13 repositories
Burpsuite - Route Vulnerable Scanning 递归式被动检测脆弱路径的burp插件
HaE - Highlighter and Extractor, Empower ethical hacker for efficient operations.
一个用于修改右键插件菜单层级的Burpsuite插件。A simple BurpSuite extension to change extension context menu level.
Burp extension to evade TLS fingerprinting. Bypass WAF, spoof any browser.
Burpsuite - Js Route Scan 正则匹配获取响应中的路由进行被动探测与递归目录探测的burp插件
Burp Plugin to Bypass WAFs through the insertion of Junk Data
一个想让你测试加密流量像测试明文一样简单高效的 Burp 插件。 A Burp plugin that makes testing encrypted traffic as simple and efficient as testing plaintext.