You can find an originated example here.
The specialized multisig contract is a variant of the generic multisig contract where:
- Tez may not be sent to the contract
- Only one parameter type may be signed and sent to the contract
Unless you're changing the keys/threshold, you sign and send:
- A value of the specialized parameter's type
- A target contract address, whose entrypoint matches the specialized parameter's type
- The signatures The contract will check the signatures, increment the counter, and call the target contract with the given parameter value.
parameter (pair (pair (nat :counter)
(or :action (pair nat (contract nat))
(pair (nat :threshold)
(list :keys key))))
(list :sigs (option signature)))
storage (pair nat
(pair nat
(list key)))
To print the contract, specialized to nat
❯❯❯ stack exec -- lorentz-contract-multisig GenericMultisig print-specialized \
--parameterType 'nat' --oneline
These bash
functions are helpful to get a known user's public, secret keys, respectively:
get_public_key(){ tezos-client show address $1 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 3;}
get_secret_key(){ tezos-client show address $1 -S 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1 | cut -d ":" -f 3;}
See the Specialized Multisig Tutorial on the assets site for more detail.