- Update of dependencies with bugfix for installing bricks during render phase (issue #8)
Changed root module imports and exports for usage with new BrickManager.
Removed createInitialState
function. If you want to have the Hacker News box pre-filled with some
top stories, simply put a topStories property somewhere in your global Redux state and make sure
the path you specify when connecting the selectors points to the parent node of that property.
Modules are imported differently:
import { selectors } from '@modular-toolkit/demo-module';
import { reducer } from '@modular-toolkit/demo-module';
import { saga } from '@modular-toolkit/demo-module';
import { createInitialState } from '@modular-toolkit/demo-module';
import { loadTopStoriesAction } from '@modular-toolkit/actions';
now receives an Object with a property topStories
instead of receiving the topStories
- Dependency update to fix some security issues
- New version based on the code examples shown at the 48th eBay Tech Talk in Berlin
- Initial release