- Add small stroke for better visibility
- Can set default color and default text color
- Rename to QuickAction project
- Transform project to Gradle project
- Change to Material Design. Look like Tooltips, set popup color and text color by Color
or color resource - Add QuickIntentAction class to lazy create QuickAction from Intent of Activity and Service
- Integrate with Travis-CI, Library must pass at lint warning to pass test on Travis
- Can download from maven JCenter and JitPack
- Automate publish to JCenter when Tag pass test on Travis-CI. Also publish to JitPack automatic when Tag
- Make all project's resource private to not disturb library user
- Use Android Support Annotation
- Improve sample code (ExampleActivity.java)
- Add Apache License, Version 2.0 to this source code
- Fix 'container moves' bug as addressed in this issue. Thanx to The Vaan for giving me the clue.
- New improvements added by Kevin Pack:
- Action Item – new constructor with action id, title, icon
- Callback enhanced to return QuickAction object as source and action id (allows you to add items in any order as you base what was clicked on by the ID, not the pos)
- Action item supports sticky mode, if that is enabled the menu does not dismiss post button press. I needed this for my application.
- QuickAction has getActionItem(pos) call so you can get action item back. QuickAction has ArrayList of added items to support this
- QuickAction supports constructor with horizontal flag so you can run menu horizontally instead of just vertically
- If doing horizontal QuickAction loads the action_item_horizontal.xml and popup_horizontal.xml files instead of the vertical ones
- Added action_item_horizontal.xml with a centered image over a centered text label
- Added horiz_separator.xml file so you can show a separator between items in a horizontal layout
- Updated NewQuickAction3DActivity to show the toast message based on label of action item clicked as you now have enough info in callback to do that generically
- Update sample code to show sticky items in action, watching for dismiss action and extra menu items
- New listener to handle on dismiss event.
- Fix force close that occured when tapping randomly on a view to show QuickAction dialog (issue). Thanx to Zammbi for bug fixing..