We modify ORB_SLAM2 by unable loop closing to evaluate the VO trajectory, since loop closing will eliminate accumulated error. We also closing viewer thread to reduce running time on dataset. Note: If you don't want to close loop closing and viewer thread, It's OK that you download raw ORB_SLAM2 code from https://github.com/raulmur/ORB_SLAM2.
## download code
git clone https://github.com/symao/ORB_SLAM2
## checkout to modify version which close viewer and loop closing
git checkout evaluate
## decompress vocabulary file
cd Vocabulary; tar -xzf ORBvoc.txt.tar.gz; cd ..
## build
mkdir build
cd build; cmake ..; make -j
We choose stereo_euroc in ORB_SLAM2 for test. If you want to test mono version, use the mono_euroc. stereo_euroc run on EuRoC datasets in ASL Dataset Format(.zip). So this py script doesn't support ROS bag. If you want to use rosbag, try to compile the ROS version.
- Prepare data
- Download EuRoC dataset on https://projects.asl.ethz.ch/datasets/doku.php?id=kmavvisualinertialdatasets. NOTE: Download datasets in ASL Dataset Format(.zip) rather than rosbag.
- Unzip all dataset. Copy 'unzip_dataset.py' in folder which contains all zip files. Run 'python unzip_dataset.py'
- Batch run
- Modify 'orb_dir','whole_dir','res_dir' in run_euroc.py
- orb_dir: your ORB_SLAM2 code path
- whole_dir: the path which contain all unzip datasets.
- res_dir: the path to save run result.
- run 'python run_euroc.py'