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Practice Project: Advanced Concepts

Working with Components, State, Styling, Refs & Portals

  • Build a "Project Management" Web App
  • Build, Style, Configure & Re-use Components
  • Manage State
  • Access DOM Elements & Browser APIs with Refs
  • Manage JSX Rendering Positions with Portals
  • Apply some Styles with Tailwind CSS

Challenge Time!

Try building this project on your own - or at least try to get as far as possible

Project's management application

  1. Build SideBar and Content components


    • Show a list of projects
    • Have an "Add Project" button that navigates to form to add to the list of project
    • List of projects should be navigatable to the project detail view


    • main content window where you will display projects
    • should show fallback when there is no project to display
    • fallback should have a button to navigate to the new project form
  2. Project Detail components

    New Project Form

    • a form to add a new project
    • should have a "title", "description", & "due date" fields
    • ultimately update your state in the App component with the new project information

    Project Detail component

    • show the title and description of the project along with the due date of the project
    • show a delete button and handle the deletion

    Tasks component

    • nested in the detail view
    • Show a list of tasks associated with the project
    • Facilitate the adding/removal of tasks through a form and button respectively
    • Again manage your tasks state associated with each project, likely in the App component as well


0. Module Introduction & Starting Project

  1. create a file
  2. run npm install
  3. run npm run dev

1. Adding a "Projects Sidebar" Component

  1. create ProjectsSidebar.jsx component
  2. output <ProjectsSidebar /> component in App.js

2. Styling the Sidebar & Button with Tailwind CSS

  1. apply styles in App.jsx
  2. apply styles in ProjectsSidebar.jsx

3. Adding the "New Project" Component & A Reusable "Input" Component

  1. create NewProject.jsx component
  2. create a reusable Input.jsx component
  3. use this reusable Input.jsx component in NewProject.jsx component
  4. use NewProject.jsx component in App.jsx component

4. Styling Buttons & Inputs with Tailwind CSS

  1. apply styles in NewProject.jsx component
  2. apply styles in Input.jsx component

5. Splitting Components to Split JSX & Tailwind Styles (for Higher Reusability)

  1. create a NoProjectSelected.jsx component
  2. create a reusable Button.jsx component
  3. replace the button in ProjectsSidebar.jsx with the <Button /> component
  4. use the <Button /> component in the NoProjectSelected.jsx component
  5. replace the <NewProject /> component with the <NoProjectSelected /> component in App.jsx

6. Managing State to Switch Between Components

  1. add a ProjectsState with useState() in App.jsx
  2. create a handleStartAddProject() function, then use it on <ProjectsSidebar /> & < NoProjectSelected />
  3. use the onStartAddProject prop in ProjectsSidebar.jsx & NoProjectSelected.jsx components
  4. add a content variable to conditonally output either the <NoProjectSelected /> or the <NewProject /> components

7. Collecting User Input with Refs & Forwarded Refs

  1. collect user input values with useRef() in the NewProject.jsx component
  2. import forwardRef from React & use it in Input.jsx
  3. add a handleSave() function in NewProject.jsx
  4. add a handleAddProject() function in App.jsx
  5. invoke handleAddProject() inside NewProject.jsx

8. Handling Project Creation & Updating the UI

  1. close the form if we click on Save button by setting selectedId to undefined in handleAddProject() in App.js
  2. output the projects list in ProjectsSidebar.jsx

9. Validating User Input & Showing an Error Modal via useImperativeHandle

  1. create a Modal.jsx component
  2. write conditions for showing either error modal or validating the form in NewProject.jsx
  3. use createPortal() from react-dom to render the modal in a different place from the DOM
  4. use forwardRef() & useImperativeHandle() hooks from react to make the modal even more flexible
  5. use the <Modal /> component in NewProject.jsx

10. Styling the Modal via Tailwind CSS

  1. apply styles in NewProject.jsx & Modal.jsx
  2. make the Cancel button work in NewProject.jsx with help of the handleCancelAddProject() function

11. Making Projects Selectable & Viewing Project Details

  1. add a new SelectedProject.jsx component
  2. output the <SelectedProject /> component in ProjectsSidebar.jsx
    1. make sure that the projects can be selected by adding a handleSelectProject() function in App.jsx
    2. extract the onSelectProject prop from App.jsx in ProjectsSidebar.jsx and connect it to the button
    3. highlight which project was selected with help of the selectedProjectId
  3. use the <SelectedProject /> and output it in App.jsx if a project was selected
  4. configure the onClick prop in ProjectsSidebar.jsx so that you can pass the to onSelectProject prop

12. Handling Project Deletion

  1. add a handleDeleteProject() function in App.jsx
  2. extract the onDelete prop from App.jsx and connect it to the <button> in SelectedProject.jsx

13. Adding "Project Tasks" & A Tasks Component

  1. create a Tasks.jsx component
  2. output the <Tasks /> component in SelectedProject.jsx
  3. create a NewTask.jsx component to add new tasks to the project
  4. output the <NewTask /> component in Tasks.jsx

14. Managing Tasks & Understanding Prop Drilling

  1. extract the value entered by the user into the <input /> in NewTask.jsx with help of useState()
  2. when the button is clicked in NewTask.jsx, forward this task information in App.jsx to store it
  3. use prop drilling to forward functions into several layers of components
  4. output the tasks in the Tasks.jsx component
  5. use prop drilling to forward the tasks prop to all the related components

15. Clearing Tasks & Fixing Minor Bugs

  1. add a new handleDeleteTask in App.jsx
  2. connect the function to the <button> in Tasks.jsx

16. Fixing More Bugs

  1. make tasks unique for each project