🗡️ Pokedex Compose demonstrates modern Android development with Jetpack Compose, Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel), and Material Design based on MVVM architecture.
Build a Bluetooth GATT server with Android Things
CleanArchitecture Multi Module Login App
📚 Curated articles to understand Compose internals and optimize Jetpack Compose performance.
Books Consulting App is an Android application that allows users to search for books using the Google Books API and view detailed information, including title, authors, and description, with the ab…
MVI framework with events, time-travel, and more
16팀 🌠 탐험하장! 안드로이드 프론트엔드 리포지토리
더 타올라라 후 후후후 꺼지지 않게 붉디붉은 채 더 크게 번져 후 후후 지금 가장 뜨거운 내 안의 작고 작은 불티야 불티야 꺼지지 말고 피어나 불티야 불티야 새벽을 훨훨 날아가 새 불티야 불티야 춤추듯 온몸을 살라 새 불티야 불티야 꺼지지 말고 피어나 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
⚡️ A Compose-driven architecture for Kotlin and Android applications.
🚀 This project contains various examples that show how you would do things the "Jetpack Compose" way