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File metadata and controls

494 lines (382 loc) · 14.1 KB


Theme4Nuxt is a basic theming solution for Nuxtjs. I decided to develop it in order to have an easy way to prototype layouts/themes for Nuxt using a configuration file.

Based only on tailwind.css framework is developed to give the possibility to create your custom design without any opinionated framework.


(A simple demo)[]


  • custom design based on CSS only
  • fast theme/layout prototype
  • create html semantic elements (header,section,aside,footer)
  • easy full responsive design implementation
  • easy integration with existing
    • components
    • api
    • markdown pages
  • easy theme switching
  • homepage design
  • extra basic components included (used in this demo)
    • responsive navigation
    • progress bars
    • cards
    • features/services info box
    • call for action

How it works

Requirements : tailwind.css

Theme4Nuxt is based on the following:

  • a theme js file (./themes/index.js)
  • a single vue file to deploy the theme to be used as layout template (./layout/theme.vue)
  • a Vue component wrapper in order to integrate any component dynamically (./components/theme/ComponentWrapper.vue)
  • a Vue navigation component in order to create a navigation system (./components/theme/nav/index.vue)
  • a theme4nuxt plugin in order to preload data server side (./plugins/theme4nuxt.js)

Theme file

Create a themes folder in your project root.

Create an index.js in the themes folder

Structure of the theme

Each theme configuration file has the following structure:

  • theme general info (name, author, version, license)
  • a root property with css classes. This is the main container of your theme
  • a homepage property with the path for the homepage
  • a initData array of objects representing the initial data to load at startup. Data can be API or Array
  • a navigation array of objects. You can define different navigations and then use in your templates.
  • a template the main object of your theme.
const theme = {
    name        : 'Corporate Business',
    author      : 'A. Nardone',
    version     : '0.2.0',
    license     : 'MIT'
    root        : 'w-full flex flex-wrap min-h-screen',
    homepage    : '/',

export default theme

initData Section

The initData is where you can define which data has to be preloaded.

They can be API or arrays of data, depends on your rendering functions/components.

The current theme is using some WordPress API to simulate the preloading feature

  initData : [
      { type: 'api'   , name: 'posts'     , api : '' } ,
      { type: 'array'   , name: 'services'  , value : [
        "title":"CSS Only",
        "abstract":"Theme4Nuxt is developed using only CSS with the Tailwind framework",
        "title":"Custom Design",
        "abstract":"Create your custom theme without any opinionated framework",
        "abstract":"Feel free to use your own components, API and data",
        ] },
      { type: 'array' , name: 'skills'    , value : [{name:'CREATIVITY' , value: "90%"} , { name: 'ORGANIZATION' , value: "85%"} , { name: 'TEAM WORK' , value: "75%"} , { name: 'COMMUNICATION' , value: "70%"}]

In case of API axios library will be used to fetch data (asyncronously) server side.

Data preloading is implemented using nuxtServerInit directly from the store.

file: ./store/index.js

async nuxtServerInit({commit}, context ){
    //read theme configuration using $theme4nuxt() injected by ./plugins/index.js
    let init =$theme4nuxt().initData
    let data = {}
    //iterate thru all initial data to be loaded
    for ( var n=0 ; n < init.length ; n++ ){
        if ( init[n].type === 'api' ) {
            let qry = await$axios.get(init[n].api);
            data[init[n].name] =
        if ( init[n].type === 'array' ){
            data[init[n].name] = init[n].value
    //save data to store
    commit ('init_data', data )
    if ( ! ){
    commit ('theme',$theme4nuxt() )

Preload theme and injext function to read initData configuration

file: ./plugins/index.js

import theme from '~/themes'

export default ({ app }, inject) => {
    inject('theme4nuxt', () => theme)

The Theme

We analyze the current theme that has been used for this website.

navigation Section

The navigation section is required if you want to use the built-in navigation system as showed in the demo. This component create a responsive main navigation icon that open a menu with the options defined.

The navigation section is also used in the template in order to render a normal navigation menu. In this version child menus are not supported. If you need this option you can use your component or navigation system.

 navigation :  [{  
        css     : "items-start w-full pt-16 px-4 pb-20 bg-black opacity-75 h-screen",
        button  : "m-1 bg-white p-2 border-black border-2 rounded-full",
        line    : "hover:text-black hover:bg-white text-grey-lightest" ,
        link       : 'text-white hover:text-black hover:bg-white hover:text-bold py-10 px-4 no-underline',
        left    : false,
        transition: 'slideright',
        orientation: 'horizontal' , 
        items:  [ { name : 'Home' , path: '/' } , { name: 'Blog' , path: '/blog' } , { name: 'About' , path: '/about' } , { name: 'How to' , path: '/howto' }  ] 

template Section

The template section is the core of the theming system and has 2 main objects

  • main
  • areas

The main object

The main object is where is defined the class of the main container and will generate a semantic <main> html element.

template: {
        main : {
            css : "w-full",

The areas object

With the areas object you define all the elements of your template.

First you can define the order of the area to be rendered as semantic html blocks. Available areas are:

  • header
  • aside
  • content (will be rendered as section)
  • footer

order is important in order to render elements correctly

template: {
    areas: {
        order  : ['header','content','footer'],

Our example will create a header, a section area and a footer.

