- Vite
- Compression
- Sourcemaps
- Environment variables (validation and typesafe)
- Versioning
- Babel or SWC (for transpiling)
- Polyfilling -> https://github.com/alloc/vite-plugin-legacy
- Bundle Visualizer -> https://github.com/btd/rollup-plugin-visualizer
- Absolute imports (configure eslint and vite)
- React Hot Reloading
- Postcss
- CSS Modules
- Nested CSS
- Normalize CSS
- Autoprefixer
- Setup lint for unused css modules
- Typescript
- Stylelint
- Unimported
- Eslint
- Multiple configurations
- Testing
- Docker
- Github Actions
- Parallel execution
- Eslint
- Stylelint
- Typescript
- Build
- Testing
- PR templates
- Documentations
- Fonts
- Sentry
- i18n
- Captcha
- Images -> https://github.com/ElMassimo/vite-plugin-image-presets
- Icons -> https://github.com/antfu/unplugin-icons
- PWA -> https://github.com/vite-pwa/vite-plugin-pwa
- Analytics -> https://github.com/stafyniaksacha/vite-plugin-radar
- Routing
- Typesafe
- Error boundaries
- Authenticate/Authorize
- Link with permissions
- Detect login on different tab
- Login as certain user
- GraphQL
- GraphQL Code Generator
- Typescript Types
- Storybook
- NPM package