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PostgreSQL Extensions

Extensions are the soul of PostgreSQL, and Pigsty deeply integrates the core extension plugins of the PostgreSQL ecosystem, providing you with battery-included distributed temporal, geospatial text, graph, and vector database capabilities! Check extension list for details.

Pigsty includes over 150+ PostgreSQL extension plugins and has compiled, packaged, integrated, and maintained many extensions not included in the official PGDG source. It also ensures through thorough testing that all these plugins can work together seamlessly. Including some potent extensions, such as PostGIS to process geospatial data, TimescaleDB to analyze time series/event stream data, Citus to transform a standalone database into a horizontally scalable distributed cluster, PGVector to store and search AI embeddings, Apache AGE for graph data storage and retrieval to works like Neo4J, and zhparser for Chinese word segmentation to work like ElasticSearch.

Plugins are already included and placed in the yum repo of the infra nodes, which can be directly enabled through PGSQL Cluster Config or installed manually using yum. Pigsty also introduces a complete compilation environment and infrastructure, allowing you to compile extensions not included in Pigsty & PGDG.


Some "database" are not actual PostgreSQL extensions, but also supported by pigsty, such as:

  • Supabase: Open-Source Firebase Alternative (based on PostgreSQL)
  • FerretDB: Open-Source MongoDB Alternative (based on PostgreSQL)
  • NocoDB: Open-Source Airtable Alternative (based on PostgreSQL)

Extension List

Currently, the main version 15 of PostgreSQL in Pigsty provides the following extension plugins (other major versions only include core extensions but can be downloaded from the upstream repo). sources indicate where the extension comes from: PostgreSQL's own CONTRIB module, extensions provided by the official PGDG repo, and extensions packaged and maintained by PIGSTY.

The type has the following categories:

  • FEAT: New Features
  • GIS: Geospatial, PostGIS
  • TYPE: New Data type
  • FUNC: Functions and stored procedures
  • INDEX: Index access methods
  • LANG: Programming language support
  • SHARD: Horizontal Sharding
  • ADMIN: Management Tools
  • AUDIT: Audit Tools
  • FDW: Foreign Data Wrapper and Utils
  • STAT: Statistic & Observability

Among them, the bolded names are core extension plugins, including: postgis, timescaledb, citus, age, vector, embedding, zhparser, pg_repack, wal2json, passwordcracklib, pg_cron. And other powerful extensions are included such as age, hydra, PostgresML, etc...

