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CLI commands will generate unencrypted PEM file by default. The file specified via the argument --ca-key-path is expected to contain the main private key. This file itself is NOT needed to run the node and can be removed after the node is properly configured.

Additionally, the pemtool command can produce a encrypted PEM file, which is supported by all CLI commands.

In order to limit security risk, it is recommended to:

  1. Make sure to back up ca.key.pem
  2. Remove ca.key.pem after node setup
  3. Use an encrypted PEM file if main account is sufficient valuable.


shoestring.wizard does not currently support encrypted PEM files because there is no password input currently.

PEM files

To import existing private key and optionally encrypt it, we recommend using pemtool command, described below in pemtool section.

OpenSSL can be used to inspect the contents of a PEM file.

To print the public key only:

openssl pkey -in PEM_FILE.pem -noout -text_pub

To print both the private key and public key:

openssl pkey -in PEM_FILE.pem -noout -text

OpenSSL can also be used to generate completely new key:

openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -out ca.key.pem

To generate new encrypted key:

openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -out ca.key.pem -pass OPTIONS-FOLLOW

For details on openssl -pass switch we refer to openssl passphrase documentation.


If you are setting up a new node from scratch, it is recommended to use init and setup.

If you are setting up a new node but have existing harvesting and/or voting keys, it is recommended to update the imports section of the shoestring configuration file downloaded by init before running setup.

If you need to renew voting key files, it is recommended to use renew-voting-keys. This command will unregister all expired voting keys and register a new set of voting keys starting at first epoch without a registered voting key.

CLI Commands

In commands that require --package switch, the list of currently supported network aliases are:

  • mainnet
  • sai (current testnet)

As documented below, alternatively full path to package zip file can be provided using file:///filename or http(s)://.

Setup Commands


Extracts a template shoestring configuration file from a package that the user can then customize.

init [--package PACKAGE] config

  config             path to shoestring configuration file
  --package PACKAGE  Network configuration package. Possible values: (name | file:///filename | http(s)://uri) (default: mainnet)


Automatically detects the minimum cosignatures required for an account and optionally updates the shoestring configuration file.

min-cosignatures-count --config CONFIG --ca-key-path CA_KEY_PATH [--update]

  --config CONFIG           path to shoestring configuration file
  --ca-key-path CA_KEY_PATH path to main private key PEM file
  --update                  update the shoestring configuration file


Imports settings from a symbol-bootstrap installation.

import-bootstrap --config CONFIG --bootstrap BOOTSTRAP [--include-node-key]

  --config CONFIG       path to shoestring configuration file
  --bootstrap BOOTSTRAP path to bootstrap target directory
  --include-node-key    include node key


Imports harvesters from an existing harvesters.dat file.

import-harvesters --config CONFIG --in-harvesters IN_HARVESTERS --in-pem IN_PEM [--out-harvesters OUT_HARVESTERS] [--out-pem OUT_PEM]

  --config CONFIG                 path to shoestring configuration file
  --in-harvesters IN_HARVESTERS   input harvesters.dat file that is encrypted with in-pem
  --in-pem IN_PEM                 PEM file that can be used to decrypt in-harvesters
  --out-harvesters OUT_HARVESTERS output harvesters.dat file that will be encrypted with out-pem
  --out-pem OUT_PEM               PEM file that can be used to encrypt out-harvesters


Generates a main private key PEM file that can be used by shoestring.

pemtool --output OUTPUT [--input INPUT] [--ask-pass] [--force]

  --output OUTPUT  output PEM key file
  --input INPUT    input private key file (optional)
  --ask-pass       encrypt PEM with a password (password prompt will be shown)
  --force          overwrite output file if it already exists


Sets up a Symbol node from scratch

setup \
    --config CONFIG \
    [--package PACKAGE] \
    [--directory DIRECTORY] \
    [--overrides OVERRIDES] \
    [--rest-overrides REST_OVERRIDES] \
    [--security {default,paranoid,insecure}] \
    --ca-key-path CA_KEY_PATH

  --config CONFIG                       path to shoestring configuration file
  --package PACKAGE                     Network configuration package. Possible values: (name | file:///filename | http(s)://uri) (default: mainnet)
  --directory DIRECTORY                 installation directory (default: $HOME)
  --overrides OVERRIDES                 path to custom user settings
  --rest-overrides REST_OVERRIDES       path to custom user REST settings (this is only valid for API roles)
  --security                            security mode (default: default)
  --ca-key-path CA_KEY_PATH             path to main private key PEM file

Please note that only security mode "default" is supported at this time.

This command will generate a transaction that will need to be sent to the network using announce-transaction to update the network state.

