test for countries on cbd_mapper (694b8ac)
- added test for db_commitment_hash (baf5eb0)
- added test for published scope (964dfdc)
- added text and links to the about page locales (0c9302a)
- Added updated_after param and error handling to api controller (65d0b92)
- api documentation (770eddb)
- assingn colours to managers by id (4ed7f9e)
- asterisk and key for required fields (147361f)
- basic setup, has vue error (6e724f1)
- Change cbd api filter, change create in cbd import to find or initialize so we cna run it multiple times without creating duplicate commitments (ecde7e0)
- change domain url and tab title (837f6b6)
- change error message format for component use (a941d66)
- change name to Nature Commitments (b8a3190)
- change netherlands logo (9587c50)
- Changed carousel card title text and styling (7478cb3)
- Changed column name from area_manager to area_owner_and_role (937fcf0)
- changed managers to belongs_to instead of has_and_belongs_to_many (beffd07)
- Changed text that appears in the commitments show pages (373d4fa)
- changes for making commitment form work for new and edit. V2 (64f5c33)
- coming soon text on homepage (73084f9)
- commitment hash skeleton (b6d157a)
- commitments counter on homepage (04a4da7)
- condensed font on no commitments dashboard header (e33d6c9)
- consistent nav bar (0866f91)
- dashboard hero (4093f29)
- dashboard navigation (c5fc71d)
- dashboard no commitments content; rename components (7e2f54f)
- dashboard route, action and view (b2c95eb)
- defaultValue for geospatial_file (1503247)
- Defined a default prop for filter in FilteredTable.vue (10f67f0)
- destroy commitment test (123b99d)
- destroy commitments route and action (79aa88b)
- display test map on the homepage (9c78975)
- docs progress assign values (398fc36)
- don't open chart popup on zoom (bab6a6e)
- dropdown styles (e1815de)
- error handling (758179e)
- extra-paginated commitments navigation (52aa997)
- file upload styling; input font sizes (1062ee4)
- filtered commitments that haven't been approved from the charts and maps (f3910a2)
- filtered unapproved commitments from commitment counts in cards (598eb8b)
- fixed spec, added some comments (e2b2d04)
- full form-navigation-modal flow with placeholder survey methods (d8162a6)
- get form data object (94851ca)
- grey-mdlight button (ec75d03)
- highlight errors on live commitment after edit form submission (05f52e7)
- highlight fields with validation errors on edit form (53559a4)
- initial dashboard components and locales (af8739e)
- initial existing commitments table (c5d15bf)
- initial styling (deec767)
- lat/long placeholder (710ac69)
- latitude/longitude numericality validations (41fb722)
- links to countries indices from show page (7d7cf20)
- locales for form navigation and modal (f79c18d)
- locales, working country field, formatting (1093d90)
- made checkbox submit true or false (adcf352)
- made commitments have many managers again (2607d38)
- made managers on criteria form a radio group, dropped some actions, and chnaged some text (f6a4e00)
- make a commitment button on homepage (ebbcbf8)
- map reset button (29a6aa0)
- map zoom buttons; disable scroll zoom (11aa3bb)
- min-width on admin table (cd9ae5c)
- modal stylesheet (7553dcc)
- move content to locales (d3b7915)
- move json config to a hash (92bcd18)
- moved cbd import code into a separate class so it can be called separately (be5fca2)
- nav dropdown (d76244c)
- number input type for latitude/longitude (9baa249)
- open commitments in new tab from tables (46d83dd)
- open country commitments in new tab from map; button style (a00599a)
- open popup on country selection (c8bdb39)
- pass ids to fe (3286b21)
- populate multiselect with ids (b431976)
- post data on each page submit (2da52db)
- post data to the server (f673dfb)
- post files with DirectUpload and blob.signed_id (8b967a9)
- prepopulate uploaded docs and progress notes (808bbd9)
- prevent completion on the fe (9b39f6a)
- prevent form from completing on BE error (0741497)
- progress bar and disable submit on doc upload (f423e37)
- progress docs (3aac52d)
- radio and checkbox styles (ee3921d)
- reduce main nav height (9e25e1a)
- refactor hidden field (eb61a25)
- remove commitment seeds (6788bae)
- remove dashboard link from dropdown (9a89ed8)
- remove EarthMind logo (87db10c)
- remove manager_id column from commitments (d2c5001)
- removed all instances of (nature) (729401e)
- removed all references to :duration, which is now :duration_years (bb8c5cf)
- Removed goverenance type from commitment table filters and restricted filter options to only the default options (106b13a)
- removed namespacing from sidekiq queues (44e28b7)
- removed proposed_area_ha (ddca818)
