Description: Users can exchange free items. The two users are givers and getters
- Zain - ghesebull
- Zach - zholoien
- Yinon - yinonrousso
- Rami - ramipinto
- Juan - juangonzalez20
- Derek - derektkbang
mvn clean
mvn compile
mvn test
mvn clean
mvn compile
mvn test jacoco:report
firefox file://`pwd`/target/site/jacoco/index.html
You need to create a new mlab database and configure. For this you can follow this tutorial:
You should pay special attention to Step 3: Adding a Collection and Creating the user and password.
Once you have this. You need copy the contents of localhost.json.SAMPLE to localhost.json and edit the file with the correct information.
cp localhost.json.SAMPLE localhost.json
You need to create a new Oauth application on github and configure. For this you can follow this tutorial:
Note: There is no need to do the first part of step 2 since we already have the filename localhost.json.
Be sure to pay attention to Step 3, and properly set up your Github Oauth verbatim (expect for app-name, make it your apps name)
Once you have done this, be sure to edit the localhost.json file to have your infromation.
mvn clean
mvn compile
mvn spring-boot:run
To deploy on heroku, copy the heroku.json.SAMPLE to heroku.json and fill with all of your information, similar to the 2 steps above. Follow this tutorial:
Be sure to also edit the heroku.json file with your database information in step 4 of the tutorial link.
Be sure to also edit the pom.xml file appname (cs56-f18/ucsb-cs56-buy-sell-giveaway) to have your appname
mvn clean
mvn compile
./ --app appname
mvn heroku:deploy
Note: admin page is not accesible unless user is admin in group For testing purposes, I added Wilson to the group, he just needs to accept the link in his email.