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-1. How to add custom config?
- * add .easy.api.config in the root of project or module
- * see [Supported-custom-rules.md](https://github.com/tangcent/easy-api/blob/master/docs/2.%20Supported-custom-rules.md)
-2. How to group apis to special directory?
- * add config:
- ```properties
- #find module for comment tag
- module=#module
- ```
- * add comment tag at class
- ```java
- /**
- * Mock Apis
- *
- * @module mock
- */
- @RestController
- @RequestMapping(value = "mock")
- public class MockCtrl {
- }
- ```
-3. How to ignore apis?
- * add config:
- ```properties
- #ignore class or method which has comment tag 'ignore'
- ignore=#ignore
- ```
- * add comment tag at controller class for ignore all apis in controller
- ```java
- /**
- * Mock Apis
- *
- * @ignore
- */
- @RestController
- @RequestMapping(value = "mock")
- public class MockCtrl {
- }
- ```
- * add comment tag at api for ignore special api in controller
- ```java
- /**
- * Mock Apis
- */
- @RestController
- @RequestMapping(value = "mock")
- public class MockCtrl {
- /**
- * Mock String
- * @ignore
- */
- @GetMapping("/string")
- public String mockString() {
- return Result.success("mock string");
- }
- }
- ```
-4. How to set name&description of api/directory?
- * in general:
- ```java
- /**
- * The head line will be the name of api directory
- * The rest lines will be the description of api directory
- */
- @RestController
- @RequestMapping(value = "mock")
- public class MockCtrl {
- /**
- * The head line will be the name of api
- * The rest lines will be the description of api
- */
- @GetMapping("/string")
- public String mockString() {
- return Result.success("mock string");
- }
- }
- ```
-5. How to mark api as deprecated in description
- * you can add additional config:
- ```properties
- doc.method[#deprecated]=groovy:"\n「deprecated」" + it.doc("deprecated")
- doc.method[@java.lang.Deprecated]=「deprecated」
- doc.method[@kotlin.Deprecated]=groovy:"\n「deprecated」" + it.ann("kotlin.Deprecated","message")
- doc.method[groovy:it.containingClass().hasDoc("deprecated")]=groovy:"\n「deprecated」" + it.containingClass().doc("deprecated")
- doc.method[groovy:it.containingClass().hasAnn("java.lang.Deprecated")]=「deprecated」
- doc.method[groovy:it.containingClass().hasAnn("kotlin.Deprecated")]=groovy:"\n「deprecated」 " + it.containingClass().ann("kotlin.Deprecated","message")
- ```
-6. How to declare a api requires some special permission in a description with javax.annotation.security?
- * add config for spring security:
- ```properties
- # security description
- doc.method[@javax.annotation.security.RolesAllowed]=groovy:"require role:"+it.ann("javax.annotation.security.RolesAllowed")
- ```
- * code:
- ```java
- /**
- * The head line will be the name of api directory
- * The rest lines will be the description of api directory
- */
- @RestController
- @RequestMapping(value = "mock")
- public class MockCtrl {
- /**
- * The head line will be the name of api
- * The rest lines will be the description of api
- */
- @GetMapping("/string")
- @RolesAllowed("admin")
- public String mockString() {
- return Result.success("mock string");
- }
- }
- ```
-7. How to config for spring security
- * add config for spring security:
- ```properties
- # security description
- find_role_in_PreAuthorize=(function(exp){var str="";if(exp.indexOf("hasRole")!=-1){var roles=exp.match(/hasRole\\((.*?)\\)/);if(roles&&roles.length>1){str+="require role:"+roles[1];}};return str})
- doc.method[@org.springframework.security.access.prepost.PreAuthorize]=js:${find_role_in_PreAuthorize}(it.ann("org.springframework.security.access.prepost.PreAuthorize"))
- ```
- * code:
- ```java
- /**
- * The head line will be the name of api directory
- * The rest lines will be the description of api directory
- */
- @RestController
- @RequestMapping(value = "mock")
- public class MockCtrl {
- /**
- * The head line will be the name of api
- * The rest lines will be the description of api
- */
- @GetMapping("/string")
- @PreAuthorize("hasRole('admin')")
- public String mockString() {
- return Result.success("mock string");
- }
- }
- ```
-8. How to ignore the special field?
