diff --git a/src/config/setting.py b/src/config/setting.py
index db0d7e2..f33b3ea 100644
--- a/src/config/setting.py
+++ b/src/config/setting.py
@@ -201,6 +201,9 @@ def Init():
path = Setting.GetConfigPath()
if not os.path.isdir(path):
+ path2 = Setting.GetLocalHomePath()
+ if not os.path.isdir(path2):
+ os.mkdir(path2)
# Setting.CheckRepair()
diff --git a/src/task/qt_task.py b/src/task/qt_task.py
index c8d3dbf..9c37abf 100644
--- a/src/task/qt_task.py
+++ b/src/task/qt_task.py
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def req(self):
# callBack(data)
# callBack(data, backParam)
def AddHttpTask(self, req, callBack=None, backParam=None):
- from tools.qt_domain import QtDomainMgr
from task.task_http import TaskHttp
# if not Setting.IsOpenDoh.value:
return TaskHttp().AddHttpTask(req, callBack, backParam, cleanFlag=self.__taskFlagId)
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ def AddDownloadBookCache(self, loadPath, completeCallBack=None, backParam=0, cle
# downloadCompleteBack(data, st)
# downloadCompleteBack(data, st, backParam)
def AddDownloadTask(self, url, path, downloadCallBack=None, completeCallBack=None, downloadStCallBack=None, backParam=None, loadPath="", cachePath="", savePath="", cleanFlag="", isReload=False):
- from tools.qt_domain import QtDomainMgr
from task.task_download import TaskDownload
if not cleanFlag:
cleanFlag = self.__taskFlagId
diff --git a/src/tools/login_proxy.py b/src/tools/login_proxy.py
index 958f489..b15f096 100644
--- a/src/tools/login_proxy.py
+++ b/src/tools/login_proxy.py
@@ -1,597 +1,597 @@
-import gzip
-import http.client as httplib
-import json
-import os
-import re
-import select
-import socket
-import ssl
-import sys
-import threading
-import time
-import urllib.parse as urlparse
-import zlib
-from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
-from io import BytesIO
-from os.path import join, isdir
-from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn
-from string import Template
-from OpenSSL import crypto
-from config import config
-from config.setting import Setting
-from tools.log import Log
-dns_hosts = {}
-dir_name = join(Setting.GetConfigPath(), "ssl-data")
-ca_key = join(dir_name, 'ca.key')
-ca_crt = join(dir_name, 'ca.crt')
-cert_key = join(dir_name, 'cert.key')
-cert_dir = join(dir_name, 'certs')
-def print_color(c, s):
- print("\x1b[{}m{}\x1b[0m".format(c, s))
-cert_key_obj = None
-ca_key_obj = None
-ca_crt_obj = None
-def join_with_script_dir(path):
- return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), path)
-def create_certificate(
- req, cert_key_pair, serial, begin_end_validity, digest="sha256",
- self_signed_x509v3=False, subject_alt_names=[]):
- i_cert, i_key = cert_key_pair
- not_before, not_after = begin_end_validity
- ret_x509_obj = crypto.X509()
- ret_x509_obj.set_serial_number(serial)
- ret_x509_obj.gmtime_adj_notAfter(not_after)
- ret_x509_obj.gmtime_adj_notBefore(not_before)
- if i_cert == '__self_signed':
- i_cert = ret_x509_obj
- ret_x509_obj.set_issuer(i_cert.get_subject())
- ret_x509_obj.set_subject(req.get_subject())
- ret_x509_obj.set_pubkey(req.get_pubkey())
- if self_signed_x509v3:
- ret_x509_obj.set_version(2)
- ret_x509_obj.add_extensions([
- crypto.X509Extension(b'subjectKeyIdentifier', False, b'hash',
- subject=ret_x509_obj),
- crypto.X509Extension(b'basicConstraints', False, b'CA:TRUE'),
- ])
- ret_x509_obj.add_extensions([
- crypto.X509Extension(b'authorityKeyIdentifier', False,
- b'keyid:always', issuer=ret_x509_obj),
- ])
- if len(subject_alt_names) != 0:
- ret_x509_obj.set_version(2) # 0x3
- ret_x509_obj.add_extensions([
- crypto.X509Extension(
- type_name=b'subjectAltName',
- critical=False,
- value=", ".join(subject_alt_names).encode())
- ])
- ret_x509_obj.sign(i_key, digest)
- return ret_x509_obj
-def create_cert_request(p_key, digest="sha256", **subject_kwargs):
- req = crypto.X509Req()
- subj = req.get_subject()
- for key, value in subject_kwargs.items():
- setattr(subj, key, value)
- req.set_pubkey(p_key)
- req.sign(p_key, digest)
- return req
-class ThreadingHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer):
- address_family = socket.AF_INET
- daemon_threads = True
- def handle_error(self, request, client_address):
- # surpress socket/ssl related errors
- cls, e = sys.exc_info()[:2]
- if cls is socket.error or cls is BrokenPipeError or cls is ssl.SSLError:
- # BrokenPipeError is socket.error in Python2 and standalone error in Python3.
- # This is most frequently raised error here.
- # I don't understand why it raises here
- # looks like it is caused by some errors in the proxy logic: for some
- # reasons a client closes connection
- # I thinks the keep-alive logic should be checked.
