Since we build on the work of others, we have to run some steps from their repositories before we get started.
- Setup the Foundational Lab and Bonus Labs, follow the steps as document in @doddatpivotal's repository and its references to the original lab.
- Configure parameters for this lab another step where I lean heavily on @doddatpivotal since my parameter file is adapted from his.
- Prepare your Harbor registry with the required Okta users, projects, and replications.
- Install TBS and it's dependencies onto the shared services cluster. This step also creates a stack and builder using older dependencies so we can demonstrate how new TBS dependencies can resolve CVEs without developers rebuilding.
- Setup the environment for the Petclinic development team. Creates dependencies for the development team in Okta, Concourse, TMC, and both the workload and shared services clusters.
- Prepare TMC policy to allow access to the cluster, enforce deployment minimums, and one allow workloads from the private registry.
- Deploy Sonarqube to the shared service cluster. Sonarqube is used in the pipeline to run as static code scan before building an image from the application.
- Push the policy bundle to to registry. The bundle contains a set of simple resiliency policies that the pipeline will use to validate Kubernetes artifacts.
- Setup Concourse secrets and pipeline. The script both sets the secrets in Kubernetes and set the pipeline in Concourse so they'll each be up-to-date and in sync.