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Coding a new substrate for Melting Pot

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a new substrate. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a fully functioning game, a binary to allow you to play it interactively, and minimal tests in Lua and Python.

By the end, your game will look like this:

Full game

Getting started

The code for this tutorial is in meltingpot/examples/tutorial/harvest, and you can try it out like this:

$ # Run the empty game
$ python examples/tutorial/harvest/ --observation WORLD.RGB --display_text

Empty game

You should see a blank window called Melting Pot: harvest with the text This page intentionally left blank like in the above image.

If you get an error like:

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'game_display' referenced before assignment

make sure you are including the -- --observation WORLD.RGB parameter in your command. The reason for this is that the empty substrate only has two observations: WORLD.RGB and WORLD.TEXT. We will add more later on, including the default per-player RGB one.

Fully working example

If you just want to skip ahead and look at the finished game, simply change the import in from

from .configs.environment import harvest as game


from .configs.environment import harvest_finished as game

and launch as desired:

python examples/tutorial/harvest/

for first person view; or

python examples/tutorial/harvest/ --observation WORLD.RGB

for third person view.

A minimal game

Ok, we can launch an empty game, but that is certainly not very interesting. Let us, at least, have an avatar that we can move around.

The first thing to do is to set our number of players to 1 and add the individual observation to the config in

  config.num_players = 1
  config.individual_observation_names = ["RGB"]

Everything in our substrate, including avatars, is a GameObject. You can think of GameObjects as dumb containers of functionality. Functionality is provided via Components. You can learn details of how components work in the concepts page. For the purposes of this tutorial, just think of GameObjects as the elements of your substrate, and Components as modular game logic you add to them.

The Avatar

To instantiate the player in the game, we need a GameObject with the avatar component. This is contained in avatar_library.lua.

Defining a game object is done in the python substrate configuration, just like we set the config.num_players above. Let's define our avatar GameObject by adding the following as a global:

    "name": "avatar",
    "components": [
            "component": "StateManager",
            "kwargs": {
                "initialState": "player",
                "stateConfigs": [
                    {"state": "player",
                     "layer": "upperPhysical",
                     "sprite": "Avatar",},
            "component": "Transform",
            "component": "Appearance",
            "kwargs": {
                "spriteNames": ["Avatar"],
                "spriteRGBColors": [(0, 0, 128)],
                "palettes": [{}],  # Will be overridden.
            "component": "Avatar",
            "kwargs": {
                "aliveState": "player",
                "waitState": "playerWait",
                "spawnGroup": "spawnPoints",
                "view": {
                    "left": 3,
                    "right": 3,
                    "forward": 5,
                    "backward": 1,
                    "centered": False,

Let's look a bit into what is going on here. The AVATAR is what we call a prefab: a template from which actual GameObjects will be built. This is not an actual GameObject, but think of this as the configuration needed to make one.

Prefabs have the following structure:

    "name": "some_name",  # The name of the prefab. An arbitrary string.
    "components": [  # A list of components for the GameObject.
        # You can add as many components as you want. Even of the same type.

If you want to learn more about this format, check out our detailed documentation

The components StateManager and Transform are required. We'll discuss states a bit more later, but if you want to understand this better, you can check their documentation. For now, think of a GameObjects state as its look and feel.

Defining spawn points

Now that we have our avatar configured, can we see it in action? Not quite! We need a couple of things before. First, in addition to the avatar prefab, we need some spawn points for our players. How do we specify those? You guessed it! We need a prefab for the spawn points1. Add the following to your config:

    "name": "spawn_point",
    "components": [
            "component": "StateManager",
            "kwargs": {
                "initialState": "spawnPoint",
                "stateConfigs": [{
                    "state": "spawnPoint",
                    "groups": ["spawnPoints"],
            "component": "Transform",

This one is much simpler. The only critical part is the "groups" parameter which corresponds to the "spawnGroup" in our Avatar component above. This is saying that "spawnPoints" is both, the group of the spawn point GameObject, as well as the locations that our avatars will use for sapwning.