- pass
- else:
- return HTTPServer.handle_error(self, request, client_address)
-class ProxyRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
- cakey = join_with_script_dir('ca.key')
- cacert = join_with_script_dir('ca.crt')
- certkey = join_with_script_dir('cert.key')
- certdir = join_with_script_dir('certs/')
- timeout = 5
- lock = threading.Lock()
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.tls = threading.local()
- self.tls.conns = {}
- BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- def log_error(self, format, *args):
- # surpress "Request timed out: timeout('timed out',)"
- if isinstance(args[0], socket.timeout):
- return
- self.log_message(format, *args)
- def do_CONNECT(self):
- self.connect_intercept()
- def connect_intercept(self):
- hostname = self.path.split(':')[0]
- ippat = re.compile("^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$")
- cert_category = "DNS"
- if ippat.match(hostname):
- cert_category = "IP"
- certpath = "%s/%s.crt" % (cert_dir.rstrip('/'), hostname)
- with self.lock:
- if not os.path.isfile(certpath):
- x509_serial = int("%d" % (time.time() * 1000))
- valid_time_interval = (0, 60 * 60 * 24 * 365)
- cert_request = create_cert_request(cert_key_obj, CN=hostname)
- cert = create_certificate(
- cert_request, (ca_crt_obj, ca_key_obj), x509_serial,
- valid_time_interval,
- subject_alt_names=[
- Template("${category}:${hostname}").substitute(hostname=hostname, category=cert_category)
- ]
- )
- with open(certpath, 'wb+') as f:
- f.write(crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert))
- self.wfile.write("{} {} {}\r\n".format(self.protocol_version, 200, 'Connection Established').encode('latin-1'))
- self.wfile.write(b'\r\n')
- self.connection = ssl.wrap_socket(self.connection,
- keyfile=cert_key,
- certfile=certpath,
- server_side=True)
- self.rfile = self.connection.makefile("rb", self.rbufsize)
- self.wfile = self.connection.makefile("wb", self.wbufsize)
- conntype = self.headers.get('Proxy-Connection', '')
- if self.protocol_version == "HTTP/1.1" and conntype.lower() != 'close':
- self.close_connection = 0
- else:
- self.close_connection = 1
- def connect_relay(self):
- address = self.path.split(':', 1)
- address[1] = int(address[1]) or 443
- try:
- s = socket.create_connection(address, timeout=self.timeout)
- except Exception as e:
- self.send_error(502)
- return
- self.send_response(200, 'Connection Established')
- self.end_headers()
- conns = [self.connection, s]
- self.close_connection = 0
- while not self.close_connection:
- rlist, wlist, xlist = select.select(conns, [], conns, self.timeout)
- if xlist or not rlist:
- break
- for r in rlist:
- other = conns[1] if r is conns[0] else conns[0]
- data = r.recv(8192)
- if not data:
- self.close_connection = 1
- break
- other.sendall(data)
- def do_GET(self):
- if self.path == 'http://proxy2.test/':
- self.send_cacert()
- return
- req = self
- content_length = int(req.headers.get('Content-Length', 0))
- req_body = self.rfile.read(content_length) if content_length else None
- if req.path[0] == '/':
- if isinstance(self.connection, ssl.SSLSocket):
- req.path = "https://{}{}".format(req.headers['Host'], req.path)
- else:
- req.path = "http://{}{}".format(req.headers['Host'], req.path)
- req_body_modified = self.request_handler(req, req_body)
- if req_body_modified is False:
- self.send_error(403)
- return
- elif req_body_modified is not None:
- req_body = req_body_modified
- if 'Content-Length' in req.headers:
- del req.headers['Content-Length']
- req.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(req_body))
- u = urlparse.urlsplit(req.path)
- scheme, netloc, path = u.scheme, u.netloc, (u.path + '?' + u.query if u.query else u.path)
- assert scheme in ('http', 'https')
- # netloc = ""
- # if netloc:
- # if 'Host' in req.headers:
- # del req.headers['Host']
- # req.headers['Host'] = netloc
- newHearder = self.filter_headers(req.headers)
- # 自定义dns解析
- global dns_hosts
- if netloc in dns_hosts:
- netloc = dns_hosts.get(netloc)
- elif Setting.Language.autoValue != 3 and netloc == "www.google.com":
- netloc = "recaptcha.net"
- del newHearder["Host"]
- newHearder["Host"] = "recaptcha.net"
- setattr(req, 'headers', newHearder)
- try:
- origin = (scheme, netloc)
- if origin not in self.tls.conns:
- if scheme == 'https':
- self.tls.conns[origin] = httplib.HTTPSConnection(netloc, timeout=self.timeout, context = ssl._create_unverified_context())
- else:
- self.tls.conns[origin] = httplib.HTTPConnection(netloc, timeout=self.timeout)
- conn = self.tls.conns[origin]
- conn.request(self.command, path, req_body, dict(req.headers))
- res = conn.getresponse()
- version_table = {10: 'HTTP/1.0', 11: 'HTTP/1.1'}
- setattr(res, 'headers', res.msg)
- setattr(res, 'response_version', version_table[res.version])
- # support streaming
- if 'Content-Length' not in res.headers and 'no-store' in res.headers.get('Cache-Control', ''):