- * To ignore the field with special name:
- ```properties
- # ignore field 'log'
- json.rule.field.ignore=log
- ```
- * To ignore the field with special type:
- ```properties
- # ignore field 'log' typed xxx.xxx.Log
- json.rule.field.ignore=groovy:it.type().name()=="xxx.xxx.Log"
- ```
- * To ignore the field with special modifier:
- ```properties
- #ignore transient field
- json.rule.field.ignore=groovy:it.hasModifier("transient")
- ```
-9. How to resolve the special type as another one?
- * Receive or output 'java.time.LocalDateTime' as 'yyyy-mm-dd'
- ```properties
- #Resolve 'java.time.LocalDateTime' as 'java.lang.String'
- json.rule.convert[java.time.LocalDateTime]=java.lang.String
- json.rule.convert[java.time.LocalDate]=java.lang.String
- ```
- * Receive or output 'java.time.LocalDateTime' as timestamp
- ```properties
- #Resolve 'java.time.LocalDateTime' as 'java.lang.Long'
- json.rule.convert[java.time.LocalDateTime]=java.lang.Long
- json.rule.convert[java.time.LocalDate]=java.lang.Long
- ```
diff --git a/docs/en/1. Config.md b/docs/en/1. Config.md
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--- a/docs/en/1. Config.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# Setting In IDE
-- Preferences(Settings) > Other Settings > EasyApi
-# Local config file
-## First step
-- add the config file in the root of project/module
-| file | type | scope |
-| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
-| .easy.api.config | property | markdown/postman |
-| .easy.api.yml/.easy.api.yaml | yml | markdown/postman |
-| .postman.config | property | postman |
-| .postman.yml/.postman.yaml | yml | postman |
-## How to set rules?
- [custom rules](https://github.com/tangcent/easy-api/blob/master/docs/2.%20Supported-custom-rules.md)
-## simple example
-### Module
-set rule of module to tell plugin how to group api
-simple rule:
-js rule:
-the plugin will try to read @module from comment of class like this
- * @module awesome_module
- */
-### Ignore
-set rule of method to tell plugin not export it
-simple rule:
-js rule:
-the plugin will ignore methods that comment by @ignore like this:
- * some comment of method(api)
- * @ignore
- */
diff --git a/docs/en/3. Support-local-groovy-extension.md b/docs/en/3. Support-local-groovy-extension.md
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--- a/docs/en/3. Support-local-groovy-extension.md
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-- Add groovy file at $project/.easyapi/ext
-- Named ${ActionName}Ext.groovy
-- Supported actions:
- - ApiCallAction
- - ApiDashBoardAction
- - FieldsToJsonAction
- - MarkdownExportAction
- - PostmanExportAction
-- Inject custom class by binder in `init` method
-- [demo](https://github.com/tangcent/spring-demo/blob/master/.easyapi/ext/)
-import com.intellij.psi.*
-import com.itangcent.common.model.Request
-import com.itangcent.idea.plugin.api.export.ClassExporter
-import com.itangcent.idea.plugin.api.export.SpringRequestClassExporter
-import com.itangcent.idea.plugin.api.export.yapi.YapiClassExportRuleKeys
-import com.itangcent.idea.plugin.api.export.yapi.YapiRequestKitKt
-import com.itangcent.idea.plugin.script.ActionExt
-import com.itangcent.idea.plugin.utils.KtHelper
-import com.itangcent.intellij.context.ActionContext
-import java.util.stream.Collectors
-import java.util.stream.Stream
-class YapiExportActionExt implements ActionExt {
- void init(ActionContext.ActionContextBuilder builder) {
- builder.bind(ClassExporter.class, KtHelper.INSTANCE.ktFunction({
- it.to(CustomClassExporter.class).in(com.google.inject.Singleton.class)
- return null
- }))
- }
- static class CustomClassExporter extends SpringRequestClassExporter {
- void processCompleted(PsiMethod method, Request request) {
- super.processCompleted(method, request)
- String tags = ruleComputer.computer(YapiClassExportRuleKeys.TAG, method)
- if (tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) {
- YapiRequestKitKt.setTags(request, Stream.of(tags.split("\n"))
- .map { it.trim() }
- .filter { !it.isEmpty() }
- .collect(Collectors.toList())
- )
- }
- String status = ruleComputer.computer(YapiClassExportRuleKeys.STATUS, method)
- logger.info(YapiRequestKitKt.class.toString())
- YapiRequestKitKt.setStatus(request, status)
- }
- }
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