name version source type comment
age 1.4.0 PIGSTY FEAT Apache AGE graph database extension
embedding 0.3.6 PIGSTY FEAT Vector similarity search with the HNSW algorithm
http 1.6 PIGSTY FEAT HTTP client for PostgreSQL, allows web page retrieval inside the database.
pg_tle 1.2.0 PIGSTY FEAT Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL
roaringbitmap 0.5 PIGSTY FEAT Support for Roaring Bitmaps
zhparser 2.2 PIGSTY FEAT Parser for full-text search of Chinese
pgml 2.7.9 PIGSTY FEAT PostgresML: Use the expressive power of SQL along with the most advanced machine learning algorithms and pretrained models in a high performance database.
pg_net 0.7.2 PIGSTY FEAT A PostgreSQL extension that enables asynchronous (non-blocking) HTTP/HTTPS requests with SQL
vault 0.2.9 PIGSTY FEAT Extension for storing encrypted secrets in the Vault
pg_graphql 1.3.0 PIGSTY FEAT GraphQL support for PostgreSQL
hydra 1.0.0 PIGSTY FEAT Hydra is open source, column-oriented Postgres extension
credcheck 2.1.0 PGDG ADMIN credcheck - postgresql plain text credential checker
pg_cron 1.5 PGDG ADMIN Job scheduler for PostgreSQL
pg_background 1.0 PGDG ADMIN Run SQL queries in the background
pg_jobmon 1.4.1 PGDG ADMIN Extension for logging and monitoring functions in PostgreSQL
pg_readonly 1.0.0 PGDG ADMIN cluster database read only
pg_repack 1.4.8 PGDG ADMIN Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks
pg_squeeze 1.5 PGDG ADMIN A tool to remove unused space from a relation.
pgfincore 1.2 PGDG ADMIN examine and manage the os buffer cache
pglogical 2.4.3 PGDG ADMIN PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical_origin 1.0.0 PGDG ADMIN Dummy extension for compatibility when upgrading from Postgres 9.4
prioritize 1.0 PGDG ADMIN get and set the priority of PostgreSQL backends
set_user 4.0.1 PGDG AUDIT similar to SET ROLE but with added logging
passwordcracklib 3.0.0 PGDG AUDIT Enforce password policy
pgaudit 1.7 PGDG AUDIT provides auditing functionality
pgcryptokey 1.0 PGDG AUDIT cryptographic key management
hdfs_fdw 2.0.5 PGDG FDW foreign-data wrapper for remote hdfs servers
mongo_fdw 1.1 PGDG FDW foreign data wrapper for MongoDB access
multicorn 2.4 PGDG FDW Multicorn2 Python3.6+ bindings for Postgres 11++ Foreign Data Wrapper
mysql_fdw 1.2 PGDG FDW Foreign data wrapper for querying a MySQL server
pgbouncer_fdw 0.4 PGDG FDW Extension for querying pgbouncer stats from normal SQL views & running pgbouncer commands from normal SQL functions
sqlite_fdw 1.1 PGDG FDW SQLite Foreign Data Wrapper
tds_fdw 2.0.3 PGDG FDW Foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server)
emaj 4.2.0 PGDG FEAT E-Maj extension enables fine-grained write logging and time travel on subsets of the database.
periods 1.2 PGDG FEAT Provide Standard SQL functionality for PERIODs and SYSTEM VERSIONING
pg_ivm 1.5 PGDG FEAT incremental view maintenance on PostgreSQL
pgq 3.5 PGDG FEAT Generic queue for PostgreSQL
pgsodium 3.1.8 PGDG FEAT Postgres extension for libsodium functions
timescaledb 2.11.2 PGDG FEAT Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data (Apache 2 Edition)
wal2json 2.5.1 PGDG FEAT Capture JSON format CDC change via logical decoding
vector 0.5.0 PGDG FEAT vector data type and ivfflat / hnsw access method
count_distinct 3.0.1 PGDG FUNC An alternative to COUNT(DISTINCT ...) aggregate, usable with HashAggregate
ddlx 0.23 PGDG FUNC DDL eXtractor functions
extra_window_functions 1.0 PGDG FUNC Additional window functions to PostgreSQL
mysqlcompat 0.0.7 PGDG FUNC MySQL compatibility functions
orafce 4.5 PGDG FUNC Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS
pgsql_tweaks 0.10.0 PGDG FUNC Some functions and views for daily usage
tdigest 1.4.0 PGDG FUNC Provides tdigest aggregate function.
topn 2.4.0 PGDG FUNC type for top-n JSONB
unaccent 1.1 PGDG FUNC text search dictionary that removes accents
address_standardizer 3.3.3 PGDG GIS Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step.
address_standardizer_data_us 3.3.3 PGDG GIS Address Standardizer US dataset example
postgis 3.3.3 PGDG GIS PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions
postgis_raster 3.3.3 PGDG GIS PostGIS raster types and functions
postgis_sfcgal 3.3.3 PGDG GIS PostGIS SFCGAL functions
postgis_tiger_geocoder 3.3.3 PGDG GIS PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder
postgis_topology 3.3.3 PGDG GIS PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
amcheck 1.3 PGDG INDEX functions for verifying relation integrity
bloom 1.0 PGDG INDEX bloom access method - signature file based index
hll 2.16 PGDG INDEX type for storing hyperloglog data
pgtt 2.10.0 PGDG INDEX Extension to add Global Temporary Tables feature to PostgreSQL
rum 1.3 PGDG INDEX RUM index access method
hstore_plperl 1.0 PGDG LANG transform between hstore and plperl
hstore_plperlu 1.0 PGDG LANG transform between hstore and plperlu
plpgsql_check 2.3 PGDG LANG extended check for plpgsql functions
plsh 2 PGDG LANG PL/sh procedural language
citus 12.0-1 PGDG SHARD Citus distributed database
citus_columnar 11.3-1 PGDG SHARD Citus Columnar extension
pg_fkpart 1.7 PGDG SHARD Table partitioning by foreign key utility
pg_partman 4.7.3 PGDG SHARD Extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID
plproxy 2.10.0 PGDG SHARD Database partitioning implemented as procedural language
hypopg 1.4.0 PGDG STAT Hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL
logerrors 2.1 PGDG STAT Function for collecting statistics about messages in logfile
pg_auth_mon 1.1 PGDG STAT monitor connection attempts per user