- self.response_handler(req, req_body, res, '')
- setattr(res, 'headers', self.filter_headers(res.headers))
- self.relay_streaming(res)
- #with self.lock:
- # self.save_handler(req, req_body, res, '')
- return
- res_body = res.read().decode('latin-1')
- except Exception as e:
- if origin in self.tls.conns:
- del self.tls.conns[origin]
- self.send_error(502)
- return
- content_encoding = res.headers.get('Content-Encoding', 'identity')
- res_body_plain = self.decode_content_body(res_body.encode('latin-1'), content_encoding)
- res_body_modified = self.response_handler(req, req_body, res, res_body_plain)
- if res_body_modified is False:
- self.send_error(403)
- return
- elif res_body_modified is not None:
- res_body_plain = res_body_modified
- res_body = self.encode_content_body(res_body_plain, content_encoding)
- if 'Content-Length' in res.headers:
- del res.headers['Content-Length']
- res.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(res_body))
- if 'Content-Length' not in res.headers:
- res.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(res_body))
- setattr(res, 'headers', self.filter_headers(res.headers))
- self.wfile.write("{} {} {}\r\n".format(self.protocol_version, res.status, res.reason).encode('latin-1'))
- for k, v in res.headers.items():
- self.send_header(k, v)
- self.end_headers()
- if res_body:
- self.wfile.write(res_body.encode('latin-1'))
- self.wfile.flush()
- with self.lock:
- self.save_handler(req, req_body, res, res_body_plain)
- def relay_streaming(self, res):
- self.wfile.write("{} {} {}\r\n".format(self.protocol_version, res.status, res.reason)
- .encode('latin-1', 'strinct'))
- for k, v in res.headers.items():
- self.send_header(k, v)
- self.end_headers()
- try:
- while True:
- chunk = res.read(8192)
- if not chunk:
- break
- self.wfile.write(chunk)
- self.wfile.flush()
- except socket.error:
- # connection closed by client
- pass
- do_HEAD = do_GET
- do_POST = do_GET
- do_PUT = do_GET
- do_DELETE = do_GET
- do_OPTIONS = do_GET
- def filter_headers(self, headers):
- # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-13.5.1
- hop_by_hop = (
- 'connection',
- 'keep-alive',
- 'proxy-authenticate',
- 'proxy-authorization',
- 'te',
- 'trailers',
- 'transfer-encoding',
- 'upgrade'
- )
- for k in hop_by_hop:
- del headers[k]
- # accept only supported encodings
- if 'Accept-Encoding' in headers:
- ae = headers['Accept-Encoding']
- filtered_encodings = [x for x in re.split(r',\s*', ae) if x in ('identity', 'gzip', 'x-gzip', 'deflate')]
- del headers['Accept-Encoding']
- headers['Accept-Encoding'] = ', '.join(filtered_encodings)
- return headers
- def encode_content_body(self, text, encoding):
- if encoding == 'identity':
- data = text
- elif encoding in ('gzip', 'x-gzip'):
- io = BytesIO()
- with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io, mode='wb') as f:
- f.write(text)
- data = io.getvalue()
- elif encoding == 'deflate':
- data = zlib.compress(text)
- else:
- raise Exception("Unknown Content-Encoding: {}".format(encoding))
- return data
- def decode_content_body(self, data, encoding):
- if encoding == 'identity':
- text = data
- elif encoding in ('gzip', 'x-gzip'):
- io = BytesIO(data)
- with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io) as f:
- text = f.read()
- elif encoding == 'deflate':
- try:
- text = zlib.decompress(data)
- except zlib.error:
- text = zlib.decompress(data, -zlib.MAX_WBITS)
- elif encoding == 'br': #Brotli
- return data
- else:
- raise Exception("Unknown Content-Encoding: {}".format(encoding))
- return text
- def send_cacert(self):
- with open(self.cacert, 'rb') as f:
- data = f.read()
- self.wfile.write("{} {} {}\r\n".format(self.protocol_version, 200, 'OK').encode('latin-1'))
- self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-x509-ca-cert')
- self.send_header('Content-Length', len(data))
- self.send_header('Connection', 'close')
- self.end_headers()
- self.wfile.write(data)
- def print_info(self, req, req_body, res, res_body):
- def parse_qsl(s):
- return '\n'.join("{:<20} {}".format(k, v) for k, v in urlparse.parse_qsl(s, keep_blank_values=True))
- req_header_text = "{} {} {}\n{}".format(req.command, req.path, req.request_version, req.headers)
- res_header_text = "{} {} {}\n{}".format(res.response_version, res.status, res.reason, res.headers)
- # print_color(33, req_header_text)
- #
- # u = urlparse.urlsplit(req.path)
- # if u.query:
- # query_text = parse_qsl(u.query)
- # print_color(32, "==== QUERY PARAMETERS ====\n{}\n".format(query_text))
- #
- # cookie = req.headers.get('Cookie', '')
- # if cookie:
- # cookie = parse_qsl(re.sub(r';\s*', '&', cookie))
- # print_color(32, "==== COOKIE ====\n{}\n".format(cookie))
- #
- # auth = req.headers.get('Authorization', '')
- # if auth.lower().startswith('basic'):
- # token = auth.split()[1].decode('base64')
