Kubernetes Documentation:
https://kubernetes.io/docs/ and their subdomains
https://kubernetes.io/blog/ and their subdomains
This includes all available language translations of these pages (e.g. https://kubernetes.io/zh/docs/)
Trivy documentation https://aquasecurity.github.io/trivy/
Falco documentation https://falco.org/docs/ This includes all available language translations of these pages (e.g. https://falco.org/zh/docs/)
App Armor: Documentation https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/-/wikis/Documentation
- run
on work pc to check time - run
on work pc to check result
1 | Container Runtime Sandbox gVisor |
Task weight | 4% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - runsc was installed on node2 (label node_name=node_2 )- create RuntimeClass gvisor with handler runsc - add label RuntimeClass=runsc to node2 - update pods in Namespace team-purple to use RuntimeClass gvisor - Make sure the Pod runs on node with gvisor - Write the dmesg output of the successfully started one of Pod into /var/work/tests/artifacts/1/gvisor-dmesg |
2 | Image Vulnerability Scanning |
Task weight | 2% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - trivy is installed on cluster worker node node- check image in pods in team-xxx namespace, find image without CRITICAL vulnerability. Other deployments scale to 0 replica . |
3 | Enable audit log |
Task weight | 7% |
Cluster | cluster2 (kubectl config use-context cluster2-admin@cluster2 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - logs /var/logs/kubernetes-api.log - policy /etc/kubernetes/policy/log-policy.yaml - From Secret resources, level Metadata , namespace prod .- From configmaps , level RequestResponse , namespace billing . |
4 | CIS Benchmark |
Task weight | 3% |
Cluster | cluster3 (kubectl config use-context cluster3-admin@cluster3 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - CIS Benchmark is installed on nodes - fix on control-plane :- 1.2.17 Ensure that the --profiling argument is set to false- 1.3.2 Ensure that the --profiling argument is set to false (Automated)- 1.4.1 Ensure that the --profiling argument is set to false (Automated)- fix on worker node :- 4.2.6 Ensure that the --protect-kernel-defaults argument is set to true (Automated) |
5 | Secrets |
Task weight | 2% |
Cluster | cluster6 (kubectl config use-context cluster6-admin@cluster6 ) |
Acceptance criteria | from secret db in team-5 ns save :- user context to /var/work/tests/artifacts/5/user - password context to /var/work/tests/artifacts/5/password - create new secret db-admin { user=xxx, password=yyyy } - create pod db-admin NS=team-5 image = viktoruj/cks-lab , command = sleep 60000 , and mount secret db-admin to /mnt/secret |
6 | Set tls version and allowed ciphers for etcd, kube-api, kubelet |
Task weight | 6% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster4-admin@cluster4 ) |
Acceptance criteria | kube-api: - tls cipher= TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 - tls min version 1.3 etcd: - tls cipher = TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 |
7 | Encrypt secrets in ETCD |
Task weight | 6% |
Cluster | cluster5 (kubectl config use-context cluster5-admin@cluster5 ) |
Acceptance criteria | 1. create encrypt config (/etc/kubernetes/enc/enc.yaml ):- aescbc - key1: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Ng== - resources: secret 2. Create a new secret test-secret NS = prod, password=strongPassword 3. encrypt all secrets in stage ns with new config |
8 | Network policy |
Task weight | 6% |
Cluster | cluster6 (kubectl config use-context cluster6-admin@cluster6 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - create default deny ingress policy in prod-db NS- create policy with allow connections from prod Namespaces to prod-db - create policy with allow connections from stage Namespaces and have label: role=db-connect - create policy with allow connections from any Namespaces and have label: role=db-external-connect |
9 | AppArmor |
Task weight | 3% |
