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Using The Gamma JavaScript library
The Gamma is available on npm and you can use it as any other JavaScript component. It provides a simple and extensible API that lets you specify data sources available in the programming environment, create rich editor for your users and run scripts written using The Gamma. This page gives an overview of how to use it on your web sites.

The easiest way to embed The Gamma into your projects is to use thegamma-script npm package. A complete example that does this is available in thegamma-sample-web repository on GitHub, so if you prefer to see code rather than read text, you can head straight there! You can see the sample web page running live online.

Running the sample

Running the sample should be easy - it is a pure JavaScript node project using the Express.js web server to host static files in the web subdirectory together with selected files from the node_modules folder. To run the sample web site, clone it and run:

git clone
cd thegamma-sample-web
npm install
npm run start

The npm run start command should start a local server at localhost:8089 and open a browser with the sample web page. We use Node.js just to get the latest version of thegamma-script from npm and serve static files, but there is no server-side processing here (in a real web page, you probably also do not want to expose the contents of your node_modules in the server, but we do this to make the demo simpler).

Using The Gamma in JavaScript

The Gamma source code editor is based on the Monaco editor. As the recommended way of loading Monaco is to use a loader such as require.js, we're going to do the same in our example. The following snippet:

  • References thegamma.css stylesheet, which contains some styling for the live previews in The Gamma editor. Feel free to copy and modify this to fit your needs!

  • Loads the standalone version of Babel, which is used by The Gamma compiler and interpreter to run your code. The standalone version comes with all you need to run The Gamma scripts in the browser.

  • Reference Google Charts API - this is currently used by The Gamma for creating charts. If you are interested in using other charting libraries, open an issue - adding support for other libraries would be a great contribution!

Once we reference the required stylesheets and scripts, we can use require.js and use it
to load the Monaco editor and the compiled thegamma.js script. Once the loading completes, we can start using the g module to use The Gamma:

<link href="/lib/thegamma.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="/node_modules/babel-standalone/babel.min.js"></script>
<script src="/node_modules/requirejs/require.js"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
    map:{ "*":{"monaco":"vs/editor/editor.main"}}
    [ "vs/editor/editor.main", 
      "node_modules/thegamma-script/dist/thegamma.js" ], 
    function (_, g) {      
      // Use the 'g' module to work with The Gamma!

Setting up programming environment

Once The Gamma is loaded, we can configure what data sources (type providers) are available in the programming environment, run The Gamma scripts and create the editor component. The sample application uses a sample service that provides Olympic medal data as olympics. As another example, we also provide worldbank value, which is another kind of type provider (see below). Finally, we specify the libraries that are available to use in the user code:

var services = "";
var libs = "/node_modules/thegamma-script/dist/libraries.json";

var providers = 
    "worldbank": + "worldbank"),
    "olympics": g.providers.pivot(services + "pdata/olympics"),
    "libraries": g.providers.library(libs) });
var ctx = g.gamma.createContext(providers);

The g.providers API lets you define three kinds of "type providers" that define what code can users write in The Gamma editor:

  • The pivot provider takes a service that can evaluate "data aggregation" requests. The demo uses a sample implementation for the Olympic medals data set. The protocol that the service exposes is documented at publishing data page. The provider automatically generates members that let you write data aggregations and transformations using . as in the demo.

  • The library provider takes a JSON that specifies the types and structure of JavaScript libraries - the thegamma-script package comes with a couple of wrappers for Google Charts and for generating tables that you can see in the Olympic Medalists demo. You can create your own too, but it's not documented yet...

  • The rest provider is not fully documented yet, but it lets you provide types that expose any members. This is based on the F# RestProvider project, which provides minimal documentation - get in touch if you're interested in using non-pivot data!

Running code and error reporting

Now that we have The Gamma programming context ctx, we can use it in a number of ways:

  • evaluate lets you run user code written using The Gamma script.
  • createEditor lets you create Monaco editor for editing The Gamma code.
  • errorReported lets you register an event handler that is called code contains error. This is triggered when you run code using evaluate or while the user edits code in the editor.

As an example, assume we have the following The Gamma script code, embedded in the page in <script> tag with id demo (this is roughly what the homepage of this documentation uses):

<script type="text/thegamma" id="demo">
  let data =
      .'group data'.'by Athlete'.'sum Gold'.then
      .'sort data'.'by Gold descending'.then
      .'get series'.'with key Athlete'.'and value Gold'

Now, we can call the ctx.errorsReported function to register an error handler that gets called when we try to evaluate invalid code (the above code is correct, but you'll also get errors when the user edits the code in the editor):

ctx.errorsReported(function (errs) { 
  for(var i = 0; i < errs.length; i++) {
    var e = errs[i];
    console.log("error " + e.number + " at line " +
      e.startLine + " col " + e.startColumn + ": " +

Finally, we can get the text of the sample snippet and run it using ctx.evaluate. The second parameter specifies the id of a HTML element that will be used for output - this is where the charts and tables that are produced by the script will go:

var code = document.getElementById("demo").innerText;
ctx.evaluate(code, "out1");

Creting and using the editor

Finally, the last feature that is currently exposed in The Gamma API is creating an editor that lets users modify code snippets. To create the editor, we first need to provide options. The available options and their default values are:

{ // Width of the editor. When not specified,
  // use 'clientWidth' of the containing element
  "width": null,
  // Height of the editor. When not specified,
  // use 'clientHeight' of the containing element
  "height": null, 
  // When set to 'true', editor element is resized
  // to make all content visible (up to 'maxHeight')
  "autoHeight" : false,
  // When 'autoHeight' is 'true', this is the maximal
  // allowed height of the editor component
  "maxHeight": null,
  // A function that is called to specify the options
  // (font, etc.) of the Monaco text editor
  "monacoOptions": null }

The monacoOptions function is called with a value that is then passed to the Monaco editor. The options that you can set on the value are specified in the Monaco documentation. The following example creates an editor, disables line numbers and sets the Monaco font:

var sizer = document.getElementById("sizer");
var opts =
  { height: sizer.clientHeight - 150,
    width: sizer.clientWidth - 40,
    monacoOptions: function(m) {
      m.fontFamily = "Inconsolata";
      m.fontSize = 15;
      m.lineHeight = 20;
      m.lineNumbers = false;
    } };
var editor = ctx.createEditor("ed1", code, opts);

When calling createEditor, we give it the id of a HTML element on the page that will contain the editor, initial code and editor options. You can then use the returned editor value to get and set the value (code) in the editor:

var code = editor.getValue();

If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to ping us on Twitter at @thegamma_net or open an issue on the project GitHub page!