- # print_color(31, "==== BASIC AUTH ====\n{}\n".format(token))
- if req_body is not None:
- req_body_text = None
- content_type = req.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
- if content_type.startswith('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'):
- req_body_text = parse_qsl(req_body.decode('latin-1'))
- elif content_type.startswith('application/json'):
- try:
- json_obj = json.loads(req_body)
- json_str = json.dumps(json_obj, indent=2)
- if json_str.count('\n') < 50:
- req_body_text = json_str
- else:
- lines = json_str.splitlines()
- req_body_text = "{}\n({} lines)".format('\n'.join(lines[:50]), len(lines))
- except ValueError:
- req_body_text = req_body
- elif len(req_body) < 1024:
- req_body_text = req_body
- # if req_body_text:
- # print_color(32, "==== REQUEST BODY ====\n{}\n".format(req_body_text))
- # print_color(36, res_header_text)
- # if hasattr(res.headers, 'getheaders'):
- # cookies = res.headers.getheaders('Set-Cookie')
- # else:
- # cookies = res.headers.get_all('Set-Cookie')
- # if cookies:
- # cookies = '\n'.join(cookies)
- # print_color(31, "==== SET-COOKIE ====\n{}\n".format(cookies))
- if res_body is not None:
- res_body_text = None
- content_type = res.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
- if content_type.startswith('application/json'):
- try:
- json_obj = json.loads(res_body)
- json_str = json.dumps(json_obj, indent=2)
- if json_str.count('\n') < 50:
- res_body_text = json_str
- else:
- lines = json_str.splitlines()
- res_body_text = "{}\n({} lines)".format('\n'.join(lines[:50]), len(lines))
- except ValueError:
- res_body_text = res_body
- elif content_type.startswith('text/html'):
- pass
- # m = re.search(r'
]*>\s*([^<]+?)\s*', res_body.decode('latin-1'), re.I)
- # if m:
- # print_color(32, "==== HTML TITLE ====\n{}\n".format(html.unescape(m.group(1))))
- elif content_type.startswith('text/') and len(res_body) < 1024:
- res_body_text = res_body
- # if res_body_text:
- # print_color(32, "==== RESPONSE BODY ====\n{}\n".format(res_body_text))
- def request_handler(self, req, req_body):
- pass
- def response_handler(self, req, req_body, res, res_body):
- pass
- def save_handler(self, req, req_body, res, res_body):
- self.print_info(req, req_body, res, res_body)
-def UpdateDns(domain, address):
- global dns_hosts
- if not address:
- if address in dns_hosts:
- dns_hosts.pop(address)
- dns_hosts[domain] = address
-def ClearDns():
- global dns_hosts
- dns_hosts.clear()
-httpd = None
-def Init():
- try:
- global dir_name, ca_key, ca_crt, cert_key, cert_dir
- dir_name = join(Setting.GetConfigPath(), "ssl-data")
- ca_key = join(dir_name, 'ca.key')
- ca_crt = join(dir_name, 'ca.crt')
- cert_key = join(dir_name, 'cert.key')
- cert_dir = join(dir_name, 'certs')
- def generate_key_pair(key_type, bits):
- """
- Creates key pair
- :param key_type: one of crypto.TYPE_RSA or crypto.TYPE_DSA
- :param bits: key length
- :return: key pair in a PKey object
- :return type: instance of crypto.PKey
- """
- pkey = crypto.PKey()
- pkey.generate_key(key_type, bits)
- return pkey
- def _load_crypto_obj(path, crypto_method):
- with open(path, 'r') as key_fp:
- return crypto_method(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key_fp.read())
- if not isdir(dir_name):
- os.mkdir(dir_name)
- proxy_CN = 'proxy2 CA'
- ca_key_o = generate_key_pair(crypto.TYPE_RSA, 2048)
- cert_key_o = generate_key_pair(crypto.TYPE_RSA, 2048)
- cert_req_temp = create_cert_request(ca_key_o, CN=proxy_CN)
- ca_crt_o = create_certificate(
- cert_req_temp, ('__self_signed', ca_key_o), 1509982490957715,
- (0, 60 * 60 * 24 * 30), self_signed_x509v3=True
- )
- if not os.path.isfile(ca_key):
- with open(ca_key, 'wb+') as f:
- f.write(crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, ca_key_o))
- if not os.path.isfile(cert_key):
- with open(cert_key, 'wb+') as f:
- f.write(crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert_key_o))
- if not os.path.isfile(ca_crt):
- with open(ca_crt, 'wb+') as f:
- f.write(crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, ca_crt_o))
- if not isdir(cert_dir):
- os.mkdir(cert_dir)
- global cert_key_obj
- global ca_key_obj
- global ca_crt_obj
- cert_key_obj = _load_crypto_obj(cert_key, crypto.load_privatekey)
- ca_key_obj = _load_crypto_obj(ca_key, crypto.load_privatekey)
- ca_crt_obj = _load_crypto_obj(ca_crt, crypto.load_certificate)
- server_address = ('', 0)
- ProxyRequestHandler.protocol_version = "HTTP/1.1"
- global httpd
- httpd = ThreadingHTTPServer(server_address, ProxyRequestHandler)
- # sa = httpd.socket.getsockname()
- # print("Serving HTTP Proxy on {} port {} ...".format(sa[0], sa[1]))
- httpd.server_activate()
- sa = httpd.socket.getsockname()
- config.LocalProxyPort = sa[1]
- def Run():
- Log.Warn("Serving HTTP Proxy on {} port {} ...".format(sa[0], sa[1]))
- httpd.serve_forever()
- Log.Warn(("Serving end..."))