Creating the header

template: {
    areas: {
        areas: {
            order  : ['header','content','footer'],
            header : {
            root: 'w-full flex flex-wrap',
            blocks : [
                    css: 'w-1/2 flex items-center h-12 bg-black text-grey text-xs pl-4 mobile',
                    elements: [
                        { type: 'html' , content: '\
                        <span>[email protected]</span>\
                    css: 'w-1/2 flex items-center justify-end h-12 bg-black text-grey text-xs pr-16 mobile',
                    elements: [
                        { type: 'html' , content: '\
                        <span class="justify-end">+1 123 456 7890</span>\
                    css: 'w-full md:w-1/2 lg:w-1/2 xl:w-1/2 h-24 opacity-75 justify-end flex items-center col bg-black' ,
                    elements : [
                        { type: 'html'      , content: '<div class="p-4 z-40  rounded-lg text-white"><h1><span class="font-light border-t-2">Theme<span class="text-white bg-blue-dark px-2 py-1">4</span></span><span class="border-b-4">Nuxt</span></h1></div>' , homepage: false }
                    homepage: false
                    css: 'w-full md:w-1/2 lg:w-1/2 xl:w-1/2 border-l opacity-75 h-24 col z-30 justify-left items-center flex text-right pr-12 col-nav  bg-black mobile' , 
                    elements : [
                        { type: 'menu'      , navigation: 0, homepage: false}
                    css: 'w-full bg-green-light h-128 -mt-24 bg-header-8',
                    elements: [
                        { type: 'html'  , content: ''}
                    homepage: true


In order to create a semantic html <header> element we create a header object. Following structure will be used for each defined area.

For each section (header, aside, content, footer) we have :

  • root element container (css)
  • blocks array of objects

In our theme we wanted to create:

  • a top bar with email and phone ref,
  • a header with a logo/title centered,
  • a centered menu right to the title
  • an image as heading

The top bar block.


header : {
    root: 'w-full flex flex-wrap',
    blocks : [
            css: 'w-1/2 flex items-center h-12 bg-black text-grey text-xs pl-4 mobile',
            elements: [
                { type: 'html' , content: '\
                <span>[email protected]</span>\
            homepage: false
            css: 'w-1/2 flex items-center justify-end h-12 bg-black text-grey text-xs pr-16 mobile',
            elements: [
                { type: 'html' , content: '\
                <span class="justify-end">+1 123 456 7890</span>\
            homepage: false

For each block we have to define

  • css : tailwind css classes for the block
  • elements : array of elements we want to render
  • homepage : set to true in order to display only in the homepage

elements is an array of object that will be rendered following the order in which they are created.

elements types

Each element has the following properties to be set

  • type

    the system manage the following types of elements:

    • html
    • component
    • menu
    • css

The html element

So far for our title we create a css full-width element with other css properties (height, color, items alignment, etc. etc.) as a container.

Then we created a html element type.

For the html element type we must provide the content thru the content value. In this case we will assign directly HTML code to inject and render. In this way you can assign css to your html content and it will be rendered correctly.

The menu element

In order to render our menu we create a new row (block object) with his proper css.

In order to render the right menu we have to assign which item in the navigation array we will use. Assign the navigation value representing the posisition in the navigation array (in our case we have only one navigation menu so we assign a value of 0).


header : {
    root: 'w-full flex flex-wrap',
    blocks : [
        css: 'w-full md:w-1/2 lg:w-1/2 xl:w-1/2 border-l opacity-75 h-24 col z-30 justify-left items-center flex text-right pr-12 col-nav  bg-black mobile' , 
        elements : [
            { type: 'menu'      , navigation: 0, homepage: false}
        homepage: false

Creating the content

In order to create the content, that will be rendered as a semantic HTML <section> we follow the same structure.

We will analyze only how to integrate a component in the theme.

Component theme integration


content : {
    root: 'w-full flex flex-wrap',
    blocks : [
            css: 'w-full bg-transparent text-grey mx-4 -mt-20 py-6',
            elements: [
                { type: 'component' , component: 'core/services' , options: { data: 'services' , title: 'Features' } },
            homepage: true

To load a custom component we have to define as element the following data:

  • type : "component",
  • component : the path of our component (if you are using a vue component with a different name from index.vue you need to define ex. /mycomponent/mycomponent.vue will load the mycomponent.vue in the folder mycomponent of the components folder)
  • options : an object of options that you need to pass to your components (props)

Theme4Nuxt loads components dynamically using a component wrapper.

Theme4Nuxt component wrapper (components/theme/ComponentWrapper.vue)

        <component :is="loadcomponent" :options="options"/>

export default {
    props: { 
        name: { type: String , required: true },
        options: { type: Object , required: false , default:()=>{}}
            return () =>  import(/* webpackChunkName: "${}" */ '~/components/' +

Nuxt configuration

In order to work properly you need to update your nuxt.config.js with the following

file: ./nuxt.config.js

** Load tailwind.css
css: [
    '~/assets/css/tailwind.css' //if you set a nuxt project with tailwind framework you should have this

** Plugins to load before mounting the App
plugins: [
    '~/components/theme' //load all theme required components

** Nuxt.js modules
modules: [
    //axios, pwa and markdown support
    '@nuxtjs/markdownit'  //used to integrate markdown files

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm start

# generate static project
$ npm run generate