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The low-level layer

The low level layer lives in hyphen.hslowlevel. It defines three types: HsObjRaw, HsType, and TyCon, which represent haskell objects, haskell types, and haskell type constructors respectively. It also defines a bunch of functions for doing various things. Many of these functions are for tasks like converting a HsObjRaws that represents an Int into a native python int (and the opposite).

This document is arranged in six parts. The first three describe the methods of HsObjRaw, HsType, and TyCon in turn. The next describes the functions for converting between (say) python ints and Haskell Ints. The next describes three very important functions, which provide the actual way we can import stuff from Haskell into python. The last section describes the remaining functions defined in hslowlevel.

The HsObjRaw type

An HsObjRaw object represents a Haskell object. The members are as follows:

  • hstype: get the Haskell type of the HsObjRaw object. Returns a HsType object---see below.
  • narrow_type(to_type): return a modified version of the HsObjRaw whose type is to_type. Obviously, the current type of the HsObjRaw in question must be at least as general as to_type. Moreover, narrowing might require certain instances to exist in order to work. (So you can't narrow to have type Foo -> String unless Foo is in the Show class...)
  • subst(var1=hstype1,var2=hstype2): substitute for the type variables in the type of the HsObjRaw, returning a new HsObjRaw with a more specific type.

You can construct new HsObjRaw objects by doing HsObjRaw(existing_obj) where existing_obj is an existing HsObjRaw object. The newly created HsObjRaw will represent the same underlying Haskell object as the HsObjRaw you started with. As such this option is of limited usefulness!

The HsType type

An HsType object represents a Haskell type. HsType objects are hashable, and comparable and support a str operation which gives a nice string representation of the HsType which includes the type it represents spelt out in usual Haskell notation, and a repr object which gives python code that can be used to recreate the HsType (assuming hyphen is in play).

The members are as follows:

  • fvs: return the free variables of the type, as a dictionary mapping variable name to kind.
  • head_ll: gives the head of the type; either a string (if the head is a type variable) or a TyCon object (see below) if the head is a type constructor. (There's also a head member, which low-level users don't really want to call. It exists because HsTypes are also part of the high-level interface, and we don't want high-level-interface users to end up seeing TyCon objects, because they are not part of the high-level interface.)
  • kind: returns the kind of the type, as a string.
  • name: returns the name of the type in usual Haskell notation.
  • subst(var1=hstype1, var2=hstype2): substitute for the free variables in the HsType.
  • tail: returns a tuple giving the arguments to which the head of the type has been applied.

You can construct new HsType objects by calling HsType(head, tail1, tail2, ..., tailn). Here head should be either a TyCon (to create an HsType whose head is an explicit type constructor) or a string (to create an HsType whose head is a type variable). The tailX parameters give the types to which the head is applied: they should be other HsType objects. If the head is a string (a rare case!), you can provide a kind keyword argumnet to specify the kind of the overall type.

The TyCon type

A TyCon object represents a Haskell type constructor. TyCon objects are hashable, comparable and support str and repr operations giving human-readable and python-executable string representations in the usual python way.

You can call a TyCon object to construct a new HsType object: my_tycon(*args) is exactly equivalent to HsType(my_tycon, *args).

The members are as follows:

  • arity: The arity of the type constructor
  • kind: The kind of the type constructor
  • module: The module in which the type constructor was originally defined.
  • name: The (Haskell) name of the type constructor.
  • package: The package (or package key of the package) in which the type constructor was defined.
  • visible_module: An importable module from which one can import this type constructor, or None if no such module is known. May differ from module: if a type constructor was originally defined in a hidden module, but is later imported into a visible module and re-exported, then module will be the original (hidden) module of definition and visible_module will be the visible module which re-exports it.

It is not possible to construct new TyCon objects directly from python.

The conversion functions

holowlevel exports functions to_haskell_X and from_haskell_X for each of the following X:

  • Bool, Char, String, Text, ByteString, Int, Integer, Float, Double

In each case, the functions are used as follows. (We illustrate for the Bool functions.) to_haskell_Bool takes as an argument a python bool object and returns an HsObjRaw containing a Haskell Bool with the same value. from_haskell_Bool takes as an argument an HsObjRaw containing a Haskell Bool and returns a python bool object with the same value.

The importing functions

There are three very important functions defined in hslowlevel which allow you to import modules from Haskell.

