Vue binding will be automatically applyed inside an HTML element with the main id.
So all HTML depending on vue should be wrapped inside a main div:
<div id="main">
<!-- Your vue logic here -->
See Complete Example: Example.ChromiumFX.Vue.UI
Vue binding is provided by the Neutronium.JavascriptFramework.Vue
assembly that exposes the following injectors:
For Vue.js 1.0: VueSessionInjector
registered name VueInjector
For Vue.js 2.0: VueSessionInjectorV2
registered name VueInjectorV2
Given the following ViewModel:
public class Skill
public string Type { get;}
public string Name { get;}
public Skill (string name, string skillType)
Name = name;
Type = skillType;
public class Person: ViewModelBase
private string _Name;
public string Name
get { return _Name; }
set { Set(ref _Name, value, "Name"); }
private Skill _MainSkill;
public Skill MainSkill
get { return _MainSkill; }
set { Set(ref _MainSkill, value, "MainSkill"); }
public IList<Skill> Skills { get; private set; }
public ICommand RemoveSkill { get; private set; }
public ICommand AddSkill { get; private set; }
public Person()
Skills = new ObservableCollection<Skill>();
RemoveSkill = new RelayCommand<Skill>(s=> this.Skills.Remove(s));
AddSkill = new RelayCommand(_ => this.Skills.Add(new Skill("Vue.js", "javascript"));
<div v-for:"skill in Skills">{{skill.Name}}</div>
Recommended way to use Neutronium is to use the vue-cli and vue-mixin-command to bind with command. But it is possible to use low level API to bind with command:
<button @:click:"RemoveSkill.Execute(skill)"></button>
<button v-command:"AddSkill"><\button>
This will call Execute with null as parameter if CanExecute is true on button click.
<button v-command:"RemoveSkill" commandarg="skill"></button>
This will call Execute with skill as parameter if CanExecute is true on button click.
<button v-command.dblclick:"RemoveSkill" commandarg="skill"></button>
This will call Execute with skill as parameter if CanExecute is true on button double click.
Neutronium provides a vue-cli template neutronium-vue
. This is recommended tool when building mid or large scale Neutronium application. If you use it, you may pull to next chapter.
For version< 1.0.0
To add mixins to main Vue instance you can set Vue._vmMixim to an array of mixins. These mixins will be applyed by Neutronium before creating the Vue instance:
Vue._vmMixin = [myBinding, myBinding2];
For example you can use this hook to add computed properties to your Vm:
var localMixin = {
computed: {
count: function() {
return this.Skills.length;
Vue._vmMixin = [localMixin];
- For version>= 1.0.0
With Vue-cli
hooks: see here for more details. -
If not using vue-cli, you can use:
window.glueHelper.setOption({mixins : [localMixin]});
This will add the corresponding mixins to vue root instance.
Neutronium comes with some built-in plugins to simplify binding.
There are available as properties of object window.glueHelper.
If using vue-cli
, you will rather use npm to install these mixins.
- glueHelper.enumMixin
This mixin allows to easily create image binding for enum.
Given the enum:
public enum Genre
You need to add to the VM a property named enumImages that properties will match the enum values. Ex:
var localMixin = {
data: {
enumImages: {
Genre: {
Male: "images/male.png",
Female: "images/female.png"
//Register enumMixin and localMixin
Vue._vmMixin = [localMixin, glueHelper.enumMixin];
//or with neutronium version>= 1.0.0
window.glueHelper.setOption({mixins : [localMixin, glueHelper.enumMixin]});
Then you can use the enumImage method that glueHelper.enumMixin will add to the vue instance: HTML
<img height="50" width="50" :src="enumImage(genre)">
- Command mixin
When using vue-cli
, you should import the npm module: neutronium-vue-command-mixin.
Otherwise command-mixin is available through glueHelper.commandMixin
This mixin is used to create component based on command. It defines two props command and arg:
type: Object,
default: null
arg: {
type: Object,
default: null
Define self-explanatory method : execute
and self-explanatory computed: canExecute
If you implement beforeCommand method, it will be called before the command Execute
Here is an example of usage (vue-cli context):
<div class="ui button" :class="{'disabled': !canExecute}" @click="execute">
import commandMixin from 'neutronium-vue-command-mixin'
export default {
Neutronium provides binding to IResultCommand making possible to call a C# function returning a Task from javascript and receiving the response as a promise.
Npm module neutronium-vue-resultcommand-topromise is an helper to obtain promise from resultCommand on the javascript side.
To bind to C# ResultCommand property:
public class ViewModel
public IResultCommand ResultCommand {get;}
public ViewModel()
ResultCommand = RelayResultCommand.Create<string, int>(Count);
private int? Count(string routeName)
return routeName?.Lenght;
Do on javascript side:
import {toPromise} from 'neutronium-vue-resultcommand-topromise'
const promise = toPromise(viewModel.ResultCommand, 'countLetterNumber');
//Ok code
}, (error) =>{
//Error handling
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