+ {% include 'components/great/card.html' with content="We can guide you every step of the way, to set up and grow your business in the UK" title="How to expand your business" url="/international/expand-your-business-in-the-uk/" show_title_link=True heading_class="govuk-heading-m" classes="international-card--cta" %}
+ {% include 'components/great/card.html' with content="Explore a range of property development and infrastructure projects to suit your investment" title="Find investment opportunities" url="/international/investment/" show_title_link=True heading_class="govuk-heading-m" classes="international-card--cta" %}
+ {% include 'components/great/card.html' with content="Get introduced to UK businesses who can partner with your business to achieve success" title="Buy UK products and services" url="/international/content/trade/how-we-help-you-buy/" show_title_link=True heading_class="govuk-heading-m" classes="international-card--cta" %}