- thread = threading.Thread(target=Run)
- thread.setDaemon(True)
- thread.start()
- except Exception as e:
- Log.Error(e)
-def Stop():
- global httpd
- httpd.shutdown()
-__all__ = [
- "Init",
- "Stop",
- "UpdateDns",
- "ClearDns",
\ No newline at end of file
+# import gzip
+# import http.client as httplib
+# import json
+# import os
+# import re
+# import select
+# import socket
+# import ssl
+# import sys
+# import threading
+# import time
+# import urllib.parse as urlparse
+# import zlib
+# from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
+# from io import BytesIO
+# from os.path import join, isdir
+# from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn
+# from string import Template
+# from OpenSSL import crypto
+# from config import config
+# from config.setting import Setting
+# from tools.log import Log
+# dns_hosts = {}
+# dir_name = join(Setting.GetConfigPath(), "ssl-data")
+# ca_key = join(dir_name, 'ca.key')
+# ca_crt = join(dir_name, 'ca.crt')
+# cert_key = join(dir_name, 'cert.key')
+# cert_dir = join(dir_name, 'certs')
+# def print_color(c, s):
+# print("\x1b[{}m{}\x1b[0m".format(c, s))
+# cert_key_obj = None
+# ca_key_obj = None
+# ca_crt_obj = None
+# def join_with_script_dir(path):
+# return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), path)
+# def create_certificate(
+# req, cert_key_pair, serial, begin_end_validity, digest="sha256",
+# self_signed_x509v3=False, subject_alt_names=[]):
+# i_cert, i_key = cert_key_pair
+# not_before, not_after = begin_end_validity
+# ret_x509_obj = crypto.X509()
+# ret_x509_obj.set_serial_number(serial)
+# ret_x509_obj.gmtime_adj_notAfter(not_after)
+# ret_x509_obj.gmtime_adj_notBefore(not_before)
+# if i_cert == '__self_signed':
+# i_cert = ret_x509_obj
+# ret_x509_obj.set_issuer(i_cert.get_subject())
+# ret_x509_obj.set_subject(req.get_subject())
+# ret_x509_obj.set_pubkey(req.get_pubkey())
+# if self_signed_x509v3:
+# ret_x509_obj.set_version(2)
+# ret_x509_obj.add_extensions([
+# crypto.X509Extension(b'subjectKeyIdentifier', False, b'hash',
+# subject=ret_x509_obj),
+# crypto.X509Extension(b'basicConstraints', False, b'CA:TRUE'),
+# ])
+# ret_x509_obj.add_extensions([
+# crypto.X509Extension(b'authorityKeyIdentifier', False,
+# b'keyid:always', issuer=ret_x509_obj),
+# ])
+# if len(subject_alt_names) != 0:
+# ret_x509_obj.set_version(2) # 0x3
+# ret_x509_obj.add_extensions([
+# crypto.X509Extension(
+# type_name=b'subjectAltName',
+# critical=False,
+# value=", ".join(subject_alt_names).encode())
+# ])
+# ret_x509_obj.sign(i_key, digest)
+# return ret_x509_obj
+# def create_cert_request(p_key, digest="sha256", **subject_kwargs):
+# req = crypto.X509Req()
+# subj = req.get_subject()
+# for key, value in subject_kwargs.items():
+# setattr(subj, key, value)
+# req.set_pubkey(p_key)
+# req.sign(p_key, digest)
+# return req
+# class ThreadingHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer):
+# address_family = socket.AF_INET
+# daemon_threads = True
+# def handle_error(self, request, client_address):
+# # surpress socket/ssl related errors
+# cls, e = sys.exc_info()[:2]
+# if cls is socket.error or cls is BrokenPipeError or cls is ssl.SSLError:
+# # BrokenPipeError is socket.error in Python2 and standalone error in Python3.
+# # This is most frequently raised error here.
+# # I don't understand why it raises here
+# # looks like it is caused by some errors in the proxy logic: for some
+# # reasons a client closes connection
+# # I thinks the keep-alive logic should be checked.
+# pass
+# else:
+# return HTTPServer.handle_error(self, request, client_address)
+# class ProxyRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+# cakey = join_with_script_dir('ca.key')
+# cacert = join_with_script_dir('ca.crt')
+# certkey = join_with_script_dir('cert.key')
+# certdir = join_with_script_dir('certs/')
+# timeout = 5
+# lock = threading.Lock()
+# def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+# self.tls = threading.local()
+# self.tls.conns = {}
+# BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+# def log_error(self, format, *args):
+# # surpress "Request timed out: timeout('timed out',)"
+# if isinstance(args[0], socket.timeout):
+# return
+# self.log_message(format, *args)
+# def do_CONNECT(self):
+# self.connect_intercept()
+# def connect_intercept(self):
+# hostname = self.path.split(':')[0]
+# ippat = re.compile("^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$")
+# cert_category = "DNS"
+# if ippat.match(hostname):
+# cert_category = "IP"
+# certpath = "%s/%s.crt" % (cert_dir.rstrip('/'), hostname)
+# with self.lock:
+# if not os.path.isfile(certpath):
+# x509_serial = int("%d" % (time.time() * 1000))
+# valid_time_interval = (0, 60 * 60 * 24 * 365)
+# cert_request = create_cert_request(cert_key_obj, CN=hostname)
+# cert = create_certificate(
+# cert_request, (ca_crt_obj, ca_key_obj), x509_serial,
+# valid_time_interval,
+# subject_alt_names=[
+# Template("${category}:${hostname}").substitute(hostname=hostname, category=cert_category)
+# ]
+# )
+# with open(certpath, 'wb+') as f:
+# f.write(crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert))
+# self.wfile.write("{} {} {}\r\n".format(self.protocol_version, 200, 'Connection Established').encode('latin-1'))