Putting it all together

Finally, we need to specify the ASCII map, the mapping of ASCII chars to prefab name, and a mapping of prefab name to the actual prefab. We do this in the lab2d_settings part of the config. In the end, they should look like this:

  config.substrate.lab2d_settings = {
      "levelName": "harvest",
      "maxEpisodeLengthFrames": 100,
      "numPlayers": 1,
      "spriteSize": 8,
      "simulation": {
          "map": "  _  ",
          "prefabs": {
              "avatar": AVATAR,
              "spawn_point": SPAWN_POINT,
          "charPrefabMap": {"_": "spawn_point"},
          "playerPalettes": [],

NOTE: The engine (DMLab2d) uses the term "level" instead of our term "substrate".

NOTE: You can create the map that you want, we just provided " _ " as an example. We will expand it later.

Why do we not just provide a mapping from ASCII chars to prefabs directly?

The main reason is because we often want to have one char to map not just to one prefab, but a collection of them, or a choice between prefabs. For this substrate we won't need this functionality, but if you are interested, read about prefab specifications.

Key-word arguments to components

You might have noticed we specify Component parameters by making "kwargs". These corresponds to the constructor parameters of the Component. Some of these are optional, and will have a default value in the constructor itself. Whatever value is specified in Python will override the default.

For instance, you can see the arguments for the Avatar Component here.

How does it look now?

Running the game should produce something like the following:

Minimal game

You can move around with WASD, and turn with Q & E... Of course, you cannot really see which way you are going since our avatar is just a colored square. Let's improve our visuals!

Improvements to the visuals

In this section we will add another prefab for walls in the substrate, and improve the avatar looks, both with sprites.

By now you should be able to guess that all that is needed to change the appearance of an object is to... well, change its Appearance Component.

We have some useful sprites in the library.

Let's import it (don't forget to add the dependency):

from meltingpot.utils.substrates import shapes

and change our avatar's Appearance Component to:

            "component": "Appearance",
            "kwargs": {
                "renderMode": "ascii_shape",
                "spriteNames": ["Avatar"],
                "spriteShapes": [shapes.CUTE_AVATAR],
                "palettes": [{}],  # Will be overridden
                "noRotates": [True],

Let's add walls to the substrate by pasting this WALL prefab:

WALL = {
    "name": "wall",
    "components": [
            "component": "StateManager",
            "kwargs": {
                "initialState": "wall",
                "stateConfigs": [{
                    "state": "wall",
                    "layer": "upperPhysical",
                    "sprite": "Wall",
            "component": "Transform",
            "component": "Appearance",
            "kwargs": {
                "renderMode": "ascii_shape",
                "spriteNames": ["Wall",],
                "spriteShapes": [shapes.WALL],
                "palettes": [shapes.WALL_PALETTE],
                "noRotates": [True],
            "component": "BeamBlocker",
            "kwargs": {
                "beamType": "gift"
            "component": "BeamBlocker",
            "kwargs": {
                "beamType": "zap"

Finally, we need to update our ASCII map, add the wall to the prefabs, and a character to the charPrefabMap. Our lab2d_settings["simulation"] now looks like this:

      "simulation": {
          "map": """
*     *
*  _  *
*     *
*     *
          "prefabs": {
              "avatar": AVATAR,
              "spawn_point": SPAWN_POINT,
              "wall": WALL,
          "charPrefabMap": {"_": "spawn_point", "*": "wall"},
          "playerPalettes": [],

And now our substrate looks like this! Much nicer.

Sprites game

NOTE: The walls prevent avatars passing through them because they are on the same layer (upperPhysical).

Adding more objects and functionality

It's time to add some interactivity to our substrate. Start from this APPLE prefab, and add an Edible component to it so it provides a reward to the player whenever it is touched.

The overall changes needed are:

  1. Add a "contact": "avatar" to the avatar's StateConfig
  2. Add a prefab for the apple a. Add two states, one for the live (active) apple, one for the wait (dormant) one b. Add an Edible component
  3. Add the apple to the map, prefabs and charPrefabMap

1. Add contact to the avatar state

Add "contact": "avatar", to the avatar's "stateConfigs". It should now look like this:

                "stateConfigs": [
                    {"state": "player",
                     "layer": "upperPhysical",
                     "contact": "avatar",
                     "sprite": "Avatar",},

2. Add the APPLE prefab

The APPLE prefab should have two states, one where we actually show the apple, and when touched is consumed for reward, and one in which the apple is invisible and immaterial. You'll have to add these states to the StateManager.

