- Add instructions for Jest users to map .vue files to a version of vue including the template-compiler #8 (@raphael-yapla)
- @raphael-yapla
- Laura Caroline (@Hanawa02)
- Fix TypeScript Types and argTypes generation #3 (@dwightjack)
- chore: lock storybook to 6.3 in example repo (@yannbf)
- chore: lock storybook dev dependency to 6.3 (@yannbf)
- Marco Solazzi (@dwightjack)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Fix: support addons that use channel api #4 (@mphstudios)
- matthew p hrudka (@mphstudios)
- chore(example): fix example test (@yannbf)
- chore(example): add button file (@yannbf)
- fix: add vue 2 as a peer depenedency (@elevatebart)
- chore: add example (@elevatebart)
- feat: add first library (@elevatebart)
- build: add yarn lock (@elevatebart)
- chore: cleanup unnecessary files (@yannbf)
- docs(README): update logo (@yannbf)
- chore: update package json and readme (@yannbf)
- Initial commit (@yannbf)
- Barthélémy Ledoux (@elevatebart)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)