Stop the daemon (if necessary).
ipfs shutdown
Add a file pinned by default.
echo "hello world" > testfile.txt
ipfs add testfile.txt
ipfs pin ls QmT78zSuBmuS4z925WZfrqQ1qHaJ56DQaTfyMUF7F8ff5o
ipfs cat QmT78zSuBmuS4z925WZfrqQ1qHaJ56DQaTfyMUF7F8ff5o
Garbage collect the repo and check for pinned file.
ipfs repo gc
ipfs cat QmT78zSuBmuS4z925WZfrqQ1qHaJ56DQaTfyMUF7F8ff5o
Remove pin, garbage collect the repo and check for file.
ipfs pin rm QmT78zSuBmuS4z925WZfrqQ1qHaJ56DQaTfyMUF7F8ff5o
ipfs pin ls QmT78zSuBmuS4z925WZfrqQ1qHaJ56DQaTfyMUF7F8ff5o
ipfs repo gc
ipfs cat QmT78zSuBmuS4z925WZfrqQ1qHaJ56DQaTfyMUF7F8ff5o
Create a test directory (if necessary), add it without pins and pin it explicitly.
mkdir testdata
cd testdata
for d in a b c
mkdir $d
for f in d e f
echo $f > $d/$f
find .
ipfs add -r --pin=false .
ipfs pin ls QmVeXcawu61X6w2ey6kAK9ZZ3ayaFxxT7nL9kurJRbJW9e
ipfs pin add QmVeXcawu61X6w2ey6kAK9ZZ3ayaFxxT7nL9kurJRbJW9e
ipfs pin ls QmVeXcawu61X6w2ey6kAK9ZZ3ayaFxxT7nL9kurJRbJW9e
Garbage collect the repo and check for pinned file.
ipfs refs -re QmVeXcawu61X6w2ey6kAK9ZZ3ayaFxxT7nL9kurJRbJW9e
ipfs repo gc
ipfs refs -re QmVeXcawu61X6w2ey6kAK9ZZ3ayaFxxT7nL9kurJRbJW9e
Remove pins and repeat it.
ipfs rm -r QmVeXcawu61X6w2ey6kAK9ZZ3ayaFxxT7nL9kurJRbJW9e
ipfs pin ls QmVeXcawu61X6w2ey6kAK9ZZ3ayaFxxT7nL9kurJRbJW9e
ipfs refs -re QmVeXcawu61X6w2ey6kAK9ZZ3ayaFxxT7nL9kurJRbJW9e
ipfs repo gc
ipfs refs -re QmVeXcawu61X6w2ey6kAK9ZZ3ayaFxxT7nL9kurJRbJW9e
Start the daemon and repeat the exercise.
Try out a pinning service like Pinata, if you please.