+# self.wfile.write(b'\r\n')
+# self.connection = ssl.wrap_socket(self.connection,
+# keyfile=cert_key,
+# certfile=certpath,
+# server_side=True)
+# self.rfile = self.connection.makefile("rb", self.rbufsize)
+# self.wfile = self.connection.makefile("wb", self.wbufsize)
+# conntype = self.headers.get('Proxy-Connection', '')
+# if self.protocol_version == "HTTP/1.1" and conntype.lower() != 'close':
+# self.close_connection = 0
+# else:
+# self.close_connection = 1
+# def connect_relay(self):
+# address = self.path.split(':', 1)
+# address[1] = int(address[1]) or 443
+# try:
+# s = socket.create_connection(address, timeout=self.timeout)
+# except Exception as e:
+# self.send_error(502)
+# return
+# self.send_response(200, 'Connection Established')
+# self.end_headers()
+# conns = [self.connection, s]
+# self.close_connection = 0
+# while not self.close_connection:
+# rlist, wlist, xlist = select.select(conns, [], conns, self.timeout)
+# if xlist or not rlist:
+# break
+# for r in rlist:
+# other = conns[1] if r is conns[0] else conns[0]
+# data = r.recv(8192)
+# if not data:
+# self.close_connection = 1
+# break
+# other.sendall(data)
+# def do_GET(self):
+# if self.path == 'http://proxy2.test/':
+# self.send_cacert()
+# return
+# req = self
+# content_length = int(req.headers.get('Content-Length', 0))
+# req_body = self.rfile.read(content_length) if content_length else None
+# if req.path[0] == '/':
+# if isinstance(self.connection, ssl.SSLSocket):
+# req.path = "https://{}{}".format(req.headers['Host'], req.path)
+# else:
+# req.path = "http://{}{}".format(req.headers['Host'], req.path)
+# req_body_modified = self.request_handler(req, req_body)
+# if req_body_modified is False:
+# self.send_error(403)
+# return
+# elif req_body_modified is not None:
+# req_body = req_body_modified
+# if 'Content-Length' in req.headers:
+# del req.headers['Content-Length']
+# req.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(req_body))
+# u = urlparse.urlsplit(req.path)
+# scheme, netloc, path = u.scheme, u.netloc, (u.path + '?' + u.query if u.query else u.path)
+# assert scheme in ('http', 'https')
+# # netloc = ""
+# # if netloc:
+# # if 'Host' in req.headers:
+# # del req.headers['Host']
+# # req.headers['Host'] = netloc
+# newHearder = self.filter_headers(req.headers)
+# # 自定义dns解析
+# global dns_hosts
+# if netloc in dns_hosts:
+# netloc = dns_hosts.get(netloc)
+# elif Setting.Language.autoValue != 3 and netloc == "www.google.com":
+# netloc = "recaptcha.net"
+# del newHearder["Host"]
+# newHearder["Host"] = "recaptcha.net"
+# setattr(req, 'headers', newHearder)
+# try:
+# origin = (scheme, netloc)
+# if origin not in self.tls.conns:
+# if scheme == 'https':
+# self.tls.conns[origin] = httplib.HTTPSConnection(netloc, timeout=self.timeout, context = ssl._create_unverified_context())
+# else:
+# self.tls.conns[origin] = httplib.HTTPConnection(netloc, timeout=self.timeout)
+# conn = self.tls.conns[origin]
+# conn.request(self.command, path, req_body, dict(req.headers))
+# res = conn.getresponse()
+# version_table = {10: 'HTTP/1.0', 11: 'HTTP/1.1'}
+# setattr(res, 'headers', res.msg)
+# setattr(res, 'response_version', version_table[res.version])
+# # support streaming
+# if 'Content-Length' not in res.headers and 'no-store' in res.headers.get('Cache-Control', ''):
+# self.response_handler(req, req_body, res, '')
+# setattr(res, 'headers', self.filter_headers(res.headers))
+# self.relay_streaming(res)
+# #with self.lock:
+# # self.save_handler(req, req_body, res, '')
+# return
+# res_body = res.read().decode('latin-1')
+# except Exception as e:
+# if origin in self.tls.conns:
+# del self.tls.conns[origin]
+# self.send_error(502)
+# return
+# content_encoding = res.headers.get('Content-Encoding', 'identity')
+# res_body_plain = self.decode_content_body(res_body.encode('latin-1'), content_encoding)
+# res_body_modified = self.response_handler(req, req_body, res, res_body_plain)
+# if res_body_modified is False:
+# self.send_error(403)
+# return
+# elif res_body_modified is not None:
+# res_body_plain = res_body_modified
+# res_body = self.encode_content_body(res_body_plain, content_encoding)
+# if 'Content-Length' in res.headers:
+# del res.headers['Content-Length']
+# res.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(res_body))
+# if 'Content-Length' not in res.headers:
+# res.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(res_body))
+# setattr(res, 'headers', self.filter_headers(res.headers))
+# self.wfile.write("{} {} {}\r\n".format(self.protocol_version, res.status, res.reason).encode('latin-1'))
+# for k, v in res.headers.items():
+# self.send_header(k, v)
+# self.end_headers()
+# if res_body:
+# self.wfile.write(res_body.encode('latin-1'))
+# self.wfile.flush()
+# with self.lock:
+# self.save_handler(req, req_body, res, res_body_plain)
+# def relay_streaming(self, res):
+# self.wfile.write("{} {} {}\r\n".format(self.protocol_version, res.status, res.reason)
+# .encode('latin-1', 'strinct'))
+# for k, v in res.headers.items():
+# self.send_header(k, v)
+# self.end_headers()
+# try:
+# while True:
+# chunk = res.read(8192)
+# if not chunk:
+# break
+# self.wfile.write(chunk)
+# self.wfile.flush()
+# except socket.error:
