Releases: tencentyun/hadoop-cos
hadoop-cos v8.3.11
hadoop-cos v8.3.11
add support for tencent polaris by sidecar
support the client request time control ([)](
build: Change compilation options for the PolarisEndpointResolver.
hadoop-cos v8.3.8
improve the transfer config priority
feat: 支持存在同名文件且文件长度为0时目录优先的开关
add error log of head bucket
feat: 支持预读buffer固定总容量,避免无限制申请内存导致OOM
fix: Remove redundant placeholders in logs.
fix: fix the returning type for the create method of CosNMappoedBufferFactory
fix: listStatus support directoryFirstEnabled switch.
fix: getFileStatus with prefix scene for dir first mode.
fix appid and expose connection relate config
fix: Fix retry strategy for read IOException.
fix: 优化预读时流关闭的日志
hadoop-cos v8.3.5
- Checks that the passed URI belongs to this file system.
- feat: Complete the log information of retry backoff.
- revert create file overwrite optimize code due to cos list limit.](eb15a34)
hadoop-cos v8.3.3
- Optimized random read performance significantly.
hadoop-cos v8.3.2
- Improved the frequency control supports for the List operation.
hadoop-cos v8.3.1
- revert the 26f29ec to fix the infinite invalid retries.
hadoop-cos v8.3.0
- fix l5 update bug
- support custom-defined credentials provider
- avoid null pointer by init cos native client outside but not init ranger client
- reduce the max connection number from 2048 to default 1024
- support cosn://bucket/ POSIX way to query metadata acceleration bucket
hadoop-cos v8.2.6
- Remove logic to recursively check directories to improve the create operation performance;
Bug Fixes:
- Fix the seekable write operation bug.
hadoop-cos v8.2.4
- fix close() add super.close(), avoid not returning to cache but close, next time occur fs already close exception
- fix close() which now only releases resources once.
- fix listStatus() symbolic calling.
ps: typically only use Hadoop-cos and cos_api-bundle pkg,
if you need to use the random write feature add the ofs-sdk-definition pkg,
if you need to use client-side encryption add the tencentcloud-sdk-java-kms and tencentcloud-sdk-java-common pkg.
hadoop-cos v8.2.3
- support independent bucket configuration;
- support client-side encryption;
- change the class load of seekable write, avoid classNoDefine of Seekable class.
- add list parts to double-check upload part conflict;
ps: typically only use Hadoop-cos and cos_api-bundle pkg,
if you need to use the random write feature add the ofs-sdk-definition pkg,
if you need to use client-side encryption add the tencentcloud-sdk-java-kms and tencentcloud-sdk-java-common pkg.