In Visual Studio 2019 16.7 Preview 3 we added extensibility support for "XAML Suggested Actions"
Note: This API is still in the preview stage and is available in Visual Studio 16.8 Preview versions. However, since this feature is not going to GA for 16.8, it will be disabled in 16.8 Preview 6 (due to our process of building the GA from the last Preview) and re-enabled in 16.9 Preview 1.
Our current plan is to release it in 16.9, which is a long-term servicing release, allowing you time to adapt your delivery process. This plan is preliminary and could be changed based on feature completeness.
To enable "Xaml Suggested Actions" for any control, a SuggestedActionProvider
feature provider should be created and registered in metadata.
A Control could have multiple Suggested Actions providers. Each provider will be shown as a separate tab in the Suggested Actions UI.
public class ExampleButton : Button { }
public class ExampleButtonSuggestedActionProvider : SuggestedActionProvider
public static ActionToken Token_Property_IsCancel = new ActionToken(0x1001);
public static ActionToken Token_Property_IsDefault = new ActionToken(0x1002);
public static ActionToken Token_Last = new ActionToken(0x10FF);
public override string Header => "Actions";
public override void Initialize()
this.ShowNameProperty = true;
this.AddGroup(new ActionGroup(SuggestedActionProviderTokens.Token_Group_Common,
new PropertyAction(SuggestedActionProviderTokens.Token_Property_Content, "Content"),
new PropertyAction(SuggestedActionProviderTokens.Token_Property_Background, "Background"),
new PropertyAction(SuggestedActionProviderTokens.Token_Property_IsEnabled, "IsEnabled")
this.AddGroup(new ActionGroup(SuggestedActionProviderTokens.Token_Group_Specific,
new PropertyAction(ExampleButtonSuggestedActionProvider.Token_Property_IsCancel,"IsCancel"),
new PropertyAction(ExampleButtonSuggestedActionProvider.Token_Property_IsDefault,"IsDefault")));
this.AddGroup(new BorderBrushActionGroup());
this.AddGroup(new VisibilityActionGroup());
this.AddGroup(new FontSettingsActionGroup());
public class ExampleSimpleButton : ExampleButton { }
public class ExampleSimpleButtonSuggestedActionProvider : ExampleButtonSuggestedActionProvider
public static ActionToken Token_Property_CustomProp = ExampleButtonSuggestedActionProviderToken_Last + 1;
public new static ActionToken Token_Last = new ActionToken(0x2FFF);
public override void Initialize()
//Hide Visibility Group
this.GetGroupByToken(SuggestedActionProviderTokens.Token_Group_VisibilitySettings).IsVisible =false;
//Hide IsDefault Property
this.GetActionByToken(ExampleSimpleButtonSuggestedActionProvider.Token_Property_IsDefault)IsVisible = false;
//Add new Opacity (without Token) property after IsDefault (even if it was hidden before)
this.InsertAction(new PropertyAction("Opacity"), after:ExampleSimpleButtonSuggestedActionProvider.Token_Property_IsDefault);
//Add new Link Action after IsDefault - will be inserted after IsDefault, but before Opacity
this.InsertAction(new LinkAction("New link", () => { }), after:ExampleSimpleButtonSuggestedActionProvider.Token_Property_IsDefault);
//Subscribe to ModelItem Property Changed Event to update view if needed
this.ModelItemPropertyChanged +=ExampleSimpleButtonSuggestedActionProvider_ModelItemPropertyChanged;
private void ExampleSimpleButtonSuggestedActionProvider_ModelItemPropertyChanged(object sender,PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
//Add one provider
builder.AddCustomAttributes("CustomControlLibrary.WpfCore.ExampleButton", new FeatureAttribute(typeof(ExampleButtonSuggestedActionProvider)));
//Same for another control
builder.AddCustomAttributes("CustomControlLibrary.WpfCore.ExampleSimpleButton", new FeatureAttribute(typeof(ExampleSimpleButtonSuggestedActionProvider)));
At the top of the Suggested Actions dialog in the designer there is a Type Name label. It could be used as a hyperlink to documentation. There are two ways to enable it:
in Metadata:builder.AddCustomAttributes("System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox", new DocumentationAttribute(helpUrl: ""));
and register it in Metadata:public class ButtonDocumentationProvider : DocumentationProvider { public override string GetHelpUrl(ModelItem modelItem) { return ""; } } //Metatdata registration: builder.AddCustomAttributes("System.Windows.Controls.Button", new FeatureAttribute(typeof(ButtonDocumentationProvider));
- If both
exist for the same type,DocumentationAttribute
will be used.DocumentationAttribute
will not be searched in parent classes.- If
has not been added, we will use the help URL from the first parent class that has this provider, otherwise the Type Name label will not be a hyperlink.