This is the source code for the Space ROS website.
The site is implemented using the Pelican static site generator and uses the pelican-fh5co-marble theme with the following plugins:
To build the site, first install the Pelican and Markdown packages if they are not already installed:
$ pip3 install "pelican[markdown]"
Then install the Stork tool, which is used for indexing content. For example,
michael@bluesalley:~/.local/bin$ wget
michael@bluesalley:~/.local/bin$ chmod +x stork-ubuntu-20-04
michael@bluesalley:~/.local/bin$ ln -s stork-ubuntu-20-04 stork
Finally, get the source for the Space ROS website:
$ git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:space-ros/
Traverse into the directory containing the website source code and run pelican to build the site:
$ cd
$ pelican
Use the develop_server script to launch the site. For example, the following command will launch a development server on port 8081:
$ ./ start 8081
Open a browser window and navigate to localhost:8081
The develop_server script has start, stop, and restart options that you can use to control the development server:
michael@bluenote:~/src/$ ./ --help
usage: ./ (stop) (start) (restart) [port]
This starts Pelican in debug and reload mode and then launches
an HTTP server to help site development. It doesn't read
your Pelican settings, so if you edit any paths in your Makefile
you will need to edit your settings as well.