- [New] Language Translations!
- Mandarin Chinese contributed by @noahvans
- French contributed by @sfoubert
- Brazilian Portuguese contributed by @ToasterBR
- [New] Google OAuth Support
- contributed by @Hitman666
- [New] Authentication for Edit (Public Read-Only)
- contributed by @alexspeller
- [New] Dynamic Sitemap.xml
- contributed by @sfoubert
- [New] Custom Variables
- contributed by @Sparticuz
- [Improvement] Multiple User Login
- contributed by @mohammadrafigh
- [Improvement] Table of Contents (Dynamic)
- contributed by @Sparticuz
- [Misc] Merged
module into repository - [Misc] Dependency upgrades
- [New] Language Translations!
- Right to Left support contributed by @mohammadrafigh
- Persian contributed by @mohammadrafigh
- [New] Docker support
- contributed by @prologic
- [Improvement] Better small-screen layout that automatically hides the left menu
- contributed by @ezaze
- [Misc] Upgrading raneto-core from v0.4.0 to v0.5.0
- [New] Raneto Logo
- contributed by @mmamrila
- [New] Language Translations!
- Russian contributed by @iam-medvedev
- Turkish contributed by @bleda
- [New] Metadata is editable
- contributed by @draptik
- **[Fixed] General BugFixes contributed by
- @draptik
- @rogerhutchings
- @dncrews
- @durand
- [Fixed] Embedding images in content
- contributed by @helenamunoz
- [Fixed] Custom homepage via index.md file
- contributed by @dirivero
- [Fixed] Sanitizing file paths
- [New] German Translation / Locale
- contributed by @Radiergummi
- [New] Authentication on Changes Only
- contributed by @Radiergummi
- [New] Vagrant Container
- contributed by @draptik
- [New] Category in Search Results
- [New] Metadata on homepage
- [Upgraded] Module raneto-core from v0.2.0 to v0.4.0
- [Upgraded] Other Dependencies
- [Misc] Broke up code into multiple files
- [Misc] Delinted Code
- [Misc] Overall refactor
- [Fixed] URI Decoding with non-Latin characters
- contributed by @yaruson
- [Fixed] Windows compatability (use
npm run start_win
) - [New] Added Login Page to replace HTTP Basic Auth
- contributed by @matthiassb
- [New] Added ability to run Raneto as a PM2 service
- contributed by @matthiassb
- [New] Main Articles is now a category editable in the UI
- contributed by @yaruson
- [New] Using NPM for client-side libraries
- contributed by @sbussard
- [Upgraded] Improved Live Editor layout
- contributed by @draptik
- [Removed] Bower for client-side libraries
- contributed by @sbussard
- [New] Theme support. Copy
tothemes/<new name>/
and edit. - [New] Added toggle for enabling online editing of pages
- [New] Preparing for Raneto to be NPM-installable (see example/ for new usage)
- [New] Codified Bower dependencies into bower.json
- [Upgraded] Upgraded Bower modules in bower.json (current)
- [Upgraded] Upgraded Node.js modules in package.json (current)
- [Removed] ./bin/www script. Replace with "npm start"
- [Removed] Unused modules
- [New] Added online editing of pages
- contributed by @matthiassb
- [New] Added HTTP Basic authentication
- contributed by @eighteyes
- [New] Added custom template layouts
- contributed by @zulfajuniadi
- [Fixed] Highlight.js language detection
- contributed by @thurloat
- [Fixed] Mobile design layout
- contributed by @adimitrov
- [Fixed] Added config.base_url in front of all assets
- contributed by @valeriangalliat
- [Changed] Static files (e.g. images) can now be served from the content folder
- [Changed] Removed commercial licensing
- [New] Changed app structure (now using raneto-core)
- [New] Added a content_dir config option
- [New] Added an analytics config option
- [New] Added %image_url% support to Markdown files
- [New] Search queries are now highlighted in search results
- [Changed] Fallback to generating title from filename if no meta title is set
- [Changed] Moved route and error handlers to raneto.js
- [Changed] Make search use "/" URL
- [Fixed] Fixed __dirname paths in Windows
- [New] Added masonry layout functionality to homepage
- [New] Added commercial licensing
- [New] Added page and category sorting functionality
- [Fixed] Added better handling of file reading errors in raneto.js
- [Changed] Changed default copyright in config.js
- [New] Added favicon
- [Fixed] Error page
- Initial release
*** Raneto Core Changelog ***
2015.04.22 - version 0.3.0
- [New] Add support for symlinks in content dir
2014.06.05 - version 0.2.0
- [New] Added formatting to doSearch results
- [Changed] Move config options to overridable array
2014.06.04 - version 0.1.0
- Initial release