Releases: trolley813/OpenFool
0.2.0 is finally here! Despite the minor version increment, this is mostly a bugfix release (but the key features indroduced in 0.1.9 are considered stable).
- Maximum player count increased to 5 (but throwing rules are unclear).
- Result screens are improved (different text for team and individual play).
This release contain many features planned for 0.2.0.
- Main feature is the ability to play a 2 or 3-player game, and also 4-player game in individual mode (non-team)
(This is currently highly experimental, so bugs may occur) - (Finally) Application icon
- Added some customisations of rules
- Trump suit name in the game is replaced with symbol
This is also mainly a bugfix release.
- Added Czech localisation (due to #26, some letters still won't show)
- Some code cleanup was performed, now it's more Kotlin-like.
Note: Due to the Android manifest not being updated prior to the release, the tagged version may still show as as 0.1.6. The fixed code resides in the v0.1.7-fixed branch. (The binaries are updated, as of 2017-06-12).
This is mainly a bugfix release.
This release is fully rewritten from Java to Kotlin, in order to improve readability and simplify further coding.
Also, background of the game field can be now selected (although only 2 options are currently available).
This is mostly a bugfix release.
- Fixed issue #23, when it wasn't always possible to throw the card if it isn't prohibited by the rules.
- Cards in the discard pile are now placed more naturally.
- Also, Back (Escape on desktop) button is now functional - when pressed on the settings screen, it saves the settings and goes back to the main menu; when pressed on the main menu screen, it quits the game; also, result screen is now closable only by pressing Back/Escape.
New features (see the changelog):
- card sorting (by suit or by rank)
- chequered background
- cards in the discard pile are now placed unevenly
New (actually reintroduced) features:
- Added settings (deck design and background color)
- Added result display (won / lost / drawn)
See the CHANGELOG (it has been returned)