pg_permissions 1.1 PGDG STAT view object permissions and compare them with the desired state
pg_qualstats 2.0.4 PGDG STAT An extension collecting statistics about quals
pg_stat_kcache 2.2.2 PGDG STAT Kernel statistics gathering
pg_stat_monitor 2.0 PGDG STAT The pg_stat_monitor is a PostgreSQL Query Performance Monitoring tool, based on PostgreSQL contrib module pg_stat_statements. pg_stat_monitor provides aggregated statistics, client information, plan details including plan, and histogram information.
pg_store_plans 1.7 PGDG STAT track plan statistics of all SQL statements executed
pg_track_settings 2.1.2 PGDG STAT Track settings changes
pg_wait_sampling 1.1 PGDG STAT sampling based statistics of wait events
pldbgapi 1.1 PGDG STAT server-side support for debugging PL/pgSQL functions
plprofiler 4.2 PGDG STAT server-side support for profiling PL/pgSQL functions
powa 4.1.4 PGDG STAT PostgreSQL Workload Analyser-core
system_stats 1.0 PGDG STAT System statistic functions for PostgreSQL
citext 1.6 PGDG TYPE data type for case-insensitive character strings
geoip 0.2.4 PGDG TYPE An IP geolocation extension (a wrapper around the MaxMind GeoLite dataset)
ip4r 2.4 PGDG TYPE IPv4/v6 and IPv4/v6 range index type for PostgreSQL
pg_uuidv7 1.1 PGDG TYPE pg_uuidv7: create UUIDv7 values in postgres
pgmp 1.1 PGDG TYPE Multiple Precision Arithmetic extension
semver 0.32.1 PGDG TYPE Semantic version data type
timestamp9 1.3.0 PGDG TYPE timestamp nanosecond resolution
unit 7 PGDG TYPE SI units extension
lo 1.1 CONTRIB ADMIN Large Object maintenance
old_snapshot 1.0 CONTRIB ADMIN utilities in support of old_snapshot_threshold
pg_prewarm 1.2 CONTRIB ADMIN prewarm relation data
pg_surgery 1.0 CONTRIB ADMIN extension to perform surgery on a damaged relation
dblink 1.2 CONTRIB FDW connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database
file_fdw 1.0 CONTRIB FDW foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
postgres_fdw 1.1 CONTRIB FDW foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
autoinc 1.0 CONTRIB FUNC functions for autoincrementing fields
dict_int 1.0 CONTRIB FUNC text search dictionary template for integers
dict_xsyn 1.0 CONTRIB FUNC text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing
earthdistance 1.1 CONTRIB FUNC calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth
fuzzystrmatch 1.1 CONTRIB FUNC determine similarities and distance between strings
insert_username 1.0 CONTRIB FUNC functions for tracking who changed a table
intagg 1.1 CONTRIB FUNC integer aggregator and enumerator (obsolete)
intarray 1.5 CONTRIB FUNC functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers
moddatetime 1.0 CONTRIB FUNC functions for tracking last modification time
pg_trgm 1.6 CONTRIB FUNC text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
pgcrypto 1.3 CONTRIB FUNC cryptographic functions
refint 1.0 CONTRIB FUNC functions for implementing referential integrity (obsolete)
tablefunc 1.0 CONTRIB FUNC functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
tcn 1.0 CONTRIB FUNC Triggered change notifications
tsm_system_rows 1.0 CONTRIB FUNC TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit
tsm_system_time 1.0 CONTRIB FUNC TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit
uuid-ossp 1.1 CONTRIB FUNC generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
btree_gin 1.3 CONTRIB INDEX support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
btree_gist 1.7 CONTRIB INDEX support for indexing common datatypes in GiST
bool_plperl 1.0 CONTRIB LANG transform between bool and plperl
bool_plperlu 1.0 CONTRIB LANG transform between bool and plperlu
hstore_plpython3u 1.0 CONTRIB LANG transform between hstore and plpython3u
jsonb_plperl 1.0 CONTRIB LANG transform between jsonb and plperl
jsonb_plperlu 1.0 CONTRIB LANG transform between jsonb and plperlu
jsonb_plpython3u 1.0 CONTRIB LANG transform between jsonb and plpython3u
ltree_plpython3u 1.0 CONTRIB LANG transform between ltree and plpython3u
plperl 1.0 CONTRIB LANG PL/Perl procedural language
plperlu 1.0 CONTRIB LANG PL/PerlU untrusted procedural language
plpgsql 1.0 CONTRIB LANG PL/pgSQL procedural language
plpython3u 1.0 CONTRIB LANG PL/Python3U untrusted procedural language
pltcl 1.0 CONTRIB LANG PL/TCL procedural language
pltclu 1.0 CONTRIB LANG PL/TCLU untrusted procedural language
pageinspect 1.11 CONTRIB STAT inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
pg_buffercache 1.3 CONTRIB STAT examine the shared buffer cache
pg_freespacemap 1.2 CONTRIB STAT examine the free space map (FSM)
pg_stat_statements 1.10 CONTRIB STAT track planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
pg_visibility 1.2 CONTRIB STAT examine the visibility map (VM) and page-level visibility info
pg_walinspect 1.0 CONTRIB STAT functions to inspect contents of PostgreSQL Write-Ahead Log
pgrowlocks 1.2 CONTRIB STAT show row-level locking information
pgstattuple 1.5 CONTRIB STAT show tuple-level statistics
sslinfo 1.2 CONTRIB STAT information about SSL certificates
cube 1.5 CONTRIB TYPE data type for multidimensional cubes
hstore 1.8 CONTRIB TYPE data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
isn 1.2 CONTRIB TYPE data types for international product numbering standards
ltree 1.2 CONTRIB TYPE data type for hierarchical tree-like structures
prefix 1.2.0 CONTRIB TYPE Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL
seg 1.4 CONTRIB TYPE data type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals
xml2 1.1 CONTRIB TYPE XPath querying and XSLT