+# # connection closed by client
+# pass
+# do_HEAD = do_GET
+# do_POST = do_GET
+# do_PUT = do_GET
+# do_DELETE = do_GET
+# do_OPTIONS = do_GET
+# def filter_headers(self, headers):
+# # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-13.5.1
+# hop_by_hop = (
+# 'connection',
+# 'keep-alive',
+# 'proxy-authenticate',
+# 'proxy-authorization',
+# 'te',
+# 'trailers',
+# 'transfer-encoding',
+# 'upgrade'
+# )
+# for k in hop_by_hop:
+# del headers[k]
+# # accept only supported encodings
+# if 'Accept-Encoding' in headers:
+# ae = headers['Accept-Encoding']
+# filtered_encodings = [x for x in re.split(r',\s*', ae) if x in ('identity', 'gzip', 'x-gzip', 'deflate')]
+# del headers['Accept-Encoding']
+# headers['Accept-Encoding'] = ', '.join(filtered_encodings)
+# return headers
+# def encode_content_body(self, text, encoding):
+# if encoding == 'identity':
+# data = text
+# elif encoding in ('gzip', 'x-gzip'):
+# io = BytesIO()
+# with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io, mode='wb') as f:
+# f.write(text)
+# data = io.getvalue()
+# elif encoding == 'deflate':
+# data = zlib.compress(text)
+# else:
+# raise Exception("Unknown Content-Encoding: {}".format(encoding))
+# return data
+# def decode_content_body(self, data, encoding):
+# if encoding == 'identity':
+# text = data
+# elif encoding in ('gzip', 'x-gzip'):
+# io = BytesIO(data)
+# with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io) as f:
+# text = f.read()
+# elif encoding == 'deflate':
+# try:
+# text = zlib.decompress(data)
+# except zlib.error:
+# text = zlib.decompress(data, -zlib.MAX_WBITS)
+# elif encoding == 'br': #Brotli
+# return data
+# else:
+# raise Exception("Unknown Content-Encoding: {}".format(encoding))
+# return text
+# def send_cacert(self):
+# with open(self.cacert, 'rb') as f:
+# data = f.read()
+# self.wfile.write("{} {} {}\r\n".format(self.protocol_version, 200, 'OK').encode('latin-1'))
+# self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-x509-ca-cert')
+# self.send_header('Content-Length', len(data))
+# self.send_header('Connection', 'close')
+# self.end_headers()
+# self.wfile.write(data)
+# def print_info(self, req, req_body, res, res_body):
+# def parse_qsl(s):
+# return '\n'.join("{:<20} {}".format(k, v) for k, v in urlparse.parse_qsl(s, keep_blank_values=True))
+# req_header_text = "{} {} {}\n{}".format(req.command, req.path, req.request_version, req.headers)
+# res_header_text = "{} {} {}\n{}".format(res.response_version, res.status, res.reason, res.headers)
+# # print_color(33, req_header_text)
+# #
+# # u = urlparse.urlsplit(req.path)
+# # if u.query:
+# # query_text = parse_qsl(u.query)
+# # print_color(32, "==== QUERY PARAMETERS ====\n{}\n".format(query_text))
+# #
+# # cookie = req.headers.get('Cookie', '')
+# # if cookie:
+# # cookie = parse_qsl(re.sub(r';\s*', '&', cookie))
+# # print_color(32, "==== COOKIE ====\n{}\n".format(cookie))
+# #
+# # auth = req.headers.get('Authorization', '')
+# # if auth.lower().startswith('basic'):
+# # token = auth.split()[1].decode('base64')
+# # print_color(31, "==== BASIC AUTH ====\n{}\n".format(token))
+# if req_body is not None:
+# req_body_text = None
+# content_type = req.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
+# if content_type.startswith('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'):
+# req_body_text = parse_qsl(req_body.decode('latin-1'))
+# elif content_type.startswith('application/json'):
+# try:
+# json_obj = json.loads(req_body)
+# json_str = json.dumps(json_obj, indent=2)
+# if json_str.count('\n') < 50:
+# req_body_text = json_str
+# else:
+# lines = json_str.splitlines()
+# req_body_text = "{}\n({} lines)".format('\n'.join(lines[:50]), len(lines))
+# except ValueError:
+# req_body_text = req_body
+# elif len(req_body) < 1024:
+# req_body_text = req_body
+# # if req_body_text:
+# # print_color(32, "==== REQUEST BODY ====\n{}\n".format(req_body_text))
+# # print_color(36, res_header_text)
+# # if hasattr(res.headers, 'getheaders'):
+# # cookies = res.headers.getheaders('Set-Cookie')
+# # else:
+# # cookies = res.headers.get_all('Set-Cookie')
+# # if cookies:
+# # cookies = '\n'.join(cookies)
+# # print_color(31, "==== SET-COOKIE ====\n{}\n".format(cookies))
+# if res_body is not None:
+# res_body_text = None
+# content_type = res.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
+# if content_type.startswith('application/json'):
+# try:
+# json_obj = json.loads(res_body)
+# json_str = json.dumps(json_obj, indent=2)
+# if json_str.count('\n') < 50:
+# res_body_text = json_str
+# else:
+# lines = json_str.splitlines()
+# res_body_text = "{}\n({} lines)".format('\n'.join(lines[:50]), len(lines))
+# except ValueError:
+# res_body_text = res_body
+# elif content_type.startswith('text/html'):
+# pass
+# # m = re.search(r']*>\s*([^<]+?)\s*', res_body.decode('latin-1'), re.I)
+# # if m:
+# # print_color(32, "==== HTML TITLE ====\n{}\n".format(html.unescape(m.group(1))))
+# elif content_type.startswith('text/') and len(res_body) < 1024:
+# res_body_text = res_body
+# # if res_body_text:
+# # print_color(32, "==== RESPONSE BODY ====\n{}\n".format(res_body_text))
+# def request_handler(self, req, req_body):
+# pass
+# def response_handler(self, req, req_body, res, res_body):