Apple states

Let's start similar to our WALL prefab, except using the shapes.LEGACY_APPLE sprite, and the shapes.GREEN_COIN_PALETTE. The StateManager should have two states. One of them (call its state "apple") having a layer and sprite. The other one, only a state (call it "appleWait"). The StateManager component should look like this:

            "component": "StateManager",
            "kwargs": {
                "initialState": "apple",
                "stateConfigs": [{
                    "state": "apple",
                    "layer": "lowerPhysical",
                    "sprite": "Apple",
                }, {
                    "state": "appleWait",

NOTE: The layer must be different than "upperPhysical" so that the avatar can enter it. The usual layers are background, lowerPhysical, upperPhysical, and overlay.

Edible component

The Edible component takes 3 kwargs:

  1. liveState: The name of the state that is touchable and provides reward
  2. waitState: The immaterial or deactivated state, e.g. for after consumption
  3. rewardForEating: The numeric reward to players who touch it when live

Try adding this component yourself. Check the solution below if you need help.

Full `APPLE` prefab with `Edible` component
    "name": "apple",
    "components": [
            "component": "StateManager",
            "kwargs": {
                "initialState": "apple",
                "stateConfigs": [{
                    "state": "apple",
                    "layer": "lowerPhysical",
                    "sprite": "Apple",
                }, {
                    "state": "appleWait",
            "component": "Transform",
            "component": "Appearance",
            "kwargs": {
                "renderMode": "ascii_shape",
                "spriteNames": ["Apple",],
                "spriteShapes": [shapes.LEGACY_APPLE],
                "palettes": [shapes.GREEN_COIN_PALETTE],
                "noRotates": [True],
            "component": "Edible",
            "kwargs": {
                "liveState": "apple",
                "waitState": "appleWait",
                "rewardForEating": 1.0,

3. Add to substrate

Like before, we need to add the new prefab to the map. Let's use "A" as the character in the ASCII map, and call the prefab "apple".

  config.lab2d_settings = {
      "levelName": "harvest",
      "maxEpisodeLengthFrames": 100,
      "numPlayers": 5,
      "spriteSize": 8,
      "simulation": {
          "map": """
*   A *
*  _  *
* A   *
*   A *
          "prefabs": {
              "avatar": AVATAR,
              "spawn_point": SPAWN_POINT,
              "wall": WALL,
              "apple": APPLE,
          "charPrefabMap": {"_": "spawn_point", "*": "wall", "A": "apple"},
          "playerPalettes": [],

Edible apples

Debugging your components

If a component you've added doesn't function in the way you anticipate, an easy way to debug the substrate is to launch it with the --verbose flag.

python examples/tutorial/harvest/ --verbose True

This flag will activate the verbose_fn function in, where you can utilize the unused_timestep object to print out different attributes.

def verbose_fn(unused_timestep, unused_player_index: int) -> None:

Adding your own components

So far we have only used pre-existing components. However, what if we want functionality that doesn't yet exist? For this, we need to create a new Component in Lua. By convention, we put these in a file called components.lua in the same directory as our init.lua. Also, we have to require the file in init.lua so that the components defined there will be available.

The DensityRegrow custom component

In this section we will create a component called DensityRegrow that will stochastically switch a dormant apple back to life, but only if there are other apples in its immediate vicinity.

Let's start by creating components.lua and putting this boilerplate in it:

local args = require 'common.args'
local class = require 'common.class'
local helpers = require 'common.helpers'
local log = require 'common.log'
local random = require 'system.random'
local meltingpot = 'meltingpot.lua.modules.'
local component = require(meltingpot .. 'component')
local component_registry = require(meltingpot .. 'component_registry')

-- DensityRegrow makes the containing GameObject switch from `waitState` to
-- `liveState` at a rate based on the number of surrounding objects in
-- `liveState` and the configured `baseRate`.
local DensityRegrow = class.Class(component.Component)

local allComponents = {
    DensityRegrow = DensityRegrow,


return allComponents

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to add a require to your init.lua (e.g. right below the require for the avatar_library.

local components = require 'components'

Now let's define the constructor of our component. Whichever parameters we accept here are the ones we can specify when building our prefab. For the DensityRegrow, we want to control the base rate of regrowth as well as the radius defining the neighborhood. For simplicity we will just make it that the regrow rate is directly proportional to the number of alive apples in the neighborhood.