Install Extension

When you init a PostgreSQL cluster, the extensions listed in pg_extensions will be installed. The default value for this parameter is:

pg_extensions:  # pg extensions to be installed, `${pg_version}` will be replaced
  - pg_repack_${pg_version} wal2json_${pg_version}
  - postgis33_${pg_version} postgis33_${pg_version}-devel postgis33_${pg_version}-utils
  - timescaledb-2-postgresql-${pg_version}
  - citus*${pg_version}*
  - pgvector_${pg_version}*

Here, ${pg_version} is a placeholder that will be replaced with the actual major version number pg_version of that PostgreSQL cluster Therefore, the default configuration will install these extensions:

  • postgis33: Geospatial database extension
  • timescaledb: Time-series database extension
  • citus: Distributed/columnar storage extension
  • pgvector: Vector database/index extension
  • pg_repack: Extension for online table bloat processing
  • wal2json: Extracts changes in JSON format through logical decoding.

Please note that not all PostgreSQL major versions offer all of the above extensions, except for 15, the main supported versions by Pigsty. For example, as of 2023-09-15, when PostgreSQL 16 was just released, PG 16 still needs the pg_repack, citus, and timescaledb extensions. In such cases, you should modify the pg_extensions parameter in the cluster configuration to remove unsupported extensions.

If you want to enable certain extensions in a target cluster that has not yet been created, you can directly declare them with the parameters:

  hosts: { { pg_seq: 1 ,pg_role: primary } }
    pg_cluster: pg-v15
      - name: test
        extensions:                 # <----- install these extensions for database `test`
          - { name: postgis, schema: public }
          - { name: timescaledb }
          - { name: pg_cron }
          - { name: vector }
          - { name: age }
    pg_libs: 'timescaledb, pg_cron, pg_stat_statements, auto_explain' # <- some extension require a share library to work
      - pg_repack_${pg_version} wal2json_${pg_version}
      - postgis33_${pg_version} postgis33_${pg_version}-devel postgis33_${pg_version}-utils
      - timescaledb-2-postgresql-${pg_version}
      - citus*${pg_version}*
      - pgvector_${pg_version}*
      - pg_cron_${pg_version}*        # <---- new extension: pg_cron
      - apache-age_${pg_version}*     # <---- new extension: apache-age
      - zhparser_${pg_version}*       # <---- new extension: zhparser

You can run the pg_extension sub-task in pgsql.yml to add extensions to clusters that have already been created.

./pgsql.yml -l pg-v15 -t pg_extension    # install specified extensions for cluster pg-v15

To install all available extensions in one pass, you can just specify pg_extensions: ['*${pg_version}*'], which is really a bold move.