- removed responses modules from api controller (6c7afb9)
- removed sidekiq config that has now been replaced by sevrices (e5433cd)
- removed unused fields from commitments (417af23)
- rename to geospatial_file (0bbe923)
- renamed gov of netherlands png (c5fc94f)
- render modal in criteria/new view (b37d405)
- results counter in table (c437883)
- retain null value for geospatial file (2276bfe)
- retain null values in data to submit (4ddac8a)
- saved readme doc (8b64bd7)
- scaffolding for the search functionality (a0bc99f)
- scroll to top on form page change (e4e5195)
- side question number (5d832cd)
- simple commitment api (73ce574)
- single-line homepage heading (afefe37)
- Sort table filters (06f8b6b)
- styled state column (6b0361a)
- surveyjs start (e78deff)
- swicthed staging branch back to deploy (92efa7f)
- text changes and form modifications for client (56e92a0)
- text, text area, select2 styles (ba6e2bd)
- update commitments index call to action (37e20a7)
- update form_hash with default values (43285e4)
- updated admin styles (a303673)
- updated api documentation (d4a2772)
- updated docs to show simpler date time (5f95d50)
- updated hash to add managers and set commitments with government actors to cfn_approved: false automatically. added a scope so these aren't shown to the admin chossing whether or not to approve them (c1b5b4a)
- used only import quesu instead of import and imports (6a0a4bf)
- used rake task from docs instead (9d06314)
- working action buttons; placeholder destroy method (e331520)
- working exit button; data model prop renames (7e72cc3)
- working survey methods for navigation and modal (fb89e56)
- zoom in on map - not working (2c7df80)
- ? disable extractcss (6276154)
- add changes from the review (9f154e5)
- add more colours to constants (bb6a8f6)
- add safe navigator to admin user check in admin controller (0535623)
- add staging postgis (2dfccba)
- add threats to draft errors (3ece12c)
- added changes from review (0f51d38)
- added new line to end of rake task (648ec14)
- append _destroy the documents when destroyed on be (47e2c91)
- associated data question error highlighting (50b67e7)
- banner rerender with new data (20366a1)
- boolean checkbox handling (28eee9a)
- broken spec (348c958)
- call the onfileUploaded after upload is finished (aa1c3d8)
- casing of fields and messages in errors (4c75757)
- centered (649f29e)
- change redirect to onclick (890f81a)
- change release version number (3a77470)
- change to return 201 (b39b6bf)
- Changed conditionals to use correct tab names (b17ed25)
- Changed country names for Honk Kong and Macau (3f2bc03)
- Changed duplicated title to 'Commitments for Nature' instead (fa4f91b)
- changed the ids of projects in the confirm_orreject rake task to not include commitments (df158fb)
- clear search filters before adding new ones (4df4ca9)
- condensed font on buttons and headings (2573ad1)
- consistent quote marks (aea4a18)
- consistent wording for 'implemented fully' (77d9efc)
- constrain question description/item width (6a16577)
- content, quotes and whitespace (1681adc)
- controller test for failed publish (ddd4ad8)
- correct heading fonts on homepage (5b2560c)
- correct translation for duration field label on view (34006dd)
- countries dropdown fonts (d93bab0)
- credentials (1691701)
- criteria form (01d8855)
- cursors on map input (e89c902)
- dashboard exit on criteria form (b6f32d6)
- dashboard hero centering (89bac93)
- dashboard hero class (e153e6c)
- deal with none of the above in criteria form (d141e9b)
- default value for geospatial file (976acb1)
- display correct data in the cart labels and legend (89e5308)
- don't set live commitment to draft on validation errors (d7eabe3)
- email credentials (24039ff)
- error CSS class handling to deal with non-presence-related validations (b8ceca2)
- filter method (8e50f62)
- footer vertical alignment (25e1468)
- hide default survey nav (9ff9327)
- hide Mapbox copyright (91c5189)
- home hero spacing (f088ec4)
- indentation; concise model method (9e0eb7e)
- ineligible page centre point (d2b9386)
- link building in cdb_commitment_hash (d5dbf61)
- (5fb64e5)
- made button link filter and cleared filters when found (8b31058)
- make error list red (5c09c8a)
- make question optional (0adc750)
- map zoom in and key navigation (7da2ca0)
- match bar colours by id (a040778)
- missing assignment (095e438)
- missing comma in commitment hash (ae6fe5d)
- move to own css and add a condition (251ec9f)
- multi-input question spacing (4f4fd13)
- multiple failed published commitment saves don't break documents (46b66a6)
- narrow font for navigation (889eced)
- only update key on response error, add key to v-for on table (ff0233f)