The hslowlevel.import_lib function

One calls hslowlevel.import_lib(module_name1, module_name2, ...) to import modules form library packages visible to hs_pkg. The return is a dictionary, mapping module names to module contents. The keys will match the set of module names provided as arguments to import_lib. The 'module contents' assosciated to a given key will be a pair (object_namespace, type_namespace). object_namespace will be a dictionary mapping strings (names of things in the object namespace) to HsObjRaws. type_namespace will be a dictionary whose keys are strings (names of things in the type namespace). The value assosciated to a given key will either be a TyCon object (if that name is the name of a data type constructor) or a HsType object (if the name is the name of a type synonym); in the latter case, the HsType shows what the type synonym expands to, with the free variables in the HsType being the parameters of the type synonym.

If there are data-constructors in the module in question, then as well as creating functions (like say Just) in the data namespace that correspond to the data constructors in question and can be used to construct objects, we also create functions (with names like *co-Just) which can be used to see if an object was made using the data constructor in question, and if so, break it up. We call these 'co-dataconstructors'. Specifically, the co-dataconstructor transforms an object constructed using the data constructor in question into a singleton list containing a tuple containing the arguments that were given to the Data Constructor to construct the object. (If we apply the 'co-data constructor' to something that was constructed using a different Data constructor for the same type, we get back an empty list.)

The hslowlevel.import_src function

One calls hslowlevel.import_src(source_path1, source_path2, ...) to compile and import Haskell source. The return is exactly the same as for import_lib, although you should note that the keys in the dictionary returned will again be the names of the modules (as with import_lib, not the source paths that those modules came from).

Note that you can only call this function once. (Reason: if we didn't have this rule, Haskell will recompile the source if it has changed, which might lead us to have binary-incompatible objects floating around which the type system thinks can be freely inter-substituted, leading to Problems.)

The hslowlevel.access_basicsfunction

There are a few functions/objects (like the empty list) which are basically trivial to define in Haskell but which are not actually importable. We need to be able to access them. So hslowlevel.access_basics() returns a dictionary mapping strings to HsObjRaws, which define the following objects

  • []
  • ()
  • (:)
  • (,), (,,), (,,,), etc. (up to 15-tuples)
  • Functions like tup3head :: (a, b, c) -> a for 2 through 15 tuples
  • Functions like tup3tail :: (a, b, c) -> (b, c) for 2 through 15 tuples. Note that tup2tail :: (a, b) -> b.

The other functions

Aside from the to_haskell_X, from_haskell_X , access_basics, import_lib and import_src functions described in the previous two sections, we have the following other functions in the hslowlevel module:

  • hslowlevel.apply(fn, *args). Given fn (an HsObjRaw object of some function type), apply to it to the arguments args, which should also be HsObjRaws.
  • hslowlevel.doio(action). Given action (an HsObjRaw object which encodes an IO action), perform the action, and return an HsObjRaw giving the return value of the action.
  • hslowlevel.ok_python_identif(identifier_string). Convenience function; is identifier_string an acceptable python identifier?
  • hslowlevel.wrap_pyfn(python_fn, haskell_type, arity). Given a python function python_fn of arity arity, which expects all its arguments to be HsObjRaws and which returns an HsObjRaw, wrap that function as a Haskell function of type haskell_type. Obviously, the haskell_type must be consistent with it being a function of arity arity. Note that if arity=-1 then that's equivalent to choosing the maxiumum arity consistent with haskell_type. Also note that if arity=0 we assume python_fn takes no arguments and that haskell_type is the type of an IO action; we create a Haskell IO action which calls the python function.
  • set_GIL_mode_lazy(): instructs hyphen not to bother to release the python GIL when performing long-running Haskell calculations. See for more information.
  • set_GIL_mode_fancy(): instructs hyphen to release the python GIL when performing long-running Haskell calculations. See for more information.
  • get_GIL_mode(): Return 'lazy' or 'fancy' according to whether hyphen is currently configured to release the python GIL when performing long-running Haskell calculations or not. See for more information.
  • set_sig_mode_python(): instructs hyphen to service python signal handlers while performing long-running Haskell calculations. See for more information.
  • set_sig_mode_haskell(): instructs hyphen to install a Haskell signal handler to process ctrl-C while performing long-running Haskell calculations. See for more information.
  • set_sig_mode_lazy(): instructs hyphen not to bother to do anything to ensure that we will respond to OS signals in a timely manner while performing long-running Haskell calculations. See for more information.
  • get_sig_mode(): Return 'python', 'haskell' or 'lazy' according to our currently-configured behavor for managing signals received while performing long-running Haskell calculations. See for more information.