Our constructor looks like this:

function DensityRegrow:__init__(kwargs)
  kwargs = args.parse(kwargs, {
      {'name', args.default('DensityRegrow')},
      -- `baseRate` indicates the base probability per frame of switching from
      -- wait state to live state.
      {'baseRate',, args.le(1.0)},
      -- The name of the state representing the active or alive state.
      {'liveState', args.stringType},
      -- The name of the state representing the inactive or dormans state.
      {'waitState', args.stringType},
      -- The radius of the neighborhood
      {'neighborhoodRadius', args.numberType, args.default(1)},
      -- The layer to query for objects in `liveState`
      {'queryLayer', args.stringType, args.default("lowerPhysical")},
  DensityRegrow.Base.__init__(self, kwargs)

  self._config.baseRate = kwargs.baseRate
  self._config.liveState = kwargs.liveState
  self._config.waitState = kwargs.waitState
  self._config.neighborhoodRadius = kwargs.neighborhoodRadius
  self._config.queryLayer = kwargs.queryLayer

Notice the use of the args.lua module to specify the arguments, their type, range, and default values. Arguments with default values can be omitted in the prefab specification.

By convention, we save the parsed arguments into the self._config table, but you can do differently is desired.

Now we just need to specify the logic of regrowth. We do this by registering an updater which will be called every frame that our GameObject (containing the DensityRegrow component) is in its waitState:

function DensityRegrow:registerUpdaters(updaterRegistry)
      state = self._config.waitState,
      updateFn = function()
          local transform = self.gameObject:getComponent("Transform")
          -- Get neighbors
          local objects = transform:queryDiamond(
              self._config.queryLayer, self._config.neighborhoodRadius)
          -- Count live neighbors
          local liveNeighbors = 0
          for _, object in pairs(objects) do
            if object:getState() == self._config.liveState then
              liveNeighbors = liveNeighbors + 1
          local actualRate = liveNeighbors * self._config.baseRate
          if random:uniformReal(0, 1) < actualRate then

To learn more about updaters read our documentation

All that is left, is adding this component to our APPLE prefab.

            "component": "DensityRegrow",
            "kwargs": {
                "liveState": "apple",
                "waitState": "appleWait",
                "baseRate": 0.1,

NOTE: If you get the error: component_registry.lua:25: The component DensityRegrow does not exist in the registry. you might have forgotten to require the components in init.lua, or you might have skipped the footer in components.lua with component_registry.registerAllComponents(...)

The final version

Now that we have all the pieces we need, let's scale up our ASCII map, add some more players (and spawn points!), and make episodes last longer.

First set config.num_players = 5. The rest of the changes go in lab2d_settings you can try it on your own, but if get stuck, check ours:

  ascii_map = """
*      AAA       AAA *
* AAA   A   AAA   A  *
*AAAAA  _  AAAAA  _  *
* AAA       AAA      *
*      AAA       AAA *
*     AAAAA  _  AAAAA*
*      AAA       AAA *
*  A         A       *
* AAA   _   AAA   _  *

  # Lua script configuration.
  config.lab2d_settings = {
      "levelName": "harvest_finished",
      "maxEpisodeLengthFrames": 1000,
      "numPlayers": 5,
      "spriteSize": 8,
      "simulation": {
          "map": ascii_map,

You can also launch the interactive substrate using the player view instead of the third person one. Simply by remove the --observation WORLD.RGB flag:

python examples/tutorial/harvest/

You should see something like this:

Player view

NOTE: You can swap between them in the interactive window by pressing TAB.

WARNING: If you see an error like UnboundLocalError: local variable 'game_display' referenced before assignment, you might have forgotten to set the individual_observation_names to ["RGB"].

Making a substrate

We provide a builder that adapts the raw Lab2d substrate into an interface compatible with dm_env. This adaptor exposes a multi-agent API, where the action and observation specs are lists of the single-agent specs. The observation produced by the substrate is a list of single-agent observations, one for each of the players. Likewise, the action is provided as a list of single-agent actions, one per player.



  1. You can define a single prefab for spawn points, but you must have sufficient spawn points in the map for all the avatars that will use them. You can have different avatars use different spawn points. Simply create different prefabs for the spawn points with different group names, and set the avatar's spawnGroup parameter to the desired one.