Cluster | cluster6 (kubectl config use-context cluster6-admin@cluster6 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - install appArmor profile from /opt/course/9/profile (work pc) to worker node on cluster- Add label security=apparmor to the Node- Create a Deployment named apparmor in apparmor Namespace with:- image: nginx:1.19.2 - container named c1 - AppArmor profile enabled - nodeSelector to workerNode - save logs of the Pod into /var/work/tests/artifacts/9/log |
10 | Deployment security |
Task weight | 6% |
Cluster | cluster6 (kubectl config use-context cluster6-admin@cluster6 ) |
Acceptance criteria | Modify deployment secure in secure Namespace:- prevent escalation - Read only root file system - user id 3000 - group id 3000 - allow wread to /tmp/ container c1 |
11 | RBAC |
Task weight | 6% |
Cluster | cluster6 (kubectl config use-context cluster6-admin@cluster6 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - update existing permissions for SA dev in Namespaces rbac-1 :- delete verb delete for pods- add verb watch for pods- create new role dev in rbac-2 Namespaces:- resource configmaps, verbs = get,list - create rolebinding dev in rbac-2 , sa = dev in rbac-1 Namespace , role = dev - create pod dev-rbac NS=rbac-1 image = viktoruj/cks-lab , command = sleep 60000 , SA=dev |
12 | Falco, sysdig |
Task weight | 6% |
Cluster | cluster7 (kubectl config use-context cluster7-admin@cluster7 ) |
Acceptance criteria | use falco or sysdig , prepare logs in format:time-with-nanosconds,container-id,container-name,user-name,kubernetes-namespace,kubernetes-pod-name for pod with image nginx and store log to /var/work/tests/artifacts/12/log |
13 | Image policy webhook |
Task weight | 6% |
Cluster | cluster8 (kubectl config use-context cluster8-admin@cluster8 ) |
Acceptance criteria | configure image policy webhook: - /etc/kubernetes/pki/admission_config.json - /etc/kubernetes/pki/webhook/admission_kube_config.yaml - https://image-bouncer-webhook:30020/image_policy create pod - test-lasted in default ns with image nginx result: Error from server (Forbidden): pods test is forbidden: image policy webhook .... latest tag are not allowed create pod - test-tag in default ns with image nginx:alpine3.17 result: ok |
14 | Fix Dockerfile |
Task weight | 4% |
Cluster | any |
Acceptance criteria | fix Dockerfile /var/work/14/Dockerfile :- use FROM image 20.04 version- use myuser for running app- build image cks:14 (podman installed on worker pc) |
15 | Pod Security Standard |
Task weight | 6% |
Cluster | cluster6 ( kubectl config use-context cluster6-admin@cluster6 ) |
Acceptance criteria | There is Deployment container-host-hacker in Namespace team-red which mounts /run/containerd as a hostPath volume on the Node where its running.This means that the Pod can access various data about other containers running on the same Node. To prevent this configure Namespace team-red to enforce the baseline Pod Security Standard.Once completed, delete the Pod of the Deployment mentioned above. Check the ReplicaSet events and write the event/log lines containing the reason why the Pod isn't recreated into /var/work/tests/artifacts/15/logs . |
16 | Create a new user called john. Grant him access to the cluster. John should have permission to create, list, get, update and delete pods in the development namespace. |
Task weight | 6% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - create ns development - create private key and csr - CSR: john-developer with Status:Approved- Role Name: developer , namespace: development , Resource: pods , verbs: create,list,get - rolebinding: name= developer-role-binding , role=developer , user=john , namespace=development - Access: User 'john' has appropriate permissions |
17 | Open Policy Agent - Blacklist Images from very-bad-registry.com |
Task weight | 6% |
Cluster | cluster9 (kubectl config use-context cluster9-admin@cluster9 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Cannot run a pod with an image from very-bad-registry.com |
18 | Create Pod with Seccomp Profile. profile is located on work node /var/work/profile-nginx.json |
Task weight | 6% |
Cluster | cluster10 (kubectl config use-context cluster10-admin@cluster10 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Pod status is Running - Pod name is seccomp - Image is nginx - Seccomp profile is profile-nginx.json |