- other sites question description (ed36061)
- panel dynamic inter-input spacing (19e62ce)
- pass empty errors array for new (c1346a5)
- passed preselected filters to table (a6a3c48)
- placeholder text colour (41bc096)
- pointer cursor on dashboard edit buttons (94c7616)
- prevent saving without a name, or publishing with more than 10 words in name (eb402ff)
- progress document upload woes; tidy up form component (2ab5930)
- props missing comma (c8b4e01)
- question number counter (86e6cea)
- quote marks (d2d7936)
- quote marks; destroy action comment (d3461de)
- rake task to reassign commitmetns to correct managers and clean up manager records (7ee68ef)
- red question title style removed from tooltip (9298758)
- redirect for dashboard (acd9fed)
- redirect from /commitments/new when no criterium_id param (f492ba0)
- redirect to path (2ddda7b)
- redirect via window (c028096)
- remove commented out route (7a3a1d0)
- remove commented out style (193527b)
- remove country chart labels (de5f00a)
- remove current_area_ha from validations (2dae5ec)
- remove duplicate colour variable (956b171)
- remove hover colour from map chart close button (2b01fb2)
- remove image preview from second file upload (c89d456)
- remove other options (13609c7)
- remove redundant rule specification (316f0fb)
- remove test line (4028cfb)
- remove the message in the head (5c6e2a1)
- remove ticks and legend (103afd6)
- remove unused computed property/class (70f3e38)
- remove unused form prop (5ee159b)
- removed class for join table (80b0d4a)
- removed commented lines, and now redundant backend progress_document param processing (7ffddac)
- removed commitments and countries from seeds (ca4c321)
- removed default in conditional (e8b2676)
- removed null option from managers field in criterium form and removed multi select description (836cd39)
- Renamed commitments table column from area_manager to area_owner (7c3fafb)
- restore lost colon (d59fd7f)
- returned page 0 to page 1 (d79d156)
- returned whenever back to original setting (e354266)
- right-aligned question title alignment (7d19664)
- rule ordering (6081ba1)
- rule ordering (babdd3a)
- rule ordering and whitespace (aabda16)
- scale add dummy button (c152d7f)
- schedule (3e426dd)
- show validation errors on current page without user page change (c737d08)
- spec (78c4d18)
- spec to match new commitments-managers relationship (78c63eb)
- spec using 'name' in the commitments controller resposne instead of 'title' (a2880b9)
- survey form logic (a744812)
- table display; no commitments icon (8569104)
- table outer padding (2a051d4)
- table pagination when filters are used (4d37878)
- temp fix for redirecting from dashboard to reload jQery (ba78c4a)
- topbar styles (3e8b47c)
- trim Netherlands logo whitespace (49960fb)
- tweak min view height slightly (382f5cd)
- typo (97db668)
- typo (7767995)
- typo (3cc5d1a)
- typo in attribute name (18224f8)
- typo, rename prop name (08599d2)
- typos (505bd2c)
- update Gemfile.lock to fix missing dependency (3afc26b)
- update Gemfile.lock with bundler 2.3.5 (16ff22d)
- update lockfiles (9d190c5)
- update test code to reflect new error response structure (4b1073c)
- update user controller comments (2691c3c)
- updated lockfile (aa1f921)
- updated yarn.lock (66ceeaa)
- use closing tags to render multiple Vue components in views (543b229)
- use published scope in country commitments controller (152ecbc)
- use rem; use variable for repeated measurement (3f0500a)
- v-bind line breaks (89969b7)
- validate presence of implementation year (112ea85)
- various errors (50318d5)
- view commitments from map error (remove unused required argument) (8a86fde)
- vue alias for vue export error after adding survey.js (b4108c8)
- whitespace (4fba937)
- whitespace, revert unwanted changes (efd4db9)
- width of countries dropdown (cb4c00c)
- wrong info in changelog (a09f5f7)
- wrong info in changelog (dccf26a)
- z-index of error banner - greater than progress bar (e07c499)
- zoom control margin (2a8675d)
- Bugfix map popup - button link functionality
- Rake task to update countries to UN compliant names
- Added API documentation
- removed class for join table
- Rake task to fix duplicated Manager records with slightly different name
- Change bar chart colour matching with actors from id to name
- Assign bar chart colours cosistently based on Actor id
- external API
- Form error styling
- Fixed form error handling and attachment submission
- updated Netherlands logo
- removed '(nature)' where it appears in text
- Changed name to Nature Commitments
- Changed domain name to
- sidekiq configured
- Automate imports using whenever and cron jobs
'First release'