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An electronic health record system that lets healthcare providers add patients and consultation entries.


It's hosted on a heroku free tier dyno so please be patient on first page load.

Check it out


This project was completed with the main objective of learning TypeScript in part 9 of the Full stack open course.

Docker dev build (easiest method)

Requires: Docker, VS Code and Remote development extension pack. Install instructions

In the command palette, run 'Remote Containers: Open folder in container' and open the server dir which will build and start all the containers (redis, backend and frontend). When it's done, it will drop you into the server dir.

In terminal, run npm run dev to start the server.

Currently you can only connect to 1 container per VS Code window so open a new window, click the bottom left icon, choose 'open folder in container' and open the client folder.

In terminal, run npm start to start serving the client. Then open localhost:3000 in your browser.

By default, the server runs on port 3000, client 3001 but can be changed by updating forwardPorts in server/devcontainer.json and client/devcontainer.json dirs. If the server port is updated, only the port part in the proxy field in client/package.json needs to be updated.


  • node/express in TS
  • ioredis client

Data persistance was outside the scope of the project but I wanted the data stored somewhere when deployed. The patients and entries are stored in a list data type enabling the use of capped lists so that no more than 100 patients/entries are shown at a time.

  • /api/diagnoses - list of diagnosis codes used to treat patients
  • /api/patients - patient data
  • /api/patient/:id/entries - list of entries by the healthcare provider recording the patients consultation including description, type of visit (hospital/check up/occupational healthcare), diagnosis, specialist, etc

All data is server side validated for type and max lengths.

Dev build

Install deps

npm install

Using Redistogo as a redis host since they offer a free tier. The latest version they support is 3.2 so make sure to install that version. After it's installed, run it


Run the backend

npm run dev

Server listens on port 3001 by default or can be configured via PORT env var.

Prod build

Compile TS

npm run build

which will output the generated JS into server/build. The server needs certain environment vars set up in order to connect to Redis. See .env.sample


  • React in TS
  • Semantic UI
  • Formik forms (validation with Yup)

For this part, a sample project was supplied as a starting point with a basic patient list being rendered with nothing hooked up to the back end. I spent quite a bit of time getting the form to render the common data fields while being able to change the record type (hospital/check up/occupational healthcare) dynamically. I wanted the ability to switch between editing the form and looking up health entries without losing what was already entered into the form.

Dev build

Stock standard Create React App with TS template

For dev builds, the app uses a proxy to handle API requests. Update the proxy field in package.json to where ever the server is running, which will typically be localhost:3001. For testing on mobile, you can update it to a local ip instead. You need to restart the CRA dev server for the changes to take effect.

npm install
npm start

Prod build

npm run build

An env var has to be setup during the build step so that the correct backend url is injected into the code. Set REACT_APP_API_URL=<BACKEND_HOST> in whatever static web app PaaS is being used.