Install Manually

After the PostgreSQL cluster is inited, you can manually install plugins via Ansible or Shell commands. For example, if you want to enable a specific extension on a cluster that has already been initialized:

cd ~/pigsty;  # enter pigsty home dir and install the apache age extension for the pg-test cluster
ansible pg-test -m yum -b -a 'name=apache-age_15*'     # The extension name usually has a suffix like `_<pgmajorversion>`

Most plugins are already included in the yum repository on the infrastructure node and can be installed directly using the yum command. If not included, you can consider downloading from the PGDG upstream source using the repotrack command or compiling source code into RPMs for distribution.

After the extension installation, you should be able to see them in the pg_available_extensions view of the target database cluster. Next, execute in the database where you want to install the extension:

CREATE EXTENSION age;          -- install the graph database extension

Compile Extension

If the extension you want is not included in Pigsty or the official PGDG repo, you can compile them into RPMs.

To compile the extension, you need to install rpmbuild, gcc/clang, and other related -devel packages; you also need pgdg-srpm-macros to build standard PGDG-style extension RPMs.

The installed 3-node el7-9 building environment build.yml could be used as a base for compiling extensions. You can install the dependencies required for compilation in this environment:

make build check-repo install    # setup building VMs, copy pkg.tgz and init
bin/repo-add infra node,pgsql    # add upstream repo to all 3 infra nodes

# add srpm repo to infra nodes
cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/pgdg-srpm.repo <<-'EOF'
name = PostgreSQL 15 SRPM $releasever - $basearch
gpgcheck = 0
enabled = 1

# install compiling tools, build deps and PG major versions
yum groupinstall -y 'Development Tools'
yum install -y pgdg-srpm-macros clang ccache rpm-build rpmdevtools postgresql1*-server flex bison
yum install -y postgresql1*-devel readline-devel zlib-devel lz4-devel libzstd-devel openssl-devel krb5-devel libcurl-devel

For example, here are the instructions for compiling the PostgreSQL pgsql-http extension:

Let's add the package specification file to: /root/rpmbuild/SPECS/pgsql-http.spec.

Example: RPM SPEC for http extension
%global pname http
%global sname pgsql-http
%global pginstdir /usr/pgsql-%{pgmajorversion}

%ifarch ppc64 ppc64le s390 s390x armv7hl
 %if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} == 7
  %{!?llvm:%global llvm 0}
  %{!?llvm:%global llvm 1}
 %{!?llvm:%global llvm 1}

Name:		%{sname}_%{pgmajorversion}
Version:	1.6.0
Release:	PIGSTY1%{?dist}
Summary:	HNSW algorithm for vector similarity search in PostgreSQL.
License:	MIT

BuildRequires:	postgresql%{pgmajorversion}-devel pgdg-srpm-macros >= 1.0.27
Requires:	postgresql%{pgmajorversion}-server

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to write a trigger that called a web service? Either to get back a result,
 or to poke that service into refreshing itself against the new state of the database? This extension is for that.

%if %llvm
%package llvmjit
Summary:	Just-in-time compilation support for %{sname}
Requires:	%{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} == 7
%ifarch aarch64
Requires:	llvm-toolset-7.0-llvm >= 7.0.1
Requires:	llvm5.0 >= 5.0
%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1315 && 0%{?suse_version} <= 1499
BuildRequires:	llvm6-devel clang6-devel
Requires:	llvm6
%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1500
BuildRequires:	llvm15-devel clang15-devel
Requires:	llvm15
%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 8
Requires:	llvm => 13.0

%description llvmjit
This packages provides JIT support for %{sname}

%setup -q -n %{sname}-%{version}

PATH=%{pginstdir}/bin:$PATH %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags}

%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
PATH=%{pginstdir}/bin:$PATH %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags} install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}

%if %llvm
%files llvmjit

* Wed Sep 13 2023 Vonng <[email protected]> - 1.6.0
- Initial RPM release, used by Pigsty <>

You can download the source code package of this extension to /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES, and then use the rpmbuild command to compile for different PG major versions:

rpmbuild --define "pgmajorversion 16" -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/pgsql-http.spec;
rpmbuild --define "pgmajorversion 15" -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/pgsql-http.spec;
rpmbuild --define "pgmajorversion 14" -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/pgsql-http.spec;
rpmbuild --define "pgmajorversion 13" -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/pgsql-http.spec;
rpmbuild --define "pgmajorversion 12" -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/pgsql-http.spec;

The compilation results will be placed in /root/rpmbuild/RPMS. Move them to the Pigsty local source /www/pigsty and execute ./infra.yml -t repo_create to rebuild the local source. You can then use the compiled extension RPM package on other hosts.

For more details, please refer to the RPM build documentation, which will not be expanded further.