the criteria is to match previus packages while adding a new package, e.g. they all need to have a getAll
- use one of the existing modules as an inspiration.
- Create a directory as the
name. - Create a directory as the
name. - Init a npm package.
- It should export a modules that has all CRUD operations inside, e.g.
git clone [email protected]:solid-contrib/data-modules.git
cd data-modules
mkdir bookmarks/inrupt
cd bookmarks/inrupt
npm init -y
npm i typescript @types/node -D
npm i @inrupt/solid-client solid-typeindex-support
npx tsc --init
mkdir src/
mkdir src/
touch src/index.ts
tsconfig content:
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "./dist",
"module": "ESNext",
"target": "es6",
"allowJs": true,
"declaration": true,
"moduleResolution": "Node",
"esModuleInterop": true,
"strict": true,
"rootDir": "./",
"baseUrl": "src",
"stripInternal": true,
"types": ["node"],
"include": ["src", "test", "__test__"],
"exclude": ["node_modules", "**/test/*"]
import { TypeIndexHelper } from "solid-typeindex-support";
export class Bookmark {
private static async getIndexUrls(session): Promise<string[]> {
const registeries = await TypeIndexHelper.getFromTypeIndex(!, session.fetch, true)
if (!!registeries?.length) {
return registeries
} else {
const pods = (await getPodUrlAll(!, { fetch: session.fetch }))[0];
const baseURL = pods ? pods :"/profile")[0]
const defaultIndexUrl = `${baseURL}/bookmarks/index.ttl`;
const defaultIndexDataset = await getSolidDataset(defaultIndexUrl, { fetch: session.fetch });
if (!defaultIndexDataset) {
await saveSolidDatasetAt(defaultIndexUrl, createSolidDataset(), { fetch: session.fetch });
await TypeIndexHelper.registerInTypeIndex(!, session.fetch, defaultIndexUrl, true)
return [defaultIndexUrl];
public static async create(payload: ICreateBookmark, session: Session): Promise<boolean> {
const { title, link, creator, topic } = payload
if (!isValidUrl(link)) throw new Error("link is not a valid URL")
if (creator && !isValidUrl(creator)) throw new Error("creator is not a valid URL")
const [indexUrl] = await this.getIndexUrls(session);
const ds = await getSolidDataset(indexUrl, { fetch: session.fetch });
let newBookmarkThing = createThing()
newBookmarkThing = addStringNoLocale(newBookmarkThing, DCTERMS.title, title)
newBookmarkThing = addNamedNode(newBookmarkThing, BOOKMARK.recalls, namedNode(link))
if (creator) newBookmarkThing = addNamedNode(newBookmarkThing, DCTERMS.creator, namedNode(creator))
if (topic && isValidUrl(topic)) newBookmarkThing = addNamedNode(newBookmarkThing, BOOKMARK.hasTopic, namedNode(topic))
if (topic && !isValidUrl(topic)) newBookmarkThing = addStringNoLocale(newBookmarkThing, BOOKMARK.hasTopic, topic)
newBookmarkThing = addStringNoLocale(newBookmarkThing, DCTERMS.created, new Date().toISOString())
newBookmarkThing = addStringNoLocale(newBookmarkThing, __DC_UPDATED, new Date().toISOString())
newBookmarkThing = addUrl(newBookmarkThing, RDF.type, BOOKMARK.Bookmark)
const updatedBookmarkList = setThing(ds, newBookmarkThing);
const updatedDataset = await saveSolidDatasetAt(indexUrl, updatedBookmarkList, { fetch: session.fetch });
return updatedDataset ? true : false
// The rest of methods