+# pass
+# def save_handler(self, req, req_body, res, res_body):
+# self.print_info(req, req_body, res, res_body)
+# def UpdateDns(domain, address):
+# global dns_hosts
+# if not address:
+# if address in dns_hosts:
+# dns_hosts.pop(address)
+# dns_hosts[domain] = address
+# def ClearDns():
+# global dns_hosts
+# dns_hosts.clear()
+# httpd = None
+# def Init():
+# try:
+# global dir_name, ca_key, ca_crt, cert_key, cert_dir
+# dir_name = join(Setting.GetConfigPath(), "ssl-data")
+# ca_key = join(dir_name, 'ca.key')
+# ca_crt = join(dir_name, 'ca.crt')
+# cert_key = join(dir_name, 'cert.key')
+# cert_dir = join(dir_name, 'certs')
+# def generate_key_pair(key_type, bits):
+# """
+# Creates key pair
+# :param key_type: one of crypto.TYPE_RSA or crypto.TYPE_DSA
+# :param bits: key length
+# :return: key pair in a PKey object
+# :return type: instance of crypto.PKey
+# """
+# pkey = crypto.PKey()
+# pkey.generate_key(key_type, bits)
+# return pkey
+# def _load_crypto_obj(path, crypto_method):
+# with open(path, 'r') as key_fp:
+# return crypto_method(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key_fp.read())
+# if not isdir(dir_name):
+# os.mkdir(dir_name)
+# proxy_CN = 'proxy2 CA'
+# ca_key_o = generate_key_pair(crypto.TYPE_RSA, 2048)
+# cert_key_o = generate_key_pair(crypto.TYPE_RSA, 2048)
+# cert_req_temp = create_cert_request(ca_key_o, CN=proxy_CN)
+# ca_crt_o = create_certificate(
+# cert_req_temp, ('__self_signed', ca_key_o), 1509982490957715,
+# (0, 60 * 60 * 24 * 30), self_signed_x509v3=True
+# )
+# if not os.path.isfile(ca_key):
+# with open(ca_key, 'wb+') as f:
+# f.write(crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, ca_key_o))
+# if not os.path.isfile(cert_key):
+# with open(cert_key, 'wb+') as f:
+# f.write(crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert_key_o))
+# if not os.path.isfile(ca_crt):
+# with open(ca_crt, 'wb+') as f:
+# f.write(crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, ca_crt_o))
+# if not isdir(cert_dir):
+# os.mkdir(cert_dir)
+# global cert_key_obj
+# global ca_key_obj
+# global ca_crt_obj
+# cert_key_obj = _load_crypto_obj(cert_key, crypto.load_privatekey)
+# ca_key_obj = _load_crypto_obj(ca_key, crypto.load_privatekey)
+# ca_crt_obj = _load_crypto_obj(ca_crt, crypto.load_certificate)
+# server_address = ('', 0)
+# ProxyRequestHandler.protocol_version = "HTTP/1.1"
+# global httpd
+# httpd = ThreadingHTTPServer(server_address, ProxyRequestHandler)
+# # sa = httpd.socket.getsockname()
+# # print("Serving HTTP Proxy on {} port {} ...".format(sa[0], sa[1]))
+# httpd.server_activate()
+# sa = httpd.socket.getsockname()
+# config.LocalProxyPort = sa[1]
+# def Run():
+# Log.Warn("Serving HTTP Proxy on {} port {} ...".format(sa[0], sa[1]))
+# httpd.serve_forever()
+# Log.Warn(("Serving end..."))
+# thread = threading.Thread(target=Run)
+# thread.setDaemon(True)
+# thread.start()
+# except Exception as e:
+# Log.Error(e)
+# def Stop():
+# global httpd
+# httpd.shutdown()
+# __all__ = [
+# "Init",
+# "Stop",
+# "UpdateDns",
+# "ClearDns",
+# ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/tools/qt_domain.py b/src/tools/qt_domain.py
index 25b94b3..0e85f40 100644
--- a/src/tools/qt_domain.py
+++ b/src/tools/qt_domain.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
from server.server import Server
from server import req
from tools.log import Log
-from tools.login_proxy import UpdateDns, ClearDns
+# from tools.login_proxy import UpdateDns, ClearDns
from tools.singleton import Singleton
from tools.status import Status
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def AddHttpTaskBack(self, data, host):
self.cache_dns[host] = address
self.all_dns[host] = addresss
Server().UpdateDns(host, address)
- UpdateDns(host, address)
+ # UpdateDns(host, address)
if host in config.DomainDns:
Log.Info("Dns parse suc, host:{}:{}, {}".format(host, address, addresss))
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ def AddDownloadTaskBack(self, data, host):
self.cache_dns[host] = address
self.all_dns[host] = addresss
Server().UpdateDns(host, address)
- UpdateDns(host, address)
+ # UpdateDns(host, address)
Log.Info("Dns parse suc, host:{}:{}, {}".format(host, address, addresss))
@@ -134,5 +134,5 @@ def Update(self):
- ClearDns()
+ # ClearDns()
diff --git a/src/view/main/main_view.py b/src/view/main/main_view.py
index b142aed..28541d2 100644
--- a/src/view/main/main_view.py
+++ b/src/view/main/main_view.py
@@ -17,9 +17,7 @@
from task.task_qimage import TaskQImage
from task.task_waifu2x import TaskWaifu2x
from tools.log import Log
-from tools.qt_domain import QtDomainMgr
from view.download.download_dir_view import DownloadDirView
-from view.read.read_pool import QtReadImgPoolManager
class MainView(Main, QtTaskBase):
diff --git a/src/view/setting/setting_view.py b/src/view/setting/setting_view.py
index 7f9e7b5..c2e39a2 100644
--- a/src/view/setting/setting_view.py
+++ b/src/view/setting/setting_view.py
@@ -187,9 +187,9 @@ def SpinBoxEvent(self, setItem, value):
- def OpenDohView(self):
- view = DohDnsView(QtOwner().owner)
- view.exec_()
+ # def OpenDohView(self):
+ # view = DohDnsView(QtOwner().owner)
+ # view.exec_()
def SwitchCurrent(self, **kwargs):
refresh = kwargs.get("refresh")