Together at last
- Generate and add your Digital Ocean and Cloudflare API tokens
- Create
files based on the.env.example
files and update values
Then, deploy:
cd deploy
task tf-init tf-plan tf-apply
Wait until done, and then SSH into your server based on the outputted IP value from Terraform.
ssh <username>@<droplet_ip_address>
You'll be disconnected when the server finishes running the cloud-init scripts, but that's no reason not to start poking around to see if it all worked.
## check cloud-init logs
sudo cat /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
## start the containers for the first time
cd ~/docker && sudo docker compose up -d
## check status of containers
## nginx, wordpress, and mariadb should be running
## certbot will have run and quit
sudo docker ps
## see if certbot successfully validated your domain and mounted into the nginx container
## there should be a folder named after your domain in this folder
sudo docker compose exec nginx ls -la /etc/letsencrypt/live
## edit ~/docker/docker-compose.yml and:
## remove --staging and replace with --force-renewal
## then, re-run certbot to really generate certs for your domain
sudo docker compose up --force-recreate -d --no-deps certbot
## then, comment out the HTTP stuff and un-comment the HTTPS stuff in nginx default.conf
## then restart the containers
sudo docker compose restart -d
## Force-recreate your deployed Docker containers
cd ~/docker && sudo docker compose up -d --force-recreate
task tf-destroy
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2022 Dane Petersen