Operational Commands


Signs a transaction that can then be announced to the network

signer --config CONFIG --ca-key-path CA_KEY_PATH [--save] filename

  filename                  transaction binary payload
  --config CONFIG           path to shoestring configuration file
  --ca-key-path CA_KEY_PATH path to main private key PEM file
  --save                    save signed payload into same file as input


Announces a transaction to the network.

announce-transaction --config CONFIG --transaction TRANSACTION

  --config CONFIG           path to shoestring configuration file
  --transaction TRANSACTION file containing serialized transaction to send


Checks the health of the local Symbol node.

health [-h] --config CONFIG [--directory DIRECTORY]

  --config CONFIG       path to shoestring configuration file
  --directory DIRECTORY installation directory (default: $HOME)

Upgrade Commands


Upgrades a node to the latest client version.

upgrade \
    --config CONFIG \
    [--package PACKAGE] \
    [--directory DIRECTORY] \
    [--overrides OVERRIDES] \
    [--rest-overrides REST_OVERRIDES]

  --config CONFIG                       path to shoestring configuration file
  --package PACKAGE                     Network configuration package. Possible values: (name | file:///filename | http(s)://uri) (default: mainnet)
  --directory DIRECTORY                 installation directory (default: $HOME)
  --overrides OVERRIDES                 path to custom user settings
  --rest-overrides REST_OVERRIDES       path to custom user REST settings (this is only valid for API roles)


Renews peer certificates.

renew-certificates --config CONFIG [--directory DIRECTORY] --ca-key-path CA_KEY_PATH [--renew-ca] [--retain-node-key]

  --config CONFIG           path to shoestring configuration file
  --directory DIRECTORY     installation directory (default: $HOME)
  --ca-key-path CA_KEY_PATH path to main private key PEM file
  --renew-ca                renews CA certificate too
  --retain-node-key         retain node key

When --renew-ca is set, both CA and node certificates will be regenerated. Otherwise, only node certificate will be.


Renews voting keys.

renew-voting-keys --config CONFIG [--directory DIRECTORY]

  --config CONFIG           path to shoestring configuration file
  --directory DIRECTORY     installation directory (default: $HOME)

This command will generate a transaction that will need to be sent to the network using announce-transaction to update the network state.


Resets blockchain state to allow a resync from scratch.

reset-data --config CONFIG [--directory DIRECTORY] [--purge-harvesters]

  --config CONFIG           path to shoestring configuration file
  --directory DIRECTORY     installation directory (default: $HOME)
  --purge-harvesters        purge harvesters.dat file

When --purge-harvesters is set, delegates discovered using old keys will be discarded.


Shoestring Configuration INI

INI file used by shoestring to customize a Symbol node deployment. It is composed of five sections: network, images, services, transaction, imports, node.


Describes properties of network that deployed node should connect with. These should match values in Symbol configuration file. If init command is used, these values shouldn't be modified

name                  Network name
identifier            Network numeric identifier
epochAdjustment       Network epoch adjustment
generationHashSeed    Network generation hash seed


Describes Symbol docker images to use. If init command is used, these values shouldn't be modified

client  Catapult client docker image
rest    REST docker image


Describes network services to use during deployment. If init command is used, these values shouldn't be modified

nodewatch  URL to nodewatch service.


Describes properties of generated transactions. If init command is used, most of these values generally shouldn't be modified. min-cosignatures-count command can be used to automatically update minCosignaturesCount setting.

General properties:

feeMultiplier             Min fee multiplier of generated transactions
timeoutHours              Timeout of generated transactions (in hours)
minCosignaturesCount      Minimum number of cosignatures generated transactions will require

When signer command is signing an aggregate bonded transaction, it will additionally generate a hash lock transaction using the following properties:

hashLockDuration          Hash lock duration in blocks
currencyMosaicId          Network currency mosaid id
lockedFundsPerAggregate   Locked funds per aggregate


Describes keys to import. These need to be manually set if there are harvesting and/or voting keys that need to be imported.

harvester Path to a Symbol configuration file containing harvesting keys to import
voter     Path to a directory containing private_key_tree*.day files to import


Describes settings to customize a node.

features supports the following:

  • PEER - Peer support
  • API - REST support
  • HARVESTER - Node will be configured to harvest and accept delegated harvesters
  • VOTER - Node will be configured to vote

caPassword supports all available openssl passphrase options:

features       One or more node features to deploy (| delimited)
userId         User id of node used to set process and file permissons
groupId        Group id of node used to set process and file permissons
caPassword     Password of CA (main) PEM private key file (if applicable)
apiHttps       Set to enable HTTPS REST (only applicable when features include API)

caCommonName   Common name of generated CA certificates
nodeCommonName Common name of generated Node certificates


INI file that is used to customize advanced Symbol settings.

Sections should have the format [<config-short-name>.<config-section>]. Section contents will then be applied to the appropriate Symbol configuration file.

For example, in order to set two custom settings:

  1. connectTimeout - located in the file in section node
  2. maxUnlockedAccounts - located in the file in section harvesting

The following snippet will suffice:


connectTimeout = 5s


maxUnlockedAccounts = 2

Notice that these custom settings are applied BEFORE shoestring updates the Symbol configuration files. In cases of conflicts, the shoestring changes will take precedence.

REST Overrides

JSON file that is ingested and used to update the contents of rest.json. This file is optional and only used for deployments including API role.



apt-get install python3 python3-pip openssl

Installing and running prepared package:

python3 -m pip install symbol-shoestring
python3 -m shoestring --help

(Alternative) Running from github clone:

cd symbol-product-directory/tools/shoestring

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
PYTHONPATH=. python3 -m shoestring --help