NOTE: Feel free to create issues in case of any questions!
- Is that possible?
- Without effort and individual work?
- With accurate results?
- Preserving the original style and presentation?
- In a single FFmpeg run?
- In live streaming scenarios?
while (<reader is projecting doubts>) {
Download the full quality video: Demo1_ComparePlayback.mp4
- Input File: M2TS with DVB Subtitles
➜ bitmap subs - graphicsub2text (OCR with style detection)
➜ textsubs/ASS - textmode (text manipulation and replacements)
➜ textsubs/ASS - text2graphicsubs
➜ bitmap subs - Output File: M2TS with DVB Subtitles
ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -i Demo1_Source.ts -filter_complex "[0:13]graphicsub2text=delay_when_no_duration=1:recognize=-bold-font,textmod=mode=leet,text2graphicsub=force_style='BorderStyle=3'" -c:v copy -c:a copy -c:s dvb_subtitle -y Demo1_Output.ts
ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -i Demo1_Source.ts -filter_complex "[0:13]graphicsub2text=delay_when_no_duration=1:recognize=-bold-font,textmod=mode=replace_words:find='},an actress.,Theatre and films,you know?,But it,s hard if you haven,t got the,connections to open the right doors.,the guy that,knew him,It was great,Letherbridge, with...,the tabloids':replace='\\bord3},{\\1c&H2222EE&\\u\\b}softworkz & tcoza,{\\1c&H2222EE&\\u\\b}present..., , ,Subtitle Filtering,\\N ,DVD-Sub >> OCR >> TEXTMOD >> DVD-Sub,softworkz who,knew tcoza,softworkz was great,TCoza, with softworkz,TCoza',text2graphicsub=force_style='BorderStyle=3'" -c:v copy -c:a copy -c:s dvb_subtitle -y Demo1_Output.ts