Apparmor-loader project to deploy profiles through a kubernetes daemonset.
This app provide dynamic loading and unloading of AppArmor profiles to a Kubernetes cluster through a configmap.
The app doesn't need an operator and it will be managed by a DaemonSet filtering the linux nodes to schedule the app pod.
The custom profiles deployed in the configmap will be copied in a directory (/etc/apparmor.d/custom
by default) since apparmor_parser needs the profiles definitions also to remove them. Once you will deploy a configmap with different profiles, Kapparmor will notice the missing ones and it will remove them from the apparmor cache and from the node directory.
If you modify only the content of a profile leaving the same name, Kapparmor should notice it anyway since a byte comparison is done when configmap profiles names and local profiles names match.
- The CD pipeline will
- deploy a configmap in the security namespace containing all the profiles versioned in the current project
- it will apply a daemonset on the linux nodes
- The configmap will contain multiple apparmor profiles
- The custom profiles HAVE to start with the same PROFILE_NAME_PREFIX, currently this defaults to "custom.".
- The name of the file should be the same as the name of the profile.
- The configmap will be polled every POLL_TIME seconds to move them into PROFILES_DIR host path and then enable them.
You can view which profiles are loaded on a node by checking the /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/profiles, so its parent will need to be mounted in the pod.
This work was inspired by kubernetes/apparmor-loader.
- Profile names have to start with 'custom.' and to be equal as the filename containing it
You can install the helm chart like this
helm repo add tuxerrante
helm upgrade kapparmor --install --atomic --timeout 30s --debug --set image.tag=dev tuxerrante/kapparmor
Set up a Microk8s environment.
helm create kapparmor
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
# Create mod files in root dir
go mod init
go mod init ./go/src/app/
Test Helm Chart creation
# --- Check the Helm chart
echo Linting the Helm chart
helm lint --debug --strict charts/kapparmor/
docker run -it --network host --workdir=/data --volume ~/.kube/config:/root/.kube/config:ro \
--volume $(pwd):/data \
/bin/sh -c "git config --global --add /data; ct lint --print-config --charts ./charts/kapparmor"
# Replace here a commit id being part of an image tag
export GITHUB_SHA="sha-93d0dc4c597a8ae8a9febe1d68e674daf1fa919a"
helm install --dry-run --atomic --generate-name --timeout 30s --debug --set image.tag=$GITHUB_SHA charts/kapparmor/
Test the app inside a container:
# --- Build and run the container image
docker build --quiet -t test-kapparmor --build-arg POLL_TIME=60 --build-arg PROFILES_DIR=/app/profiles -f Dockerfile . &&\
echo &&\
docker run --rm -it --privileged \
--mount type=bind,source='/sys/kernel/security',target='/sys/kernel/security' \
--mount type=bind,source='/etc',target='/etc'\
--name kapparmor test-kapparmor
To test Helm chart installation in a MicroK8s cluster, follow docs/ instructions if you don't have any local cluster.