Sharing a knowledge graph is the best game!
There is a tangible physics to information and discovery. It is literally like an eagle's flight, or a bat's, or swinging from whale to whale with a lasso.
Bat mode is my favorite. I careen about, propelled by the data. At each moment I am going intently somewhere, but that intention can change in an instant due to a change in what I am aware of.
The knowledge graph is a cooperative game of reading and writing. It lets the self get swept up, literally, by a higher power: Intuitively, you sense the purpose that guided your community and your past self to the now. You build a sense, like an art, for what needs to be known, and it guides your reading, and your writing.
Our knowledge graph is an inclusive community. If you think an expression deserves to exist, there is surely a good place for it -- often more than one. (You might have to create the place, but once you do it can exist forever.) Whatever it is -- fact or fiction, logic or emotion, art or science, analysis, criticism, questions, answers, dreams -- we can process them together.
Or do it alone! Inner, private work can be the deepest. Semantic Synchrony offers granular sharing: Some things can be private, others shared with close friends, others with everyone -- whatever combinations you could need.
Or make your own knowledge graph community! Semantic Synchrony is free, open-source software. There is no paid version.